HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 9: Scum [3]

Chapter 9: Scum [3]

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 3020

Unaware of the whereabouts of the remaining duo, Nagi realized that he had to draw them out and confront them directly. Escaping was no longer a viable option. If the two discovered that he had eliminated their comrades, they would undoubtedly pursue him relentlessly.

While their loyalty to the group seemed tenuous, driven primarily by self-preservation and personal agendas, given the apparent madness within the group, Nagi couldn't discount the possibility of their relentless pursuit.

The stark reality was evidentNagi was armed only with a bike, while the duo possessed a formidable automobile. Escaping their pursuit was a futile endeavor, even if he entertained the thought.

The odds were stacked against him, leaving him with no feasible means of evading their grasp. It was due to this realization that Nagi took decisive action.

His legs carried him swiftly to a nearby construction site where an apartment complex was being built. The towering structure provided both cover and vantage points, making it an ideal location to confront his adversaries.

Upon arriving at the construction site, Nagi took in the skeletal structure of the halted parking garage, an eerie reminder of the interrupted progress. With calculated caution, he scanned the surroundings, his gaze sweeping for any signs of the undead or potential survivors.

The desolate silence engulfed the area, broken only by the occasional shuffle of nearby zombies.

Reaching for a short steel pole amidst the scattered debris, Nagi firmly grasped it, raising it above his head. With calculated force, he brought it crashing down onto the metal structure, unleashing a resounding metallic ring that reverberated through the eerily quiet city.

The cacophonous noise served a dual purposeit would undoubtedly draw the attention of both the elusive duo and the lurking undead. Nagi remained composed, and confident in his ability to handle the impending situation.

Nagi's plan relied on exploiting the chaos that would ensue, utilizing his resourcefulness and adaptability to navigate the treacherous dynamics of the impending encounter.

Swiftly infiltrating the skeletal structure of the apartment complex, he positioned himself within the shroud of darkness, on the second floor, patiently awaiting the arrival of the duo.

As Nagi waited on the second floor of the dimly lit construction site, his ears keenly attuned to the distant sound of approaching footsteps. Moments later, the two men emerged from separate sides of the entrance as they stared at each other with a haggard breath.

Their figures were smeared with the gruesome remnants of their recent encounters with the undead. "Where are the other two?" the Oni man asked, gasping for breath.

"I don't know," the other replied, shaking his head as he tried to compose himself. "It's possible they're the ones causing the disturbance. They might have already captured the boy, and are now tapped here. There were thousands of 'them', wandering within the city after all."

Agreeing with a nod, the two men cautiously entered the area, scanning their surroundings in search of their missing companions. "Hey, you assholes! Quit hiding and show yourselves! It's just us, so stop being pussies!" Oni Man barked, his voice dripping with impatience.

"If you're knee-deep in shit and need a hand, quit your goddamn silence and start making some fucking noise! We ain't got all day to babysit your sorry asses! We gotta keep moving before we become monster chow!" one of them barked, his tone laced with impatience.

"So, get your heads outta your asses and let us know you're alive before those brain-munching bastards catch up to us!"

As the words reached Nagi's ears, his eyes narrowed. He was aware of the high possibility of a large number of undead approaching, but for the man to sound desperate was deeply concerning. The man and his group were competent in battle, and they possessed a functioning vehicle.

There should be no reason for him to sound that way. Reflecting on the situation, the realization hit Nagi. The civilians wouldn't be able to evacuate the city safely without the assistance of the police, fire department, and military. Those who had managed to escape were merely lucky.

A tidal wave of zombies would soon engulf Nagi's location if he didn't escape in time.

Snapping out of his reverie, he realized he had neglected to respond. Swiftly rectifying his mistake, he forcefully slammed the steel pole against the steel surface nearby, producing a resounding clang.

Their attention captured, the two men flashed wicked grins and taunted, "Kuhaha! If we make our way over there and find out you don't have that fuckin' boy, you'll be losin' half of your goddamn share of loot, you hear me?"

As the echoes of their laughter dissipated, Nagi observed the two men sprinting towards the building with a sense of urgency. They seemed eager to claim their prize, unaware of the impending danger lurking in the shadows.

Nagi seized this opportunity and swiftly moved, positioning himself in a concealed blind spot where they couldn't see him from the entrance to the area he was in. The plan was simple: catch them by surprise and kill them.

As Nagi crouched in the concealed blind spot, his heart pounded in his chest, anticipation and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He focused his senses, listening intently for the sound of their approaching footsteps. The echoes grew louder, indicating their proximity.

Soon enough, the duo cautiously stepped into the area, their wary footsteps reverberating through the dimly lit construction site. Their eyes darted around, searching for any trace of their missing companions. "Where the fuck are you guys? Quit fucking around! We need to get the fuck out of here."

As they moved deeper into the construction site, Nagi silently shifted his position, aiming to get behind them. He moved like a shadow, his steps soft and deliberate, taking advantage of the darkness and the distraction of their search.

Just as the two men passed a partially constructed wall, Nagi lunged forward. The steel pole he held became an extension of his body. With a swift and fluid motion, he brought the pole crashing down upon the back of the first man's head, sending a shockwave of disorientation rippling through his senses.

The Oni man staggered forward, his grip on his shotgun loosening as he struggled to regain his balance. Before he could fully recover, Nagi capitalized on the opportunity, delivering a punishing kick to the man's midsection. The force behind the blow propelled him forward, his body colliding with a heap of debris.

The second man, startled by the sudden disturbance, swiftly redirected his attention to the assailant, his eyes widening in shock. Before he could make a move, Nagi swiftly drew his shotgun, aiming it directly at the man and compelling him to raise his hands in surrender.

With a firm kick, Nagi sent the other man's shotgun spiraling away, ensuring it was out of reach. Motioning for the man to join his partner, Nagi advanced cautiously, keeping his gun trained and prepared for any sudden movements.

As the Oni man struggled to stand amidst the rubble, a twisted smile crept across his face, accompanied by a malevolent glare fixed upon Nagi.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the little fucker we were after turned the tables on us. So, where the fuck are our two boys? Are they all tied up and ready for a fucking nap?"

Shaking his head, Nagi replied with an emotionless tone. "They're dead." The two men fell silent, their eyes scrutinizing Nagi for any hint of deception. Suddenly, the Oni man burst into maniacal laughter. "You didn't kill them."

Nagi stared at him, his gaze unwavering. "And why do you think that?"

Rising from the debris, he brushed off the dust and approached Nagi with a cocky swagger, devoid of any fear. "You're just a kid. I don't see a killer in you. That annoying poker face of yours only reinforces that notion. You're too damn calm."

Nagi tilted his head slightly to the side, his gaze unwavering as he stared at the man with disinterest. "You're drawing conclusions from something so trivial? Are you suggesting that being a kid and having a certain expression on my face renders me incapable of taking someone's life?"

"Why the fuck are you spouting off like a goddamn walking thesaurus?" the Oni man exclaimed in annoyance. He shook his head, returning to his previous demeanor, and pressed the cold muzzle of the shotgun against his chest.

"If you think you can prove me wrong, then fucking go ahead! Show me that you're capable of doing what I"

Nagi's response was swift and merciless. With an unyielding grip on the shotgun, he exerted even more pressure on the trigger, unleashing a deafening explosion that tore through the air. The weapon spat forth its deadly payload, a relentless storm of buckshot ripping into the Oni man's chest.

In an instant, the force of the blast erupted with devastating power, obliterating flesh, bone, and organs in a sickening display of violence. The rib cage shattered, spraying fragments in all directions, while entrails and pulpy matter were launched into the air, painting the surroundings in a grotesque tableau.

The acrid stench of blood permeated the air, mingling with the sickly sweet scent of torn flesh.

For a fleeting moment, the Oni man's eyes widened in a mix of disbelief and horror, his mouth opening in an involuntary gasp. "Eh?" he muttered, his voice barely a whisper, his body suspended in a grotesque tableau of agony and confusion.

Nerves still processing the shock, he slumped to the ground, a lifeless husk discarded in a pool of his own gore.

Lifting his gaze from the lifeless form of his last foe, Nagi examined the reaction of his final adversary. "You don't seem so surprised by this," he remarked with a detached tone.

Shrugging in response, the man visibly relaxed his tense shoulders and fixed his gaze upon Nagi. His lips curled into a sardonic smile as he prepared to reply, "I knew he was destined for death sooner or later," the man muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of bitterness and relief.

"He was a tyrant, too cocky for his own good. Surprisingly, the other two hadn't taken action to end his reign when I joined this sorry group. But you, you've put an abrupt halt to any further madness," he explained, his steps echoing through the confined space.

"However, you failed to account for a crucial element in your so-called plan," the man added, his voice laced with a sinister undertone. He halted his steps, pivoting his body to face Nagi directly.

Raising an eyebrow in response, Nagi questioned, "And what, pray tell, are you insinuating?"

Walking up to Nagi, the man confidently positioned himself squarely in front of him, their eyes locked in a tense standoff. There was an undeniable wariness in the air, each of them waiting to see who would make the first move. Opening his mouth, the man spoke once more:

"As you may have deduced from our conversation thus far, it is quite evident that my intellect surpasses that of the others. Therefore, I can see through your facade. You are merely bluffing."

Nagi's gaze remained unchanged, but a subtle tightening of his grip on the shotgun hinted at his readiness to act. Observing this subtle shift in the atmosphere, the man's grin widened. "Ah, I see. So, that was your final round," he remarked.

Reacting with swift reflexes, Nagi thrust his shotgun toward the man, aiming for his solar plexus. However, the man proved equally agile, deftly evading the attack with precise footwork, narrowly escaping the blow.

Sensing an opening, Nagi quickly withdrew his concealed knife, using his momentum to spin and deliver a lethal strike.

But just as Nagi's blade neared the man's exposed throat, he swiftly raised his forearm in a defensive stance, intercepting Nagi's forearm and halting its deadly trajectory. The clash of their arms created a brief moment of tense confrontation, their strength, and intent to kill locked in a tense struggle.

"You're quite fierce, aren't you?" the man commented with a hint of amusement. Ignoring his words, Nagi retreated from the stalemate and unleashed a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at the man's neck. With minimal effort, the man effortlessly evaded the attack.

Undeterred, Nagi intensified his assault, launching a rapid barrage of jabs and hooks toward the man's torso. Yet, the man's proficiency became evident as he gracefully deflected and dodged Nagi's strikes, evading harm with ease.

Realizing that his skill alone wouldn't be enough to overcome his nimble opponent, Nagi swiftly shifted his focus, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any advantage.

As Nagi fought his gaze caught sight of the shotgun he had previously kicked away during the skirmish. In that fleeting moment, a plan began to form in his mind.

Seizing the opportune moment, Nagi unleashed an uppercut motion with his knife, forcing the man to evade and retreat from the distance. Quickly disengaging the fight Nagi created a momentary gap between them.

Closing in on Nagi with alarming speed, the man unleashed a powerful jumping kick, intending to trap him and eliminate any potential escape routes. Nagi's instincts kicked in, and with a swift, well-timed dodge, he evaded the attack, maintaining his balance.

Reacting swiftly, the man deftly evaded Nagi's attack and launched a countermove. Seizing Nagi's forearm with a swift motion, he effortlessly hoisted him over his shoulder, propelling him with brutal force into the unyielding embrace of the cold, unforgiving concrete.

The impact was jarring, the collision sending shockwaves of pain through Nagi's body. The forceful impact rattled his bones, causing a sharp surge of agony to course through his limbs. Inhaling a sharp breath of air, he swiftly rolled over dodging the crushing force of the man's foot.

Continuing his relentless assault, the man pursued Nagi, his relentless pursuit leaving no room for escape. With brute force and a twisted glee, he forcefully pinned Nagi to the unforgiving floor, his weight bearing down on him like an oppressive burden as he unleashed a barrage of punches.

In response, Nagi raised his arms in an attempt to shield himself as he struggled and squirmed around to break free from the man's grasp. Each blow landed with a sickening thud, causing his body to jolt with the impact.

The force behind the punches threatened to shatter his defenses, but he gritted his teeth and held on, refusing to succumb. Blood splattered from Nagi's split lip, mingling with the sweat that streamed down his bruised and battered face. His vision blurred, and the taste of iron filled his mouth.

"Kekeke! How does it feel to be on the losing end? You may have been able to kill the other three due to their stupidity, but I'm not like them," the man taunted, his sadistic laughter blending with the sickening sound of his relentless punches.

With each strike, the force behind them grew, amplifying the impact and intensifying Nagi's pain. "I'm stronger, I'm faster, I'm better. I AM better!" the man declared, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Those fools were lucky to have me on their team, and yet not once did they appreciate my efforts. And that's why, as thanks for killing off those bastards, I'll give you a swift death."

As the man's fury intensified, so did the brutality of his blows. With each strike, Nagi's body convulsed, blood spurting from his mouth with every impact. The metallic taste of his life essence filled his senses, mingling with the searing pain that coursed through his battered frame.

The man's sadistic pleasure was evident in his eyes, gleaming with a twisted delight as he unleashed his fury upon Nagi. Each punch carried the weight of his resentment, the accumulated anger he possessed towards his group.

Nagi's face remained impassive, his stoic demeanor unyielding in the face of the man's relentless assault. With each punch that connected, his eyes never wavered, fixated on his assailant with a gaze as sharp as a hawk.

Amidst the barrage of blows, Nagi's mind calculated his every move, searching for the opportune moment to turn the tide. And then, in a swift and precise motion, he launched a counterattack. His clenched fist shot forward like a striking snake, finding its mark with unerring accuracy.

The impact was devastating as his knuckles drove into the man's eye, puncturing the fragile barrier of flesh. A gut-wrenching cry of anguish erupted from the man's throat, its raw intensity reverberating through the desolate room.

Blood erupted in a violent spurt, a crimson geyser that sprayed forth from the shattered remnants of his eye, mingling with the profuse streams of sweat and tears that cascaded down his twisted, pain-stricken face.

The sheer brutality of the strike sent the man hurtling backward, his body convulsing with shock and disbelief. He stumbled, his steps faltering as he desperately clung to the remnants of his shattered vision.

With unsteady steps, Nagi rose from the blood-stained ground, his battered body protesting with every movement. His trembling hand reached out, grasping the shotgun that lay nearby, its cold metal offering a glimmer of lethal salvation.

The panicked foe, his face a mask of terror and desperation, took notice of Nagi's intent. Fear seeped into every fiber of his being, his survival instincts kicking into overdrive. But it was too late.

In an instant, the deafening blast of the gunshot filled the air, followed by the sickening thud of a body hitting the ground.

"Sayonara," Nagi uttered.

Author Words:

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