How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 68: How to Increase Your Dating Chance

Chapter 68: How to Increase Your Dating Chance

Do you still keep a diary?

At Tetsuyas question from the back seat, Miyuki turned her head slightly and replied.

Yeah, I do.

You write every day?

I try to write every day... but if Im busy, I postpone it to the next day. Recently, Ive missed a few days.

Really...? Arent you disappointed? Its like losing a perfect attendance award at school.

Ive postponed it too many times for that. But now that you mention it, I do feel a bit regretful. Maybe I should have been more diligent.

Listening to their conversation, I suddenly became curious about Miyukis diary.

About the time I saved her from a harasser. About the summer festival...

The first time she called me by my name, the time I rescued her at the beach, and our first experience...

I want to know what she was thinking back then, her personal thoughts.

Maybe one day Ill get the chance to see it.

Hoping so, I arrived at the academy with them and headed to the classroom.

After greeting my classmates, including Bread Girl, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out.

[Will return soon.]

Realizing it was a message from Takashi, I frowned.

I was hoping it was from Chinami, but its this guys text. Way to ruin the mood first thing in the morning.

But he did try to help me when I was leaving the club and got into a fight with Samoyama...

I should respond nicely.

[So what.]


Hello, Matsuda hubae-nim. Its a nice Monday, isnt it?

Chinami greeted me with her hands cutely clasped behind her back. I responded with a sullen expression.

Its a lousy Monday.

You look pretty down, hubae-nim. Hang in there. Friday will be here before you know it.

Right, I need to stay positive. This academy is the only place where I can see Miyuki, Renka, and you all at once. If you guys were at a different academy, I would have dropped out long ago.

As Chinami patted my back with a cheerful face, Tetsuya greeted her.

Good morning, Nanase sunbae-nim.

How are you, Miura hubae-nim? You look much brighter than Matsuda hubae-nim here. Your determination shows.

I actually like Mondays. Im eager to learn more about kendo.

That positive attitude is wonderful to see. Who knows, you might become a new kendo master...!

Arent you, uh, maybe praising me too much...?

Mhm. But its not just flattery. Passionate people like you get personal training from Renka and the coach, which really boosts their skills. They only offer a bit of their time after club activities, but both are incredibly talented and know how to teach effectively.

Tetsuyas eyes lit up at that. The prospect of getting personal lessons from Renka, the best in the kendo club, definitely perked his ears. Hes openly admired Renka since our sparring session, and Chinamis words seemed to fan his enthusiasm.

Thank you for the advice! Ill work hard!

Thats the spirit! Go for it!

Chinami cheered Tetsuya on with clenched fists, and then beamed a bright smile as he went inside to greet me.

When will our hubae-nims wishy-washy attitude finally change?

Chinami was waving her arms up and down just like the last time we met. She was trying to be flexible, but it just ended up looking comically stiff.

As I gazed at Chinamis slender, pale wrists revealed by her fluttering sleeves, I said,

I think you teach better than the coach or the club president.

Why bring that up all of a sudden?

Just a thought. Were checking the protective gear first, right?

Yes, thats right. By the way, did you get home okay last Saturday? I was worried with all that rain. I wanted to thank you...

You could have just sent a text.

Well, I thought it was more polite to thank you in person than just leave a message. I really appreciated your help, hubae-nim.

As she bowed in greeting, which was customary in the kendo club, her bright pink hair gently fell forward. Somehow, the sight seemed a bit risqu.

Our Chinami is too polite, almost to a fault. I bet shed be the type to enthusiastically raise her hand at a crosswalk.

Its no big deal. I had fun.

I really enjoyed it, too. Now, lets settle the most important part. I owe you 2,600 yen for my share, right? Just wait here. I need to get the money from the locker room...

As I casually brushed past her meticulousness, I said,

No need. Just buy me some ice cream.

What? I cant just do that... Hey, where are you going...?

To the storage room.

Ill come with you...! But let me pay first...!


hubae-nim...! Hubae-nim...! Come here...! Hurry...!

As I opened the door to the club room, Chinamis voice dropped to barely a whisper. Turning to her with a sly grin, I greeted the other members and sneaked a glance at Renka.

She was having a serious conversation with a senior member of the boys team probably about kendo?

She always looks so tall and impressive. I bet shed pull off a bunny girl cosplay perfectly. Just imagining her doing forced dance moves with her hands over her head, grimacing, is hilarious.

Should I start planning Renkas event soon?

Before the kendo clubs training camp, I want to prepare just enough so it doesnt interfere with the training... Maybe I should go for a different choice than the usual events.

Or, I could focus solely on surface-level training until the camp, then really take charge with Renka. Spending a whole day sparring and making the first step towards her submission doesnt seem like a bad idea.

As I was mulling over these plans, Renka caught my eye, and I grinned cheekily at her.


She shivered as if feeling a chill shes got good instincts. I gave her a thumbs-up before heading into the storage room. Soon after, Chinami, looking annoyed, came in and carefully closed the door behind her.

Hubae-nim...! Why did you leave first...!

Pretending to inspect the gear, I replied.

Ive got work to do.

Lets settle the bill first...?

No need for that.

Why? Why?

She tilted her head in a challenging way, and I had this urge to poke her chubby cheeks. I barely managed to keep my composure and just shrugged.

Just because.

Thats not a reason.

Do you want some jelly? I brought peach flavored.

Uh... really?

Yes. Shall I give it to you now?

Well, I suppose... No, wait! That was close, I almost fell for it...! Do you find it amusing to tease people like that?

Its fun because you react that way. I stepped toward Chinami with a sly smile, causing her to instinctively step back just as much.

What are you doing...?


Im not taking that massage! Dont forget the promise you made before...!


Without a word, I cornered Chinami, who was clutching the back of her neck. As I raised a hand toward her,


Chinami, who had been confrontational earlier, now jerked her head back, her double chin forming in the process. Even in her disheveled state, she looked charming. Smiling at her with my teeth showing,


I plucked a thread stuck in her hair. Tossing it out the window, I said,

I was just removing some lint. Do you dislike me?

Chinamis eyes, which had been watching my actions, flickered back to life.

Oh...! Dislike you...! Why would I dislike you, Matsuda hubae-nim?

Then why did you scream when I approached?

Well, thats because...

Youre being too cold... It feels like youre drawing a line, and it hurts.

Its not that Im cold... I just wanted to settle the bill properly... You said yourself that I should pay back later!

I dont remember that.

What...? Really...!

Her mouth agape.

Watching Chinamis naive reaction, I can hardly keep from laughing. If this were a comic, there would probably be a big ? written above her head, right?

Cant you just accept it as a student wanting to do something nice for their teacher? After all, you buy me ice cream sometimes. Its like were exchanging favors.

...But, hubae-nim, you went to the trouble of driving to the department store for me...

Isnt it enough that we had a good time together? Or was I the only one who thought so?

No, not at all...! I told you I really enjoyed it too...! But still...

Seeing her hesitation, I thought Id use this as an opportunity to ease her guilt and maybe increase our chances of meeting again.

If it really bothers you, I have a good solution. Want to hear it?

A solution? What is it?

You can buy me ice cream again. That should even things out... What do you think?


Chinami made a peculiar noise, lost in thought. She looked as if she was grappling with the biggest dilemma of her life, but she quickly came to a decision.

Okay... just this once, for the sake of our harmonious relationship, Ill give in to your insistence. Lets do that.

A harmonious relationship

Why does that phrase, with its profound implications, feel so intriguing?

Good choice. So, thats two ice cream treats. Right?

Yes, thats right.

How about repeating that directly for confirmation?

Chinami tilted her head, puzzled.

It seemed my phrasing was a bit odd.

It did sound like something out of an NTL novel, like Golden Sun, the Hypnotic Pig Man, or an Orc.

Something along the lines of, Shall we directly say whose is better?.

Um... I will buy Matsuda Ken hubae-nim... two Yoghurt Peach Triple Pops.

Whats a Triple Pop?

Its a large cup where you can choose three flavors.

So, sensei, will you just pick...

Yoghurt Peach.

...Right. Will you only choose the Yoghurt Peach flavor?

Of course. Why wouldnt I?

This is... almost a devout belief in peaches.

I thought it was impressive back at the department store too.

But then, do you like watermelon or honeydew better?

I bet you probably like both a lot.

So, we agreed? No more changing the plan?

Pinky swear.

She confidently extended her little finger. As I linked my finger with her tiny and cute one, I asked,

Can I pick the date?

Yes, thats fine.


After dropping off the pesky burden known as Tetsuya Miura, I drove towards Miyukis house, engaging in conversation with her.

What did your sister say?

About what?

About the incident on Saturday.

Ah... that...

Miyukis face turned bright red as she hung her head.

I, I tried to avoid it... but she didnt say a word about it on Sunday...

What are you afraid of?

Its not that Im scared...

Is it embarrassing to talk about?

... Yeah.

Ive always thought this, but Miyuki worries too much. Rather than dodging the issue and stewing in anxiety, it would be better to talk it out...

But prying into family privacy is too much meddling, so lets not bring this up again. Miyuki can handle it herself.

Hows the student council work going?

Its good. Fun. Everyone, from the president to the others, is great...

Still stuck with copying and filing? Should I go and complain to get you some more important tasks?

If you did that, Id probably get kicked out of the council.

Their generosity is lacking. Maybe I should start a union.

With your reputation, Matsuda-kun, trying anything will get you expelled, right?

We chuckled and joked around until we arrived at Miyukis house. As I was about to let her out, she unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at me directly.

Matsuda-kun, can you wait for me in the alley for a bit?

Why? Going somewhere? Want to grab dinner before heading home?

No... Remember what you said last night? About picking up some clothes... I want to move a few things today.

Why the rush? You can take your time.

I just dont want to dawdle...

Its just clothes; she could have just handed them to me...

But asking me to wait suggests shes planning to spend the night at my place again. Is she still excited from the massage I gave her yesterday?

Then, Ill park in the alley.

Okay. Ill be quick.


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