I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 127: Wrath: The Development

Chapter 127: Wrath: The Development

In the other three districts, the situation was not much different from that in Mapo. The hunters were unable to stop the creatures that almost never stopped coming out of the Red Gate.

Also, no matter how powerful the S-rank hunters were, they wouldn’t be able to control a situation on tens of thousands of scale. It got coupled with having to fight in a state to protect other hunters from the attacks of the beasts. That was a difficult circumstance.

“Hyung~nim, this isn’t going to work. I just came here to help, and a quarter of my Mana is gone. If this continues, the remaining options are to retreat or perish together with those creatures.”

Dal-shik grumbled beside Chairman Yu. The development of the Red Gate situation was totally beyond his expectations.

That was not to say that S-rank hunters had never dealt with the Red Gate possessing high-level creatures before. It was just that, what they were now facing was not one, but four at once. And their fighting power was so divided that there weren’t enough people to keep the beasts at bay. And also, with Dungeon Owners being hard to find, adding to the lineup of problems for those hunters.

Meanwhile, Chairman Yu and Dal-shik were resting to catch their breath, while other hunters held off the white wolves to stay near the Red Gate.

Yes, it was true. The S-rank hunters were resting, and the lower-rank hunters were holding back the creatures. It was a unique and rare sight.

“Sir, there’s a new report coming.”

“Later. We must focus on keeping the beasts at bay. By now, many have escaped from this place.”

The Hunters Association staff, who was about to report the situation, looked troubled by Chairman Yu’s answer. However, he had no other choice but to ignore the order. What he was about to say was very important. Even so, contrary to the status of superiors and subordinates.

“Sir, the exit to the evacuation site from Mapo district must get closed without hesitation because of the flood of white wolves.”

Chairman Yu immediately turned his head to look at the Hunters Association staff cynically.

“What did you say!? On whose orders!?”

The Hunters Association staff swallowed hard. Nevertheless, he had to report the latest situation. Only Chairman Yu had the highest authority there.

“Oh Dal-soo~nim is having a hard time dealing with hundreds of white wolves, causing chaos there, and the blockade is at risk of being penetrated by these beasts if it is not closed soon. In the end, Mr. President, who got evacuated from the Blue House, ordered to shut the Seoul area until all The Red Gates were closed.

“The order applies directly to all officials and hunters under the direction of the Hunters Association.”

“D*mn it!!”

Hearing that, Chairman Yu was instantly furious, and his veins were visible on his temples. He was angry not because of Mr. President’s decision but rather the inability of the hunters to deal with the problems in Seoul at the moment.

Mr. President’s decision got taken, of course, out of consideration to save as many lives as possible from Seoul. He couldn’t hesitate to make a judgment and sometimes needed to be cruel. If it was not closed, the residents on their way to the evacuation site might become victims of the beasts that had escaped the isolation zone.

As the leader of the country, Mr. President must think about the survival of his people. He couldn’t take the risk of sacrificing everyone who had got rushed to the evacuation site.

However, it also showed how weak a country was against the crisis it faced when it needed to sacrifice some for the safety of the majority.

Many people think that all problems could get the best solution and get a happy ending. In fact, in reality, it was different. It was not a novel or a film that could get changed with just a pen. It was a situation where one had to make decisions as quickly as possible if didn’t want to have an immense loss for a country.

It was the leader’s job to make decisions in critical situations and not dream in broad daylight. So to hope that all problems got solved in the blink of an eye.

And Chairman Yu, who also knew the burden of a leader, knew very well what Mr. President was carrying on his shoulders.

“Oh, yes. The report also mentions that a werewolf has got seen with the white wolves that escaped from here.”



Both Chairman Yu and Dal-shik got taken back to hear that the Dungeon Owner of Mapo’s Red Gate was suddenly there.

Chairman Yu had previously ordered several hunters to track down the werewolf and report back if they had found the creature. Meanwhile, he tried to restrain the beasts from staying at the Red Gate’s area.

Knowing the solution was in sight, he immediately acted without much ado.

“Dal-shik~ah, I’ll leave you here alone. I feel I need to help Dal-soo to keep the exit safe. And also, this is a chance to close the Red Gate.”

Dal-shik nodded his head, agreeing with Chairman Yu’s arrangement. He alone would not get killed by the beasts. It was just that he wouldn’t be able to keep all the white wolves in place.

Chairman Yu also knew that doing so would allow some beasts to roam the Mapo district. But closing the Red Gate was the top priority right now. Stopping the flow of Portal Gate creatures would reduce the risk of fatalities. Either from the hunters’ side or the civilians.

In the Yongsan district, the situation was quite precarious for the hunters. The death toll had reached around 40 people.

The combat power of the Devil Baboons was remarkably lethal. One hit from the beast was devastating enough. No hunter could directly block it. However, dodging the beasts’ attack was also tough since their movements were pretty agile even though their bodies were large.

Bae Jo-hyun, as the only S-rank hunter in there, had been struggling to face and kill the Devil Baboons. Her Mana had already got drained by half, but the number of the beasts had never decreased. Sometimes, it felt like it was multiplying even more.

‘Why hasn’t the guild master found the Dungeon Owner yet? After all, it had been hours since he had gone looking for the creature.

‘If this continues, I won’t be able to survive in this place.’

Jo-hyun tightened her mouth and continued to use fire magic to fight the Devil Baboons. The magic with fire element often got used by hunters because of its great damage and was suitable for the crowds of beasts.

Luckily, it wasn’t long before an S-rank hunter from the Shadow guild came as reinforcements. At least, it could lighten Jo-hyun’s burden to fight and hold back the Devil Baboons, even though one was not enough.

On the other hand, in the Jongno district, many areas far from the Red Gate got burned to the ground. Clouds of smoke rose high into the sky. Chief Lee and Gang-ho were already separated when the fire started.

The only one capable of casting fire magic in the district was the Dungeon Owner. It was because the skeleton soldiers could only swing their scrap swords and use their battered wooden shields.

In that place, the hunters did not have any casualties. However, all of them were already exhausted and began to make mistakes that caused some of them to get slashed by the scrap sword.

As for Gang-ho’s side that crashed into the fire, there was no doubt there would be a great fight with the Undead Knight later.

The Red Gate in the Jongno district seemed to be closing soon before any casualties occurred. That was if the development followed based on such a situation. At least, that could be a sign things were starting to get a little better.

Meanwhile, on the Dongdaemun district side, the Red Gate area had been abandoned by the hunters. Along with Seol In-ah and Seo Ji-soo.

All the hunters focused on the exit to the evacuation site. It was because they could take advantage of the blockade wall, which was 11 meters high. The Demonic Bats would surely be easier to reach with a somewhat high position.

At the exit, the door was not closed at all despite the President’s orders. It could get said that there were a total of five S-rank hunters on the blockade wall. Besides In-ah and Ji-soo, Lee Dong-hae from the Shadow guild and Jo Pil-suk and Cho Jin-woon from the Artates guild were also there.

Because of that, all the officials in that place have the confidence to deal with the flying beasts. After all, the Demonic Bats were able to pass through walls easily. So, the police and soldiers focused on getting the civilians out rather than closing the door to prevent the beasts from going outside the isolation zone.

Earth, lightning, and ice elemental magic were the most widely used by hunters to prevent the flying beasts from leaving the place. The sound of machine guns also sounded non-stop above the wall.

Even in this district, it looked like they could handle the situation with ease.


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