How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 67: Trespassing

Chapter 67: Trespassing


The sound of moisture-laden, peeling paint echoed eerily, like stepping into an abandoned house.

I shivered at this ominous noise and groggily propped myself up.


The sliding door to the living room was open.

In the middle stood a slender figure with long hair, shrouded in black. My heart raced as I stared at this silhouette bathed in the faint moonlight.

...Who is it...?

My tension peaked as the shadowy figure began to approach with a shuffling sound, snapping me out of my half-sleep.

Damn it...

As I was about to retreat and swear,

Dont curse...!

A familiar voice came from the dark figure, tinged with panic and a scolding tone. Recognizing it was Miyuki, I sighed deeply and rubbed my forehead.

Ah... what are you doing here...?

I came to see Matsuda-kun. You told me to contact you when I woke up, right...?

I said to contact, not to come over... What time is it?

Three in the morning...

She must have gone to bed early and woken up early.

Youre something else... But how did you get in?

I was debating whether to ring the bell or call you, then I tried the gate and it was open... so I just came in. You should lock your doors better. What if a thief broke in? You need to be more careful...

Is that so...?

Yeah... And sorry for waking you up. I planned to sneak in and sleep without bothering Matsuda-kun, but I didnt know you were a light sleeper... Ill go wash my hands and feet...

After a quick wash, Miyuki came back, placed the towel in the laundry basket, and carefully lay down next to me.

At the cultural festival, you were scared even in the haunted house... Why are you always so frightened?

Well, the festival is one thing, but anyone wouldve been spooked this time. Listen to this.

I pulled Miyukis face close to my chest.

After feeling my heartbeat, she said in surprise, Wow, its racing... Has it been like this since earlier?

Yeah. Its damp and eerie with the rain, and suddenly the door opens. Its only natural to be startled. Did you take a taxi here?


Is it okay for you to just leave like this? What did your mom and dad say?

I texted my mom that I had something urgent to discuss with a friend, but... I dont know.

Why do you come so unprepared?

I was worried Matsuda-kun might be lonely...

Give me a break. She probably just wanted to see me.

Resting my chin on Miyukis head, I playfully moved my jaw up and down, causing her to whine in discomfort and pinch my waist.

Ouch, stop that.


Have you developed a bad habit?

You started it by hurting me first...

Now youre acting up. Always messing around.

What are you talking about!

I positioned Miyuki so that our faces were level, supporting her by the hips and pushing her upwards.

As she wriggled up, her expression was sullen. Pressing my nose gently against hers, I spoke.



From now on, dont wander around late without me. Just call me. If I dont answer, keep calling until I do. Ill come to get you.


Answer me.

Alright, I got it...

Miyuki, seemingly pleased, began to gently touch my face, as if examining my skin condition. She pressed around the nasolabial fold area and then spoke up.

Your skins so dry...

Thats because I just woke up.

Thats not it. You need to moisturize properly. Lets go buy some basic skincare products after we wake up.

Like an all-in-one product? Just slap that on and done.

No, its better to apply them one by one. Ill help you choose.

I probably wont use them. Too much hassle.

You should still use it.

Why dont you just come over every day and apply for me?

Ill try. Is this okay?



As I slid my hand between our closely pressed bodies and gently lowered it down Miyukis inner thigh, she twitched and pulled her hips back.

Its, its fine... Less painful than last time...

So, it still hurts a bit?

A little...

I nodded, sat up, and spread my legs. Then, I pulled Miyuki up and pressed her back against my chest. Resting my chin on her shoulder and securing one hand on her lower abdomen, I gently massaged her inner thigh with my other hand.

Ma, Matsuda...

Miyuki called out my name in a trembling voice, embarrassed by our intimate pose. Ignoring the shyness in her voice, I continued the massage in silence.


Soon, a relaxed sigh escaped her nostrils. Watching her squirm and even cross her legs in discomfort, I asked,

Does it feel good?

I dont know...

Did you eat after you woke up?

...No, I came right after showering...

Then lets go grab something at a ramen place later. Sounds good?

Yeah... I like that... Hmm...

Miyuki wrapped her hand around mine, which was resting on her abdomen. I could feel her temperature through the back of my hand; it was warmer than usual. Her body too seemed to be heating up in real-time.

I continued to massage Miyuki, gently passing my thumb over the area where her adductor muscles and groin met.

...Mats... ah...

Miyuki, usually so pure and exemplary outside, now openly expressing her arousal and submitting to her natural desires, was a sight I found particularly appealing.

To be exact, I liked that she only showed this side of herself to me. As she started to tremble, I gently blew on her ear,


Her grip on my hand tightened, and as she tensed her shoulders, I stopped the massage. I carefully laid Miyuki down and, like before, tenderly stroked her abdomen.

Haa... Haa...

She gasped for air and grabbed my wrist.

Matsuda-kun... I had a hard day today...

I know.

My body feels heavy and sore... You felt sorry for me earlier, so...

So you want me to continue?


You could just say it directly instead of beating around the bush.

I moved down to Miyukis feet and began massaging her from the soles, up her calves, and to her thighs.

Should we stop by a convenience store after we eat?

When I indirectly suggested changing her undoubtedly damp underwear, Miyuki, as always, caught my drift. She covered her face with her palm and nodded.

Im glad. No need to be shy about using the washing machine at my place.

She playfully pinched my fingers with her toes. Her wiggling toes were adorable.

Seemingly annoyed by my teasing, she grumbled with her actions. When I lightly slapped the top of her foot, making a snap sound,


A loud cry came from her.

Dont be so dramatic... Just stay still.

As if she had never been in pain, Miyuki clamped her mouth shut. I smirked, slightly lifted one of her legs, and began to gently stroke the back of her thigh.


As Miyuki tensed her thigh to the ticklish touch, the muscle firmed up, enhancing the sensation of my touch. Her skins elasticity was so appealing, I felt the urge to give it a playful slap.

I suppressed the impulse to leave a handprint on her buttocks.

Do you like it?

Yes... I like it...

Bring some of your clothes over when you have time.

Her silence following my meaningful suggestion was palpable. Finally, she asked,


You cant always buy stuff at the convenience store. Its a hassle to keep everything in shopping bags...

Im fine with it...

So, you dont like the idea?

I didnt say I disliked it... Ill think about it...

Her flushed voice suggested she might soon bring over her things, despite her apparent shyness. I wonder when shell shed that mask of embarrassment. At least shes gradually getting more comfortable.


Im leaving...

Miyukis words were poised, her hands neatly on her knees. I murmured, looking at the rain falling outside the car window.

Youre so stubborn about just walking to the front of the house.

I have an umbrella, its fine... Plus, Ill shower as soon as I get in...

Alright. But know that if you come over unannounced like today, youll be in trouble.

...Im really sorry about that... Were you very angry?

Angry? Not at all.

How could I be mad when Im so fond of the way youre becoming more proactive?

Its not about that, I was worried. What if I wasnt home? You would have wasted your money and ended up feeling down.

But you were there.

Shes thinking in terms of outcomes. Is she starting to take after me? I chuckled ironically and said,

Ill make a copy of the key for you to keep by the end of the week.

Miyukis eyes widened.

A key...?


Giving her the key meant I was okay with her accessing my home at any time, indicating a deep level of trust. It was a significant gesture, laden with meaning.

Realizing how much I trusted her, Miyukis face brightened.

Im okay without it...

If youre going to say something like that, at least sound convincing... Unbelievable.

Dont be silly... Go inside.

Alright... And Tetsuya-kun asked if I wanted to play that game around lunchtime today...

The one we played last time? Building a fire and making a house?


I dont want to. Its boring.

Then... I guess Ill take a break too.

Right, why waste time with that dull guy when you could be talking or texting with me? Thats more fun and meaningful, isnt it? Miyuki... youve come a long way. Lets tease Tetsuya together later.


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