I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 126: Wrath: Escalated to War

Chapter 126: Wrath: Escalated to War

The number of white wolves was already in the hundreds at the exit to the evacuation site. That meant, in the original place where the Red Gate got located, it would get even more overflowing than the exit place had.

Dal-soo, who should be able to control the situation, seemed to have a hard time helping the other hunters. Actually, hundreds of beasts were not a complex matter for him. Moreover, their level was still on par with A-rank hunters. However, because the creatures kept on coming like an endless stream, it left him with no other choice but not to back down. He was also worried about the side of the hunters at the Red Gate. Undoubtedly, the number of those beasts was three times more than where he was.

Hunters ranked C-and below managed to lead the Werewolf away from the crowd of people. Meanwhile, the police and soldiers were still busy getting those people out.

Some of those officers wanted to immediately close the isolation zone door without regard for the remaining people. It couldn’t get helped. The firearm machines on the blockade wall didn’t work at all against the beasts. Moreover, it shot from a high position downwards, aiming straight at the white wolves’ golden armor. So, the creatures looked like they were immune to bullets, leaving the officers in fear and panic in their hearts.

The increasingly tense and depressing atmosphere made some people impatient in the queue. The pushing and shoving situation occurred again, this time more chaotic than before, to the extent that the officers in charge had to use physical means to calm the crowd.

However, that did not make the people obedient and calm despite the light blows from the police and soldiers. It was not enough to overthrow the people’s fear of death. Some even ran away from the exit and rushed to find a hiding place, far from the monsters.

But even so, the soldiers and police did not give up so easily. They were still trying to get these people out as soon as possible. Military trucks were also ready outside the exit to transport the residents away from the isolation zone.

Dong-hyun and Yu-jin separate from the group of hunters who were dealing with the Werewolf. It was because one or two white wolves had escaped the Godly Doctor.

“Attack as usual. When those beasts dodge your magic spell, I will hit with magic without chanting.”

“Okay, I understand,” Dong-hyun said.

Even though the two of them had previously encountered beings from a tier-4 Portal Gate, they still felt a little nervous, especially with the civilians behind them running for their lives.

“Magic of Fire, Flames Bolt!”

Two fireballs with a diameter of 30 cm flew towards the two white wolves. Those strikes were absolutely too weak compared to the attacks of S-rank hunters. Even the speed was not comparable, and the two beasts easily dodged while still running forward, aiming for the civilians.

But, that was what Yu-jin was after. Weak attacks and Dong-hyun’s conspicuous presence would render the beasts oblivious to their surroundings for a moment.

Yu-jin’s palms clapped forward. Her hands shone, and two small fiery arrows appeared. It was the simplified version of God’s Arrow. She focused on condensing the fire element so that its penetration was powerful.

The two small fire arrows were not designed for the two white wolves. Yu-jin knew her limits and didn’t overdo it. If she greedily attacked the two beasts, her two small fire arrows would not be enough. On the other hand, if she used four magic summon, the magical energy emitted would make the white wolves wary. Thus, her existence would immediately get discovered, and the element of surprise would only disappear because of it.

Rather than taking the risk that it might fail, it was better to use a guaranteed way of getting rid of one beast.

And sure enough, the white wolf that got positioned closer to Yu-jin was shot by the two small fiery arrows. One hit the lower neck of the beast and the other to the right hind leg.

The lone white wolf that was still alive was startled and immediately twisted around, charging toward Yu-jin.

“Magic of Fire, Supernova!”

Yu-jin herself swiftly used her magic spell, and her eyes turned to illuminate golden color. Her skin was like a stone burning by high-temperature flames, and she began to hover above the ground.

Zaapp, Hwossh–

Yu-jin’s entire body turned into a scorching sun and radiated intense heat towards the beast. Her whole body got enveloped by an extreme fire. Even the ground and some of the vehicles near her started to melt.

However, it did not affect the beast wearing the golden armor. It kept speeding and pounced on Yu-jin.

Yu-jin gritted her teeth and managed to catch the white wolf’s forelegs while holding back the fangs that wanted to devour her head. Suddenly, her body shook, and the flames on her body burned brighter and brighter. That, of course, also increased her temperature and firepower.

The white wolf that should have the advantage in raw strength was powerless to pull or push the front paws out of Yu-jin’s grasp. The fire that became hotter made the beast even more erratic and wanted to run away from Yu-jin. But, it was a wasted effort. Yu-jin’s grip managed to crush the white wolf’s front legs due to the help of the fire that started to melt the part.

In that dire situation, Yu-jin delivers the final blow. She opened her mouth and roared while releasing all the flames in her body to burn the white wolf to the ground.


There was a big fire explosion. Luckily, Dong-hyun was there and used magic without chanting to create a wall of fire. So, the blast didn’t hit the civilians behind them.

Clouds of dust and debris scattered in the air after the fire explosion. Dong-hyun nimbly got into it and got Yu-jin out of it.

“Are you alright? You managed to kill two beasts at once that are on par with tier-4 Portal Gate creatures. You’re strong, Yu-jin~si.”

“You’re exaggerating too much. Beat me. I’m too tired right now. That magic is almost draining my Mana. I need to recharge it as soon as possible.”

Yu-jin then sat on the ground to rest. She took out a Magic Crystal from her trouser pocket. Even though that one wasn’t enough to replenish her Mana, it was enough to restore a quarter of her capacity.

Dong-hyun, who saw that, also took his two Magic Crystals from his pocket and handed them to Yu-jin.

“Use these two. At least, it’ll be enough to restore half your Mana.”

Yu-jin looked at Dong-hyun with narrowed eyes. “What are you doing? All of a sudden, like this? Did you take the wrong medicine this morning, huh?”


Dong-hyun laughed awkwardly with his eyes closed and rubbed the back of his head. “The magic, in the beginning, didn’t use much Mana, so I didn’t need these. And it would be better if you had it because your magics was Area Of Effect. It will be more useful later than my magic, which is just for targeting.”

Currently, Dong-hyun was being stared at by Yu-jin tensely. It ended up leaving him at a loss for what to do.

However, Yu-jin sighed and took the two Magic Crystals. She knew how important it was to restore Mana as quickly as possible and restrain the beasts’ advance along with the Werewolf on the other side.

If the hunters managed to hold off the creatures until all the citizens got out of the door and away from the isolation zone. Then, their job got concluded. After that, they could use kiting tactics while keeping their numbers small without worrying that there would be casualties on the side of ordinary humans.

While absorbing the Mana from the Magic Crystal, Yu-jin stared at the Werewolf. Dong-hyun also did the same.

“We have to focus on that creature over there. The Werewolf must be the key to all this.”

“I think so too. We must do everything in our power to bring down that creature. With the two of us and other several hunters facing off against it, I’m sure we’ll succeed.”

Dong-hyun then turned his gaze to Yu-jin. “I’ll go first. Follow later when you’ve filled up your Mana.”

Yu-jin nodded to Dong-hyun. She wanted to quickly absorb all the Mana from the three Magic Crystals. So, she could immediately help the others.

It was getting dark, and the atmosphere was tense in Seoul, as seen from a collection of smoke and fire clouds that came into sight from a distance of 5 km outside the isolation zone.

The situation escalated to the scale of war. The number of creatures from the four Red Gates had already reached around 7300, including the dead. As for the hunters, there were a total of about 2000 people in Seoul right now. That also included those who got injured as well as dead.

The incident had reached the international community. Even some neighboring countries were discussing sending reinforcements to South Korea.


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