How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 66: Klutz Chinami

Chapter 66: Klutz Chinami

Chinami was wearing a blouse with a ribbon at the chest, a light and airy flare skirt, and white sandals with a slight heel... This ensemble exuded both cuteness and innocence. Having only seen her in uniforms and martial arts attire, this contrasting style struck me even more.

I watched Chinami from a distance as she stood at the entrance of the department store, casually tapping her hips with her arms while passing time. I approached quickly and tapped her on the shoulder from behind.



Chinami reacted as if a bug had landed on her. With a forced laugh, I showed a bemused smile as she turned around.

Was it that startling?

Oh... its you, hubae-nim...! Hello!

She greeted me with the formalities of the academy, which felt both nostalgic and refreshing. Perhaps it was the change from her usual martial attire. I returned the greeting and asked.

Hello. How long have you been in Ikebukuro?

About five hours.

Thats quite a while.

Alone for five hours?


So you didnt come shopping with friends?

I came alone. To buy a limited edition Momo-nim doll.

I understand the allure of limited editions.


But youre empty-handed?

I was a bit late. So, Im planning to buy it at a higher price.

All that for a peach-themed doll? Impressive.

Youre not hungry?

A bit. But hubae-nim would have to give me a ride first. Then, Ill treat you with something.

Another rice bowl?


Her enthusiastic response indicated she was more than just a little hungry.

Did you find your crossbody bag?

No. Before you arrived, I checked the lost and found at the department store, but it hadnt been turned in.

You didnt accidentally leave it in the restroom?

I looked everywhere, but no luck. I hope whoever finds it enjoys using it.

Despite the situation being frustrating for most, she remained positive. And hoping for someone else to enjoy it... I knew she was kind, but this seemed almost too generous.

Was there little money in her wallet? Was the crossbody bag inexpensive? Or perhaps it didnt contain any peach-related items, which might explain her calmness.

Do you need to get home quickly?

Not really, but theres not much I can do without my things.

There are plenty of things one can do without possessions restrooms, fitting rooms, and stairs are all around.

How about we grab a bite then? My treat.

I couldnt possibly let my student pay.

Shell end up relying a lot on her students help in the future; no need for such worries now.

How about peach iced tea and some spaghetti? Sounds perfect, right?


Her eyes lit up at the thought, clearly hitting the mark with her taste preferences. Well, anything peach-related would likely appeal to her.

Thats very tempting...! A great combination...!

Then lets head to a pasta place.


Chinami seemed deep in thought, like she was grappling with a major decision. Finally, unable to resist, she nodded.

Okay. But lets make it a loan, and Ill pay for your meal next time. Is that okay?

Theres no need to insist that its fine or to alleviate any burden. I could just agree. When she tries to pay me back, I can refuse and create a new topic of conversation.

Lets do that.

Great! Lets go then.

You were really hungry, werent you?

Yes. I was about to turn into a limp squid. Like this. Limp...

She exaggeratedly waved her arms like she did when critiquing at the kendo club. Unconcerned with the attention she was drawing, her carefree attitude was endearing. Laughing joyfully, I walked with the smiling Chinami towards the department stores dining area.


Ah, that peach iced tea at the specialty shop was truly delicious. I think Ill become a regular there.

Chinami said this with a refreshed look, prompting me to exhale softly in amusement.

Dont people usually decide on a regular spot based on the main dish?

Oh, I meant the Neapolitan spaghetti was delicious too. I just mentioned iced tea because it was the last thing I had.

I see. But isnt the taste of peach iced tea generally the same everywhere?

Oh no...! Its not. Just like in kendo, where each strike has subtle differences, its the same with iced tea. The taste changes depending on how much powder you use, how its stored, and how long its steeped. For instance, mixing 40 grams of powder with about 250 milliliters of water makes what Id call a golden ratio.

Her excited chattering was quite adorable.

Could you make it for me sometime?

Absolutely. Ill show you the best peach iced tea youve ever tasted.

Im looking forward to it. Do you add lemon juice or anything?

I personally dont like it. The store-bought powder already has a hint of lemon, and adding more juice just overpowers the peach flavor.

Should I tempt her into trying something new?

Start with a tiny amount of lemon juice to get her accustomed, gradually increasing it until she starts preferring regular lemon-flavored iced tea over peach?

While pondering this, I handed Chinami a tissue Id taken from the restaurant.

You have some sauce on your face. Right side.

Oh... I must look like a mess. Thank you.

Chinami took the tissue with both hands and wiped both sides of her mouth. I meant her right side, but...

If she starts breaking clichs like this...

Will I end up harboring bad intentions?

As I watched Chinami throw the tissue away and contemplated offering her a neck massage, she turned her head, and I gave her an awkward smile.

Whats that look for? You had a rather mischievous expression just now. Like last time...

Me? No, I was just smiling.


Chinami stammered, touching her neck. Perhaps she was reminded of my touch.

Grinning to myself, I asked her...

Feeling a bit stiff in the neck?

As I flashed a playful smile and flexed my hands, Chinami flinched and took a half step back.

No, no...! Ahem... Not really?

It seemed like she might have welcomed the gesture, but no matter. Ill just wait it out until she asks for a massage herself.

So, you dont meet up with Inoo-sunbae much? You two were always together at the academy.

We do meet, but its hard to see each other every weekend. Renka is usually busy.

I bet she could be easily found in Akihabara or Nakano, disguised with a mask and hat, shopping for figures and comic books.

Thats a shame. Dont you miss her?

Its fine, we still see each other quite often.

As we continued chatting pleasantly, I led Chinami to the parking lot and opened the car door. Then, I searched for and selected her apartment address on the cars navigation system.

As she buckled up, Chinamis expression changed to one of puzzlement, perhaps surprised to find her address in my car.

Could she be starting to see me not just as a junior, but something more? No, better not jump to conclusions. Stay vigilant.

Well, lets get going.

As I gripped the steering wheel, Chinami nodded.

Yes, thank you. Hubae-nim.

Glancing over at the passenger seat, I noticed her skirt had ridden up, exposing her thighs. Was she unaware of it?

I reached back to the rear seat, fetched a blanket, and gently placed it over her knees. Then I spoke plainly.

Cover up. People can see.

Only then did she seem to realize the extent of her exposure and she shrank into her shoulders.

Th-thank you...

Chinamis voice was quieter, perhaps embarrassed. The atmosphere was turning awkward, but changing the subject was an easy fix.

When will you treat me to peach ice cream?

I had planned for it to be our dessert today, but Im short on cash. Even if I borrow, itd feel like youre paying, so Ill treat you next time.

You have some strange principles.

Its the last shred of pride as a sensei whos already been treated to a meal. Theres this ice cream shop I frequent that serves it in cups. Ill take you there soon. Once you try their yogurt peach flavor, theres no going back.

Shes talking like a villain luring someone into temptation. Its somewhat fitting, but lacks the flavor of my own lines. Keep practicing.


The rain was pouring down ferociously.

Parked in front of the apartment, I watched the rain beat against the windshield and murmured.

Looks like a fall typhoon is on its way...

As Chinami unraveled the strap of the umbrella Id handed her, she replied with a worried tone.

Nah... I doubt it. There was no mention of it on the news. Its probably just bad weather.

I hope shes right. A typhoon could cause serious damage to my place.

I hope so. Go inside. I wish you the best in finding that limited edition Momo doll.

Yes... Thank you so much for today. I almost got stuck in the department store. It seems I have a truly wonderful student. Well...

And you look beautiful today.

Chinami paused in opening the car door, turning her head towards me in surprise, clearly caught off guard by the direct compliment. Looking at her wide eyes, I casually shrugged and continued.

You look pretty, so I just told you. Hurry in before it rains more.

Ah... Yes...!

Dazed for a moment, she quickly exited the car, closing the passenger door before more rain could splash onto the seat. She turned to me and bowed slightly.

But in doing so, her head poked out from under the umbrella, and rain from the canopy poured down onto the back of her head.

Ah...! Be careful driving home! Drive safely!

She yelled out a goodbye, her face a picture of distress. Her usual demeanor, losing her crossbody bag today, not thinking to cover her skirt earlier, and now her flustered reaction...

Though not exactly a klutz, she does have some endearingly clumsy traits.

I cracked the window and waved goodbye, then drove home. Parking in the outdoor lot, I dashed inside to my living room-cum-bedroom, which was filled with humidity.

After a quick shower and collapsing onto my bed, a sense of emptiness enveloped me, though not as intense as before.

[Ill contact you when I wake up. Its raining hard, so make sure the door is closed.]

After sending a message to Miyuki, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The damp, cool air filled my lungs, a pleasantly refreshing sensation.

Today had been a particularly meaningful day, almost enough to make me smile.


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