HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 8: Scum [2]

Chapter 8: Scum [2]

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2263

With his bow at the ready, Nagi released the arrow, its whistle piercing through the air as it aimed for the supposed leader of the group. Caught off guard, the man failed to dodge in time, the arrow piercing his shoulder. He yanked it out, snapping it with a crazed glare directed at Nagi's location.

"Everyone split up! Change of plans. We're going to torture that little fucker!" he declared, charging toward the building with his shotgun raised. Reacting swiftly, Nagi dashed to the other side of the building, leaping off and landing on top of a dumpster.

Rolling off smoothly, he quickly made his way toward a nearby building where a small group of zombies lurked. However, it would prove to be futile in due time, given the angered yell emitted by the man and the ensuing fight that was about to erupt, worrying about the number of zombies around him would be worthless.

"Stop running, kid! You're only prolonging your inevitable death!" the apron man shouted, his voice echoing through the corridors of the library building as he followed Nagi through the broken window.

Blood splatters marred the walls, painting grotesque patterns across the shelves and books. Lifeless bodies littered the floor, a macabre mix of librarians, students, and now reanimated corpses. The undead wandered aimlessly between the bookshelves, their rotten flesh oozing and decaying.

Amidst the chaos, Nagi's focus shifted to the teetering bookshelves, precariously positioned as if a single touch could send them crashing down. These makeshift barricades served as temporary obstacles, momentarily trapping the relentless undead, buying him precious seconds of respite.

Equipping his knife from behind his back, Nagi swiftly took cover within one of the book sections, his senses attuned to the slightest sound. Uncertain whether his adversary was armed, he remained vigilant. The current situation presented a one-on-one scenario, but that balance could easily tip in any direction.

Taking one of the tablespoons he had acquired from the school cafeteria, he hurled it across the room, exploiting the dim darkness to conceal his actions and attract both the undead and, ideally, his enemy.

As the spoon struck the bookshelf, a muffled thud resonated through the air, echoing in the silence of the library. The sound reverberated, catching the attention of the lurking undead. Moans and groans erupted, their eerie chorus growing louder with each step as the zombies mindlessly gravitated toward the source of the disturbance.

The man's laughter echoed through the air as he mercilessly swung his weapon at the encroaching zombies. "Kuhaha, the little bastard couldn't stay put. Once I'm done with these creatures, you're next!" his voice rang out, as he continued his brutal onslaught.

Nagi observed the man's actions with a perplexed expression, his mind working to decipher the motive behind such a brash display. Why did he choose to draw attention by yelling and engaging the zombies instead of silently slipping away to continue his search? As the pieces fell into place, Nagi's realization was clear.

'It appears that some individuals remain unaware of these vulnerabilities. This man's lack of knowledge suggests that his companions are likely in the same position. I must remain vigilant, prepared for any unforeseen circumstances,' Nagi silently contemplated, swiftly blending into the shadows of the building and creeping up to the man.

Spotting an opportune moment as the man's cleaver became lodged in a zombie's skull, Nagi materialized from the shadows. With swift precision, he directed a decisive strike with his knife, prompting the man to relinquish his grip on the cleaver's handle.

The man's grip faltered, causing the cleaver to slip from his grasp as the zombie, with the weapon lodged in its skull, crumbled lifelessly to the ground. Now disarmed, the man stood defenseless, his vulnerability accentuated amidst the sharp gaze of Nagi.

"Ha! You truly are nothing but a mere child," the man taunted, his voice filled with contempt. "You may have caught me off guard, but I wonder how you plan to escape this situation unscathed."

"Tell me, have you ever taken a life before? You don't strike me as someone who has. All I need to do is raise my voice, summon my comrades, and they'll come rushing in to finish you o"

The chef's words were abruptly silenced as Nagi's knife sliced through the air with precision and swiftness. In a quick and concise motion, the blade found its target, severing the man's fingers from his hand.

The metallic tang of blood permeated the air, accompanied by a macabre spray of crimson droplets that tainted the surrounding environment. The gruesome act of violence left its mark, eliciting a wide-eyed expression of shock from the chef, his mouth open in a mixture of disbelief and agony.

A piercing scream of pain escaped his lips as he crumpled to the ground, writhing in anguish. Nagi's countenance remained stoic and devoid of emotion, his face a mask of detached indifference.

"You talk too much, for a dead man," he commented, his voice void of inflection, carrying a chilling monotone that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. His fiery orange eyes, sharp and intense, pierced through the darkness like a predator fixating on its prey.

As Nagi advanced, the man's desperate plea echoed through the tense air, his hands flailing in a futile attempt to ward off his impending doom. "Wait, wait, wait! Can't we come to an agreement?" he implored, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation. "I... I'm sorry for what we did. It was just a game, we never meant to harm you!"

Nagi's face remained impassive, his stoic visage betraying no hint of emotion. As he tightened his grip on the gleaming knife, desperation etched deep lines upon the man's tear-streaked cheeks, while bubbling mucus painted a pathetic picture of vulnerability against the backdrop of unfolding violence.

It was a pitiful sight, a feeble attempt to evoke sympathy in the midst of a battle his own group had started. "You can have everything we possess!" he pleaded, his voice strained with a mixture of fear and desperation. "I swear, I'll convince the others to comply. Just... spare my life, please!"

However, Nagi's next words served as a chilling wake-up call, extinguishing the last flicker of fire in the man's eyes.

With his knife pressed against the man's neck and his weight firmly on his chest, Nagi spoke in an emotionless tone, devoid of any sympathy. "Survival of the fittest. It is a brutal reality, and mercy holds no sway on this battlefield."

Without a flicker of hesitation, Nagi's blade sliced through the man's exposed throat with a swift and decisive motion, unleashing a torrent of crimson. The man's eyes widened in shock and agony as he desperately clutched at his gushing wound, a futile attempt to halt the relentless flow of blood.

Rising to his feet, Nagi delivered a forceful kick to the man's face, rendering him unconscious as he bled out on the floor. Taking stock of his surroundings, Nagi noticed a horde of zombies converging on the building.

The trapped zombies inside were flailing around making noise, attracting more undead to their location. Faint footsteps echoed in the distance, signaling the approach of potential danger. Without delay, Nagi leaped out of the window and made his way toward a nearby flower shop, seeking cover.

Casting a quick glance over his shoulder, Nagi spotted one of the men wielding a shotgun. Reacting swiftly, he used a nearby bus as a shield, narrowly evading the blast from the shotgun.

"Bastard! Come out from your hiding place!" the man bellowed, his voice filled with anger. Ignoring the man's enraged demand, Nagi swiftly maneuvered through the chaos, utilizing the surrounding vehicles as cover.

His agile movements led him to the Flower Shop, where he swiftly entered through the front door. Inside, two undead creatures lurked, but Nagi wasted no time dispatching them.

Employing a swift kick to their calves and a strategic blow behind the knee, he sent them toppling over, providing the opportunity to swiftly drive his blade into the back of their heads. Meanwhile, the man with the shotgun closed in on the flower shop, his footsteps growing louder with each passing moment.

Vaulting over the counter, Nagi swiftly retrieved his bow from its place around his torso, readying an arrow in anticipation. But before he could release his shot, the man failed to show himself.

Just as Nagi was about to rise from his position, the exit door to the side suddenly burst open, and the man charged into the room, forcefully striking Nagi with the butt of his gun, causing him to stumble backward and collapse onto the floor.

Pinning Nagi down, the man straddled him, exerting pressure with the gun against Nagi's neck, threatening to choke him. Nagi desperately thrashed about, trying to break free from the man's grip, but his efforts proved futile against the man's weight and superior strength.

Despite Nagi's own physical prowess surpassing that of others his age, he was no match for the genetics and raw power of a fully grown man. The combination of the man's strength and weight quickly overpowered Nagi, leaving him on the verge of losing consciousness.

"Hahaha! It appears victory is mine," the man gloated, a twisted grin spreading across his face. Meanwhile, Nagi's hand fumbled in search of an object, eventually finding a shard of broken pottery. However, it slipped from his grasp initially.

Undeterred, he stretched his arm to its limits, mustering all his strength to seize the shard. In a swift move, Nagi aimed for the man's eye and plunged the shard deep into his socket, causing the man to recoil in pain and release his grip on the gun.

"ARGH!" The man grunted, his face contorted in agony as he clutched his injured eye, blood staining his hand. His gaze shifted towards Nagi, who was steadily recovering, and a furious rage consumed him.

Driven by murderous intent, he lunged at Nagi, fueled by a desire to end his life. "I'm going to kill you!" he bellowed, his voice filled with venom and hatred.

Reacting with agility, Nagi wielded his knife deftly, evading the man's onslaught. With calculated precision, he executed a swift maneuver, slashing his blade in a vertical arc that tore through the man's flesh, slicing into his torso with a sickening thud.

Blood erupted from the deep wound, cascading down the man's trembling body like a scarlet waterfall. It coursed down his torso, tracing the contours of his muscles and pooling at his feet, staining the ground in a gruesome tapestry of suffering.

Yet, fueled by sheer fury and adrenaline, the man gritted his teeth, suppressing the agonizing pain that threatened to consume him. Surprised by the man's endurance and will, he made adjustments and quickened his footwork.

Nagi moved with precision and agility, taking measured steps as he skillfully evaded the man's aggressive assaults within the confines of the flower shop. He knew better than to engage in a direct confrontation, as the man's strength posed a significant threat.

Blocking his attacks could lead to a dangerous grapple, and Nagi couldn't afford to take such risks. Instead, he opted for a strategic approach, biding his time until the assailant's blood loss weakened him, presenting an opportunity for a decisive strike.

As time passed, the man's movements grew sluggish and erratic, his strength waning with each passing moment. The gaping wound inflicted upon him had caused a rapid loss of blood, rendering his attacks feeble and imprecise.

Seizing the opportunity, Nagi skillfully evaded the man's desperate punch, swiftly sidestepping the weak strike. With a quick motion, he brought down his knife with greater force, driving it into the man's skull, and delivering a fatal blow that ended his struggles in an instant.

Retrieving his blade from the man's skull, Nagi observed the crimson stream of blood trickling from the lifeless body, pooling beneath it, staining the surroundings with a morbid reminder of the violence that had unfolded. Making his way back to the counter, he picked up the man's shotgun, ensuring it was loaded and ready for use.

Though unfamiliar with firearms, Nagi understood that this was a tool he needed to wield in order to survive. His keen eyes and honed instincts instilled confidence that aiming and hitting his intended target would come naturally to him, even in this unfamiliar territory. 'Only one shot,' Nagi thought.

Taking a moment to compose himself, he methodically organized his belongings, ensuring everything was in order. With a swift glance around the area outside the flower shop, he ensured it was safe before stepping out, ready to resume his pursuit.

Only two adversaries remained: the man with the Oni tattoo and the unarmed individual. Unaware of their exact locations, Nagi grew weary of being pursued. With the odds now reduced to just two, Nagi made the decision to shift from being the prey to becoming the hunter.

Author Words:

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