I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 500 Protecting Their Sister

White Sand Beach, Naeelis Island, Kokoro Islands.

The Sisterhood of Goddesses was having a meeting in one of the luxurious villas of the Avalon Resort Hotel.

"I believe most of you know what Ryoko went through during an internship at Sakura City." Kaori started.

When the girls heard that, they narrowed their eyes as they remembered what Ryoko had told them.

They all were pretty upset when they heard about all the awful things that Ryoko went through with that bastard, but they couldn't do anything about it so they could only let it go.

"In the last week, I had my people investigate that scum and I found enough evidence to bury this guy. But I figured before I did something drastic, I had to tell Ryoko about it. But I was in doubt if telling her about it would be good for her. So, I summoned this meeting to discuss the best way to deal with this situation." Kaori explained simply with a calm voice.

Although Kaori was calm, the girls were nothing but calm!

They showed a myriad of emotions as they heard Kaori's explanation.

Ayia and Shizuka's faces twitched when they heard that as the two girls knew that their sister had used her private force to dig all the dirt about this guy. They already knew that Kaori was super protective of the people close to her, but they didn't expect for her to act so quickly.

While Ayia and Shizuka wondered how far their sister went, the other girls showed bewildered and amazed faces. They were shocked by Kaori's resources to investigate someone so thoroughly, and they were also amazed that she could pull something like that.

They all had the same thought of relief to know that Kaori was with them and not against them.

"In my opinion, I think we should tell everything to Ryoko." Sam started, "One of our rules is to never do something detrimental to one of the sisters, and going Ryoko's back counts."

"But Ryoko will only relive those awful moments if we bring this subject back. She seems so happy in her new job." Kumiko commented.

"She may be happy, but I think she needs closure on this subject so she can move on with her life without fearing her past." Sayuri argued.

"But it doesn't matter her answer, we have to bury this guy without any hesitation. He can't continue free to do the same thing to another woman." June commented with narrowed eyes.

"I agree with June. He has to go down in the end." Vivian added.

"How about Ryoko then?" Umaru asked.

"Hmm, how about we talk with Ryoko? We can be honest with her and tell what Kaori discovered. We can also tell her about our plans. But she can choose to be part of the plan or not." Ayia suggested.

"I agree with Ayia-nee-chan. We should be honest with Ryoko and leave the decision to her." Aurora nodded.

"Does everyone agree with Ayia's suggestion?" Shizuka asked.

Everyone expressed their agreement when they heard Shizuka's question.

"It's decided then. Ryoko will come online in 20 minutes and we can tell her everything then." Shizuka informed.

Everyone let out a smile when they heard that, it would be their first action as a sisterhood. And their first action was for the sake of protecting one of their sisters. So, they couldn't be happier that the sisterhood was doing its job as a group to protect its members.

Kaori let out a happy smile when she saw that, she was happy that her sisterhood sisters were wise enough to decide on the best course of action.

"While Ryoko doesn't come online, we can address some other topics." Shizuka declared as she moved the meeting.

For the next 20 minutes, the sisterhood discussed some topics related to the group.

But when Ryoko entered the call, they all stopped what they were doing.

"Good morning, girls!" Ryoko exclaimed, "Sorry for the delay, girls."

Through her screen image, they could see that she was in her work office.

"Morning? It's night here, Ryoko!"

"Good night, Ryoko!"


The girls greeted the blue-haired girl with enthusiasm.

They made small talk for a minute before Shizuka drew their attention.

"Now that Ryoko entered the meeting, we have something extremely important to discuss." Shizuka started, "And it's related to you, Ryoko."

Ryoko was a little confused when she heard that, so she just stayed silent and waited for the rest of the explanation.

"Kaori had a few findings. Ka-chan, it's better if you explain everything." Shizuka said.

Ryoko was even more confused when she heard that, but she still looked at Kaori's image on the screen with curious eyes.

Kaori wasn't nervous at all with everyone looking at her as she started explaining everything that occurred.

She explained everything she found about the guy and about all the evidence she gathered about his crimes.

The more Ryoko listened to it, the more she felt like she was in the middle of a tornado of emotions.

She felt so bad when she remembered all the humiliating things she went through.

She felt so awful when she remembered how the career she loved working with was almost destroyed after she decided that she would rather be fired than be subject to the final humiliating act.

She also felt immense anger as she remembered about it, but she also felt a helpless feeling of not being able to do anything about it.

But at that moment, Ryoko also felt immense gratitude to Kaori and the girls. She knew that they were doing that only because they cared about her.

Her heart warmed as she realized what great lengths Kaori went to be able to avenge her.

She also felt happy that they were honest and told her about it.

When Kaori said that Ryoko could choose to be part of the striking team or not and that they would respect her decision, Ryoko almost cried here and there.

The multitude of emotions made her a little difficult for her to make a sober decision.

The girls saw that Ryoko was almost crying, and their hearts contristed when they saw that. They vowed to destroy the person that made their sister cry!

They made silent and waited patiently for Ryoko to reply.

It was only a few minutes later, that Ryoko managed to get hold of her emotions and think about what she wanted to do.

"Although I despise that bastard from the bottom of my heart, there is one thing I'm grateful about him." Ryoko started.

The girls were taken aback when they heard that, but they didn't have any time to reply before Ryoko continued, "If I didn't go through everything I did, I would never have left Sakura City. I would never be able to meet Theo and receive the job of my dreams. I would never be able to meet you all. I don't have any family left in this world. But when I'm among you all, I feel like I found my family." Ryoko said with a bright smile.

The girls felt the tears coming as they heard Ryoko's words.

They all felt the same way!


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