HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 10: Parting Words

Chapter 10: Parting Words

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2793

Exhaling deeply, Nagi released his grip on the shotgun and settled himself onto the ground, allowing his weary body a moment of respite. Recent information had been relayed to him, and he needed to carefully contemplate his next course of action.

The imminent threat of an approaching swarm loomed large, comprising the very inhabitants of the city itself. It was abundantly clear that confronting such a massive force would require an arsenal of explosives, formidable protection, and a substantial stockpile of ammunition.

However, Nagi had no intention of engaging in such a futile endeavor. Opting to proceed towards Onbetsu Bridge, Nagi acknowledged that, despite emerging from the confrontation relatively unharmed in comparison to his adversaries, he was still nursing injuries and fatigue from the ordeal.

Presently, being left alone was not a viable option for him. He lacked the necessary provisions to sustain himself independently, including a secure shelter, weapons, firearms, sustenance, clean water, medicinal supplies, and a secluded haven away from potential encounters with other survivors.

Content with his current strategy, Nagi stood up and leaned over the railing. As anticipated, although not as massive as the impending horde, the group below was still considerably sizable. Merely creating noise wouldn't suffice to manipulate or divert their attention.

Deep in contemplation, Nagi conceived a perilous plan. It was a venture fraught with danger, with the stakes being nothing less than his own life. Yet, he found himself devoid of alternatives.

The encroaching horde had enveloped the construction site from all directions, leaving him no choice but to act swiftly if he desired to escape the city and evade their relentless pursuit. Time was of the essence.

After carefully searching the bodies, Nagi retrieved the keys from the Oni man's possession. Securing his blades back into their sheaths, Nagi relinquished his bow, acknowledging its service in the early days of the apocalypse but recognizing its inevitable demise.

The bow had succumbed to wear and tear, its strings frayed beyond repair, and his supply of arrows had been depleted long ago. The arrows had lost their sharpness, rendering them incapable of fully piercing the skulls of the zombies.

It was time to part ways with the weapon that had once been his reliable companion.

Placing his quiver and bow side by side, Nagi reverently clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, paying his respects before leaving them behind. Descending to the first floor, Nagi encountered a couple of zombies aimlessly wandering in the darkness, their silhouettes barely discernible.

Unsheathing his blades, Nagi deftly wielded them in both hands as he proceeded with caution, silently navigating through the group of zombies. His eyes surveyed the surroundings until he spotted his targeta solitary zombie stationed near the entrance of the building.

Creeping up soundlessly from behind, Nagi executed a swift and precise stab to the zombie's head, swiftly ending its undead existence. With a firm grip, he carefully lowered the lifeless body to the floor, ensuring it made no noise upon impact.

"This is going to stink," Nagi muttered in relunctantance. Stabbing his blade into the zombies' captivity, he slashed open his guts revealing its organs and blood.

The putrid odor of decaying flesh filled the air, mixing with the metallic tang of blood. The sight that greeted him was gruesome, as the creature's organs spilled out, intertwining with slimy entrails.

Hesitantly, Nagi reached out and grasped the oozing guts and blood, smearing them deliberately across his clothing and body. He made sure to cover every inch, ensuring not a single spot was left untouched. This was his plana risky but necessary strategy.

Though it remained uncertain whether the zombies could actually detect the scent, Nagi erred on the side of caution. By blending in with their appearance and moving silently, he aimed to navigate through the swarm undetected.

The key was to remain calm and composed, avoiding any trace of panic that could give away his true nature amidst the grotesque tableau of walking corpses. Completing his gruesome task, Nagi stood upright and returned his blades to their sheaths.

Stepping outside, he was greeted by a harrowing scenea sea of undead creatures swarming the construction site. The moans and guttural groans of the horde filled the air, creating a cacophony of dread. It was a macabre symphony, where the living dead moved with an unsettling determination, their insatiable hunger driving them forward.

With a deep breath, Nagi took his first step forward into the construction site. His bruised and battered form allowed him to blend in to some extent, his worn and weary appearance seamlessly merging with the desolate and grim surroundings.

As Nagi ventured deeper into the construction site, the flock closed in around him like a suffocating shroud. The stench of decay hung heavy in the air, mixing with the scent of sweat and fear that emanated from the zombies.

Their decaying bodies brushed against him, their grotesque limbs reaching out in mindless hunger. Teeth gnashed and gnarled as they snapped at the empty air, their hunger unabated.

Amidst the sea of zombies, Nagi moved with cautious steps, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. The cacophony of groans and moans filled the air, a haunting symphony of the damned.

It was as if the very fabric of death itself had come alive, an overwhelming chorus of despair and anguish. The stench of decay permeated the atmosphere, a putrid reminder of the relentless decay that consumed this world.

Nagi felt the cold touch of decaying hands brush against his skin, their bony fingers grazing his flesh with an icy chill. The relentless assault of their presence was unnerving, the relentless press of their bodies a constant reminder of the perilous situation he found himself in. Yet, he remained steadfast and stoic.

As Nagi approached the exit, the density of the zombies intensified, forcing him to rely on his quick-thinking mind. He assessed their enigmatic movements, the ever-changing surroundings, the haunting noises, and his own instincts.

With rapid precision, he processed the information, making split-second decisions to avoid compromising his precarious position in the midst of the relentless horde. The relentless onslaught was taking its toll on Nagi's already battered and bruised head.

The constant strain of analyzing his surroundings and evading the undead swarm was pushing his limits, threatening to overwhelm him. In the midst of the building strain, Nagi made a subtle mistake, inadvertently bumping into an entering zombie.

The zombie groaned, its decaying body leaning near Nagi as it clacked its teeth together in hunger. Nagi held his breath, his body tense, as he stood perfectly still, hoping to remain undetected.

They remained frozen in that moment for what felt like an eternity, until the undead creature resumed its mindless shuffle and joined the flock making their way into the construction site.

With a silent exhale of relief, Nagi cautiously emerged from the construction site and steadily made his way towards the gas station.


Upon arriving at the truck, Nagi exhaled in relief as he noticed it remained untouched and undamaged. Moving towards the dumpster, he retrieved his bike and brought it over to the truck. Lowering the trunk, he was greeted by the sight of the woman whom the scum had mentioned.

As the woman regained consciousness, her eyes slowly fluttered open. Upon spotting Nagi, her mind quickly processed the memories of her capture, causing tears to well up in her eyes.

Panic consumed her, and she struggled frantically, attempting to scream. However, the tape tightly covering her mouth prevented any sound from escaping, offering a small respite.

"Calm down," Nagi said, his tone gentle and soothing. The woman regarded him with uncertainty and distrust, but he paid no heed and pressed on. "I understand that you don't trust me, and you have every right to feel that way. However, the individuals who kidnapped you are no longer a threat."

Recognizing the gravity of his statement, she nodded hesitantly as Nagi carefully removed the tape from her mouth. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion, as he climbed into the truck and positioned himself behind her, untying her hands.

"Yeah... I'm alright," she replied in a subdued tone. Nagi unraveled the rope from her hands and then stood in front of her, crouching down to untie her feet. Sensing her unease, he posed a question. "There's something troubling you, isn't there? If you'd like, I can at least listen to you."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she quietly sobbed to herself. Nagi maintained his silence, understanding the weight of her emotions. It wasn't difficult for him to formulate a few plausible theories behind her tears. Besides...

He noticed a glimmer on her finger, a ring that appeared to be an engagement or wedding band. The possibility was high, especially considering the personalities exhibited by each of the men Nagi had killed earlier. It painted a grim picture, hinting at the potential loss she had experienced.

After finishing untying her feet, Nagi skillfully wrapped the ropes in a tight poacher's knot and set them aside, maintaining his calm composure as he patiently waited for her sobbing to subside.

Now, some may wonder why Nagi is showing consideration towards a random woman, especially after his initial interaction with Saya. However, there is a clear distinction between shedding tears due to a significant reason like being kidnapped and shedding tears over dispatching a zombie by drilling its skull.

Sure, Saya's tears were driven by the fear of being killed, but for someone who boasted about being a genius and believed herself to be superior to others, it was a rather pitiful demonstration of her supposed superiority.

As the woman's tears dried up, she finally took a good look at Nagi and muttered, "You're just a kid. Why are you covered in all that blood? And are those bruises?! Are you alright?" Nodding his head, Nagi replied, "You should be more worried about yourself than me."

Standing up from his crouch, Nagi stepped off the trunk and landed on the ground. "What do you plan on doing now? If you'd like, you can come with me. But on the off chance you don't want to, I recommend escaping the city quickly or finding a secure building with a second floor that can be fortified."

"An immense herd will be approaching here soon, and I'm going to be leaving shortly. So, I'll ask once more: What is it that you want?" Nagi emphasized.

With a broken smile and tears running down her cheeks once more, she answered, "I wanna die. Without my husband and son, I... I..." Her voice trembled with anguish as her breath hitched in pained gasps.

'It's worse than I thought,'Nagi thought to himself. He could offer her words of solace, the kind that people often turn to in times of grief. Words like, "They're in a better place" or giving her a comforting hug with unrealistic reassurances.

But Nagi wouldn't do that. He couldn't bring himself to lie to her. The truth may hurt, but it's necessary, especially in a world like this.

He didn't understand the depth of her pain. He didn't know what it felt like to lose a child or a loved one so deeply cherished. All Nagi knew was that it must be an unbearable agony, surpassing even the physical injuries he bore.

As a mother, to lose those she had dedicated herself to, as well as the precious result of that loving relationship, was a torment beyond imagination. And it was because of this understanding that Nagi made a decision.

"Come on, I'll assist you with your request," Nagi said, his voice devoid of emotion, as he started walking away from the truck. The woman looked at him with wide eyes, her expression transitioning into a gentle smile. "You're kind and strong-willed. I wish my little boy could have grown up to be like you."

In a voice void of emotion, Nagi mustered a soft reply, saying, "Thanks." As they reached their destination, Nagi turned to face the woman and reassured her, "I'll make it painless."

Without uttering a single word, she stood atop the lush green grass. The wind whispered through her hair, causing the strands to dance and play in the air as she gently brushed them behind her ear.

If one could disregard the polluted air and the pervasive stench of death, the surroundings would have been a breathtaking sight to behold. Nagi found himself standing in a nearby flower park, its once vibrant colors now muted by the desolation that had engulfed the world. Despite the decay, remnants of beauty still clung stubbornly to the landscape.

Rows of flowers, their petals delicately unfurled, swayed in the gentle breeze. Shades of crimson, lavender, and gold painted a mosaic of life amidst the surrounding darkness. The sunlight filtered through the thick canopy of trees, casting ethereal patterns of light and shadow on the path ahead.

The park's tranquil atmosphere offered a brief respite from the horrors that plagued the city. Nature's resilience could be seen in the stubborn growth of wild grass and the determined reach of ivy, reclaiming the abandoned structures with a touch of greenery.

Though the haunting presence of death lingered in the air, the park's inherent beauty remained, a poignant reminder of what once was. Amidst the chaos and decay, a fragile semblance of peace could still be found in the midst of nature's undying spirit.

"Thank you," the woman began, her voice quivering with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. She turned towards Nagi, her tear-streaked face illuminated by the fading sunlight. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she continued, her words punctuated by emotional pauses.

"Thanks for considering my selfish request... and thank you for showing me this beautiful sight before my death." Her voice cracked, overcome by the weight of her impending fate. She gazed at Nagi with a mix of appreciation and sadness, her eyes reflecting a depth of emotions.

"I don't know how the world will end up... but I'll be watching over you until then." She paused, her voice trembling with a mixture of hope and resignation. "So you better live, okay? Don't end up like me. Stay strong."

Her tears flowed freely now, mingling with the unspoken grief that permeated the air. She reached out and gently touched Nagi's hand, a silent plea for him to understand the depth of her words.

"Find love; find people you can trust... and protect them. Don't repeat my mistakes." Her voice wavered, as if burdened by the weight of her own regrets. It was a final plea, a heartfelt wish from a mother who had lost everything.

Nagi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the woman, absorbing the weight of her words without showing any emotion. He understood the gravity of her message, the impact it could have on his journey through this desolate world.

With a nod, he acknowledged her plea, before swiftly knocking her out with a chop to the neck. Gently lifting her, Nagi carried her to the top of the hill where the view was most breathtaking.

Retrieving a nearby shovel, he dug a sufficient hole, preparing a final resting place. Unsheathing his knife, he approached her with a solemn determination.

Pausing for a moment, Nagi gazed at her, his resolve unyielding. With a swift and precise motion, he plunged the knife into the side of her head, ending her suffering swiftly.

Carefully placing her in the grave, Nagi proceeded to bury her, creating a peaceful resting spot. Tenderly, he adorned the grave with a bouquet of flowers collected from the surrounding park.

Clasping his hands together and closing his eyes, Nagi bowed in a gesture of respect. Turning away, he cast one last glance back at the grave, his voice a soft murmur, "For a stranger, her words struck me deeply."

Author Words:

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. When I was making this chapter I felt a bit emotional parting ways with her. Even if only a little bit I hope you liked her character and this heartfelt chapter.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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