I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 499 Sisterhood

"The total amount received was $15.229.789,47." Sylph informed the exact amount that the Track Co. had sent him.

Although Theo already expected a number like that, he was still shocked that he managed to earn more than 15 million dollars with the streaming of his album.

He also had to consider that his album only managed to go viral after the third day, so if he maintained the current streaming number, Theo expected to receive an ever grander amount of money relative to streaming during this January. 

Another point was that this money only came from his earning on the Track platform, but if Theo added the earnings from his video clips on the Ruby platform, he would also receive another enormous amount of money.

"Are you sure that the government officials won't notice such an increase in my bank account?" Theo asked suddenly.

Even though he didn't want to mess with the government, he still didn't want them to mess with his business.

"Yes, the offshore bank account is completely safe against government inspections and investigations. It's untrackable." Sylph replied simply.

Theo heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that.

'This means that the System didn't lie to me when it gave me this account.' He thought.

One of his first gains from the system was this untrackable bank account, at that time he thought it was a useless reward. But it was only by earning tons of money that he understood how great this reward was.

Theo could cheat the tax money he had to pay the government and they wouldn't even notice.

But he could only do that with his personal money, his companies still had to pay taxes like everyone else.

"Anyways, I should keep this money as I have three big projects that will demand a lot of money." Theo muttered as he remembered his projects.

The first one was building a large printing factory for his publishing house. Theo still remembered what Sam told him. She said that he would have to invest more than 200 million dollars in it.

The second project was the expansion of his coffee shop franchise, a project that would demand another 100 million dollars according to Haruto.

The third project was the opening of his gaming company which would require as much money as he could fork out.

That was because he wasn't even counting on the money he had to invest in his animation studio to produce all the animes he planned to make.

Theo knew that the money from his music album wouldn't be enough to pay for all these investments, but he also knew that after his anime streaming service was launched, he would be able to earn lots of money.

Especially after he gave a considerable amount of money to Ryoko for her to buy the streaming rights of some famous animes out there.

As the Sakura Abode Country was the nation to be mirrored around the world, the anime lovers on Azure Star were much more numerous than on Earth.

They were so much more numerous that the two sides couldn't even be compared.

After all, just having an anime award show (Myriad Award) that was as important as the Alexandrite (Oscar) Award, we can understand that the films and animes were equally consumed on Azure Star.

And because of the thriving anime industry of the Sakura Abode Country, the other countries followed suit and also produced their own animes. But the level of success that the Sakurean Animes had couldn't be replicated. That's why the big studios in Sakura City often sold the viewing rights of their animes to transmit in other countries. They made a lot of money this way.

Theo considered selling the viewing rights of his animes in other countries, but he gave up when he realized that bringing his streaming platform there would be much easier and more profitable.

"Anyways, I can think about that when I go back to work." Theo muttered as he picked up his phone again to pass the time until he had to leave.

While Theo relaxed while going through his social media as he waited for the time to leave, in another villa on the island, some girls were reunited.

They all talked loudly and excitedly among each other.

13 girls of all ages were reunited.

"Okay, girls!" Shizuka shouted softly.

When they heard her shout, they all looked at her, "We are reunited here because one of us asked for a meeting."

After all the experiences they went through together, the girls considered themselves part of a sisterhood.

They even created a group chat with the only girls, without Theo and the other two boys. 

They named the Sisterhood of Goddesses.

Their goal as a sisterhood was to take care of each sister and support each other when they faced a problem.

They had some rules, and one of them was that they couldn't anyone about the sisterhood.

And of course, Kaori and Ryoko were also part of the sisterhood.

When the two of them heard about the idea, they agreed to be part of it without any hesitation.

Ryoko was excited about the idea of having a group of girls supporting each other. While Kaori felt happy to be part of something that would help the people she loved.

Their first meeting was a few days ago, and they decided on the rules and configuration of the group.

For example, every girl in the sisterhood had equal standings, but they still needed someone to lead the group. So, they decided that they would vote among themselves to be the representative.

Each representative/president could occupy the position for one year before another girl had to assume the position, and no girl could occupy the position for consecutive terms. This way they could avoid someone hogging the president position.

In that same meeting, Shizuka was elected to be the first president of the sisterhood.

She was extremely surprised when she heard that she received so many votes.

But the others were not that surprised as they all felt that Shizuka was the only suitable choice.

That's why everyone stopped talking when Shizuka asked to, they had to respect their president!

"This is our second official meeting. We have several things to address, and we have limited time to do it as we'll leave the hotel at 10 pm." Shizuka explained.

The girls nodded when they heard that.

"One of our sisters, Ryoko, will not attend today as she is busy with her work." Shizuka explained, "But Kaori would like to address some problem she had that is related to Ryoko. Nee-chan, you can speak now."

The girls were intrigued when they heard that, so they immediately looked at the screen that showed Kaori's face.

They wanted to know what the problem was that demanded a sisterhood meeting.


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