I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 501 Proud Sisters, Planning Theo's Demise, and Emel's Nightlife

Chapter 501  Proud Sisters, Planning Theo's Demise, and Emel's Nightlife

"That's why I won't be part of it. Currently, we're in the middle of the anime production, and I feel like if I become part of this action, I won't be able to focus on the production." Ryoko said with a small smile, "And that's the last thing I want. I won't betray the trust that Theo placed in me. I want my mind focused on the anime project as I feel so happy working on it. And just knowing that he will get what he deserves is enough to give me peace of mind."

The girls were a little taken aback when they heard that.

They expected that Ryoko would be eager to exact her vengeance, but it seemed like their sister already moved on with her life.

She seemed so happy when she talked about her job, only now they understood how much she loved her job.

They couldn't be more proud of her decision.

It was a very mature and clear decision that showed that Ryoko had made peace with her past and was ready to live the rest of her life without mulling over what happened.

"We respect your decision, Ryoko." Shizuka declared.

"Yeah, we are so proud of you, Ryoko!"

"You are so strong!"

"We'll tell you what happened to him in the end."


The girls offered words of appreciation and support as they genuinely felt happy for her.

Just like that, the meeting went on for another half an hour before they finished talking about everything they wanted.

Kaori and Ryoko bade everyone goodbye before disconnecting the call. They had to go back to work.

"We should go back to our own villas, or the boys will get suspicious." One of them commented.

"Do you think that they know something about our meetings?"

"I don't think Kin and Max know anything. I'm sorry, Lauren, but the two of them are not that bright."

"Hahaha, I know my Max is not that bright."

"But I think Theo knows about the sisterhood."

"I think so as well! The day after our first meeting, he kept looking at us with an amused face."

"I wish I could punch that smug face!"

"We shouldn't underestimate him. He is too smart for his own good."

"Hey, his girlfriend and sister are here..."

"Sorry, Aurora, Ayia."

"Don't worry about it. I won't tell my brother anything. But after knowing for years, I can say for sure that he knows something about the sisterhood."

"How should we deal with him?"

"How about..."


Just like that, the sisterhood started to plan a way to deal with their problem, also known as Theo!

At the moment that they were doing that, Theo felt goosebumps coursing through his body.

"What's that? Someone's talking about me?" Theo muttered, "But why do I feel like someone is planning my demise?"

After thinking about it, he arrived at a few options, and the most prominent was the girls were planning something against him.

Just like the girls feared, Theo indeed was aware of their sisterhood.

Theo had Sylph maintaining a constant watch over the villas and security systems around them. So, a few nights ago, when Sylph notified him that all the girls were gathering together secretly, he got curious.

So, he asked Sylph to hack into the cameras inside the villa to know what they were doing. That way, Theo was able to listen and watch the first meeting of their sisterhood.

Theo was amused by their idea, but he didn't interfere with it as it was indeed a good idea.

This way the girls could get closer and take care of each other.

Theo was especially happy that Aurora made so many friends that were good enough to care about each other's well-being.

So, he instructed Sylph to monitor them every time they had a sisterhood meeting. He wouldn't watch it, but he wanted Sylph to check if they were doing anything dangerous.

He would respect their privacy, but he still wanted to help them.

That's why he had a funny face when he looked at them the next day.

"They probably caught on that I know something about the sisterhood." Theo laughed, "They will probably attack me and demand an explication."

"How should act?"

"Scared? No, Aurora will notice that I'll be acting scared..."

"I should just be honest and hide some details. This way Aurora won't be able to notice my lie."

"That will be so funny!" Theo laughed out loud once again.

Just like that, the hours went by, and the time they agreed to leave arrived.

For their last night on the Kokoro Islands, they chose to do something that they didn't do in the last few days.

They chose to party!

They would enjoy the nightlife in the capital of the islands.

As a metropolis, Emel had a thriving nightlife filled with all kinds of attractions.

They would get wasted and party the whole night!

At 10 pm, they all showed up in front of the villas where some cars were waiting for them.

Because Emel was a little far from the hotel, they would be traveling there by helicopter. This way, the trip which would last around 1.5 hours by car, it would last less than 20 minutes by helicopter.

The cars drove them to the heliport where the three helicopters they were familiar with were waiting for them.

In the last few days, they had traveled on them on a few other occasions, so they were already used to traveling in them.

"Come on, guys! I want to get wasted tonight!" Max exclaimed before heading toward the helicopter.

The others laughed and agreed before embarking the helicopters as well.

20 minutes later, through the helicopter's windows, they were able to see the thriving city of Emel.

Saturday night was the time that most people chose to leave their houses to enjoy the nightlife.

That's why the group had a wide selection of places they could go.

For example, some cover bands were performing in a nightclub, and it was there that they chose to make their first stop of the night.

After the helicopters delivered them to a building in the city center, they took some hotel cars toward the nightclub.

Theo and the others refused a security team from the hotel

following them throughout the night, but they accepted to have some drivers available to transport them anywhere they wanted.

This way they would be move around the best spots of the city without worrying about where to get there.

When they arrived at the nightclub, they discovered that the hotel had reserved a private room for them where they would be able to watch the bands performing.

The loud sound coming from the performing band was the soundtrack of the moment.

From their private room, through the club's multicolored lights, they were able to see the people dancing crazily to the song.

They all had a drink in their hands as they gathered and clinked their cups.


The night was just starting, and they would enjoy it as if there was no tomorrow!



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