I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 125: Wrath: Regain Consciousness

Chapter 125: Wrath: Regain Consciousness

Sure enough, the situation in the four districts was even more chaotic than before. Regardless, they had killed hundreds of creatures that had come out of the Red Gate. The S-rank hunters that served as the pillars of leadership in four areas were finally exhausted.

The death toll from the hunters had already started. The reinforcements that got expected were not able to match the number of those creatures.

The situation was getting out of control. And the hundreds of Red Gate creatures were starting to get out of hand. The beasts had already begun to disperse and leave the hunter’s defensive perimeter.

At every exit to the evacuation site, slowly but surely, panic began to emerge. Police and Army are really tired of taking care of everyone who wants to get out of the isolation zone. Time had passed for more than 6 hours, but the entire population of Seoul had not got evacuated yet.

At the exit near the Mapo district, Dong-hyun and Yu-jin finally meet Ji-woo’s family.

Elijah and Ji-won get to the last line of the crowd to get out. At first, the schoolchildren had top priority, and Ji-won got the chance to get out of the isolation zone. But, she refused and went to her mother’s food stall after Ji-woo didn’t pick up her call many times.

Ji-won arrived in a panic. Fortunately, Elijah tried to calm her daughter down. She also made an effort to call Ji-woo as Ji-won did. But, there was no answer at all.

“Did you two see Ji-woo? Auntie couldn’t reach him since.”

Elijah asked with a worried and sweaty face. And Ji-won, who was beside her, was at the end of her tears because the crowded residents caused panic.

Both Dong-hyun and Yu-jin shook their heads helplessly. They immediately pull Elijah and Ji-won aside to avoid being pushed by the crowd.

“I’m sure Ji-woo Hyung is fine. Maybe, he’s trapped outside and trying to get in here.” Dong-hyun tried to comfort Elijah.

“Yes, auntie. Ji-woo~si is a strong person. I’m sure nothing bad will happen to him.” Yu-jin chimed in.

“Is that so? Aunty doesn’t really know how she usually works. Aunty is just worried about not being able to contact her.”

The usual nonchalant Yu-jin approached and grabbed Elijah’s hand. She gently patted the hands a few times to calm the restless Elijah. She then looked at Ji-won and caressed her hair while muttering some words.

“Everything will be fine.”

Teng, Boom!

Out of the blue, car explosions occurred not far from the exit. All ordinary people reflexively lowered their heads and covered their respective tops and those closest to them.

The hunters who were there also immediately reacted. Some jumped and stood at the end of the evacuation queue. The debris and fire from the car explosions were swept away by them, and no one got hurt.

Dozens of white wolves paced leisurely towards the people near the exit. The beasts looked very relaxed while gnashing their teeth and fangs.

The hunters also gritted their teeth, looking at the tens of those beasts. It got considered a severe matter, as almost all the top-ranked hunters got sent to the Red Gate in the four districts. Meanwhile, those at the exit consisted of only C-rank hunters and below. It was a sincerely unfavorable situation.


A dusty explosion broke out between the white wolves and the hunters. In an instant, the dust cloud disappeared because of the wind magic, and the figure of the Godly Doctor appeared.

“You guys take care of the evacuation process as soon as possible. Let me take care of these creatures.”

“Yes, sir!”

The hunters immediately gave an answer and rushed to take care of the remaining people.

The white wolves wearing golden armor also moved when they saw the movements of the hunters. However, the beasts’ advance got stopped by Dal-soo.

Dal-soo utilized the blue translucent threads to lock in all the movements of the white wolves, including the necks of the beasts.

“Life Death Threads!”

At that moment, all the white wolves fell to the ground after being killed by the blue thread. The beasts died by being dismembered in parts not protected by the golden armor.

Dal-soo then dispelled the blue translucent threads after successfully killing the white wolves in an instant. He wanted to turn around to look towards the exit of the isolation zone. But, there was a voice that kept him from doing that.

“You’re too fast to relax, human.”

Dal-soo tried to see where the voice was coming from. Instead, he got greeted by dozens of other new white wolves. He widened his eyes at the number. That was almost double the previous amount.

He clicked his tongue. His blue translucent threads would not be able to withstand and kill all those beasts. But even so, he still tried it. He spread his hands, and from his fingers came the blue thread from before.

In the end, he managed to catch some of the white wolves, while the others nimbly avoided the blue threads’ ambush.

Without thinking, Dal-soo immediately killed the captured beasts and tried to take care of the rest. Unexpectedly, he got attacked by a creature that was quite large before he could kill those white wolves.

The blue translucent threads could not stop the creature, and he chose to fend off with both arms.

It turned out to be a Werewolf, and its feet landed firmly on Dal-soo’s arms.

“Not bad, human. However, my target isn’t you.”

Dal-soo realized something was not making sense. The Werewolf’s foot that on him was not actually an attack but rather to gain a foothold.


Dal-soo wanted to grab the Werewolf’s leg. But, it was too late.

The Werewolf leaped swiftly towards the exit and finally landed on the blockade wall. The creature hung on its claws and looked at the human below.

“So they isolated the doorway. No wonder I didn’t find a single human along the way.”

The Werewolf smirked. With him there, it was no doubt that the place would get attacked by white wolves. The creature’s smell was typical among white wolves, so it was no wonder they knew where the exit was. In other words, the Werewolf himself directed the beasts to come to where he was.

The Werewolf knew that he would stand no chance of winning if he fought a hunter like Dal-soo. But, it was a different story if he had a lot of human shields. The creature had been in hiding for a long time, waiting for the white wolves to escape from the place of the Red Gate. So, it was time to wreak havoc with their large number. If there indeed a threatening danger, later on, the Werewolf would not hesitate to run away again.

“W-What is that!?”

“Th-That on the wall is a Werewolf!?”

“That creature is h-big and s-so scary.”

Dal-soo clenched his teeth and wanted to rush over there. But then, his movement got stopped by the swarm of white wolves. Looking at the massive beasts, he couldn’t understand where they had come from or how they had escaped the Red Gate’s defensive perimeter area.

The hunters were swiftly looking for a position to confront the Werewolf after they handed over their previous affairs to the police and soldiers. They couldn’t help but profusely sweat as they faced the Werewolf’s Mana Presence. The Mana difference between them was too huge. And it caused the hunters to have a hard time breathing.

“Hyung~nim, will this go according to your plan?”

“Yeah, Hyung~nim. There’s the Godly Doctor over there. He’s an S-rank hunter. We’ll die if we mess with the Demigod guild. We’d better go back to where we were before and only loot what’s there.”

“Shut up! You useless bastards! Learn to be patient. This is only the beginning. When the situation gets worse, the opportunity will come to us. Just wait calmly!”

The other hunters looked at each other after hearing their leader’s words. They had no other choice and shrugged their shoulders, showing their intention not to protest further.

“Try to use your head a little and see the situation.”

The contraband hunters then took a sneak peek, trying to understand the situation as their leader said. And, they still didn’t understand what it meant.

“A bunch of idiots! There’s a chance those beasts and the creatures will kill each other with the hunters over there.”

“So what?”

The leader then beat up his subordinate hunters and explained the matter. “Aigo! Don’t you guys have brains? That means a lot of magic items and weapons will get obtained when they finish killing each other. Especially the God Doctor and that creature. They both have expensive items for sure!”

The contraband hunters, who realized the possibility, immediately lit up their eyes. This time, they would really get rich with loot after the battle was over.

On the other hand, elsewhere in the Jiri Mountain area. Ji-woo regained consciousness and opened his eyes, facing the sky.

“How long have I been lying down?”

Ji-woo’s state surprisingly returned to normal. His body was no longer shrinking, and his breathing had stabilized.


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