HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 7: Scum [1]

Chapter 7: Scum [1]

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2364

Walking along the dimly lit sidewalk, bathed in the eerie shadows of the night and illuminated by the pale moonlight above, Nagi casually consumed an apple. Not long ago, he had successfully eliminated the remaining group of zombies that had survived the explosion and those drawn to the chaotic scene.

However, the encounter had left him acutely aware of the need for new equipment, as his arrowheads, cleaver, and knife had grown dull and unreliable. Lamenting the absence of a vehicle to swiftly reach the city and replenish his arsenal, Nagi decided to seek out a secluded residence nearby.

It shouldn't prove too difficult to locate, considering that some students resided in their own homes rather than the school dormitories. It seemed reasonable to assume that at least a few of them would be within proximity, although he acknowledged the possibility of his deduction being flawed.

With only a day remaining to reach the bridge before being abandoned by the group, the weight of this realization settled upon Nagi. Did he truly need them in the first place? While he acknowledged that he lacked Saeko's prowess with bladed weapons or Shizuka's healing abilities, Nagi possessed exceptional physicality and versatility, coupled with his pragmatic and intelligent mindset.

Engrossed in his thoughts and considering his future plans, Nagi eventually reached a suitable place to spend the night. It was a Western-style house, featuring a second floor enclosed by a low concrete wall and a metal gate serving as its entrance.

Devoid of any automobiles, a red bike with a front basket leaned against the side of the house, silently waiting. Approaching the house, Nagi carefully surveyed its surroundings, checking for any signs of occupancy.

Finding nothing amissno shattered glass or damaged doorknobhe proceeded to the front door, attempting to open it, only to discover that it was locked. "Of course, it wouldn't be that easy," Nagi muttered under his breath.

As he pondered his next move, his eyes briefly fell upon a 'Welcome' mat beneath his feet. An idea flickered in his mind, even though he considered it foolish and clichd. Nevertheless, he couldn't completely dismiss the possibility, as people could sometimes be remarkably foolish.

Stepping off the mat, Nagi crouched down and lifted it, revealing the hidden key beneath. "The foolishness of people astounds even me," Nagi mused quietly to himself. Securing the key in his grasp, he retrieved his cleaver from his pants, prepared for any potential threats.

With caution, Nagi inserted the key into the lock, turning it and unlocking the door. He entered the house slowly, his senses heightened, prepared to respond to any potential threat. Finding the house empty, he proceeded to place the food bag in the fridge, ensuring the blinds, windows, and door were securely closed and locked.

After thoroughly inspecting the rest of the house and finding no signs of danger, Nagi made his way to one of the upper floors and settled into the bed. Lying there, he gazed at the ceiling, his thoughts swirling in a cryptic tone, influenced by his exhaustion and encroaching drowsiness. "Go to the city using a bike, gather supplies, reunite with the group, and then..." And with that, he succumbed to slumber.

Waking up early, as was his usual routine, Nagi unlocked the door to the room and cautiously peered outside, his senses attuned to any signs of intrusion. Moving silently, he carefully surveyed his surroundings, ensuring that no unwelcome visitors had breached his sanctuary during his slumber.

Satisfied that all was secure, he proceeded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Taking advantage of the fact that the power had not yet been cut, Nagi decided to make the most of the limited resources available. He retrieved the bag from the fridge and placed it on the counter, selecting the necessary ingredients from both the bag and the refrigerator.

Deciding on a simple breakfast, Nagi retrieved a few eggs, strips of bacon, fresh lettuce, a packet of miso soup stock, and a portion of rice from his available supplies.

With methodical efficiency, he cracked the eggs into a bowl and whisked them together, their yolks blending seamlessly. Meanwhile, he heated a skillet on the stovetop, the bacon sizzling and releasing its savory aroma as it cooked. Nagi carefully flipped the bacon strips, ensuring they cooked evenly.

In a separate pot, he combined the miso soup stock with water, stirring until it dissolved completely. The faint scent of miso filled the kitchen, adding a comforting touch to the air. Simultaneously, he rinsed the rice under running water, removing any impurities before placing it in a pot and adding the necessary amount of water.

As the eggs finished whisking, he poured them into the skillet alongside the bacon, allowing them to cook together, the mixture slowly solidifying into a hearty scramble. The crisp lettuce leaves were washed and set aside, ready to be used as a refreshing accompaniment to the meal.

With the miso soup simmering on the stove and the rice cooking to perfection, Nagi orchestrated a symphony of culinary efficiency, each component falling into place seamlessly.

Finally, with breakfast prepared, Nagi calmly plated the scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and steaming rice, arranging them with a minimalistic precision. The miso soup was ladled into a bowl, its aroma wafting through the air, providing a comforting contrast to the harsh reality outside.

Setting the food on the table, Nagi took a seat as he began eating, contemplating his moves for the day. 'Reaching the city shouldn't pose much difficulty now, thanks to the presence of the bike outside. However, the real challenge lies in acquiring a suitable vehicle that can accommodate supplies, individuals, and offer protection against the relentless undead.'

While savoring a bite of bacon, Nagi's train of thought continued, 'I still need to locate Takashi and Rei. Although they possess certain skills, it would be unwise to assume they won't fall victim to a surprise attack amidst the chaos of the city, that is, if anyone is still alive there. I require information...'

Nagi's musings took an abrupt turn as a sudden realization struck him. The electricity was still functioning, and if the cell network was down, perhaps the news channels were still operational. After finishing his miso soup, Nagi set the bowl down and headed to the living room. He grabbed the remote from the table in front of the TV and turned it on.

"This just in," the news reporter's voice filled the room as Nagi focused his attention on the screen. "We have received reports that the authorities have implemented strict border restrictions on the Tokonosu Bridge. In an effort to maintain control and prevent the spread of the infection, no unauthorized individuals will be allowed to pass."

The footage displayed on the television showed a chaotic scene near the bridge, with police officers and barricades blocking any attempts to cross. The reporter's voice continued, "Anyone attempting to cross the bridge without following the instructions of the police will be met with force. Authorities have deployed water cannons to deter unauthorized individuals, blasting them with high-pressure hoses."

Switching off the TV, Nagi gathered his belongings and placed them neatly on the table. Having acquired sufficient information, he made the decision to head towards Onbetsu Bridge. Not only was it a likely meeting point for the group, but it also held a greater chance of survival in the desolate world they now found themselves in.

'If my memory serves me right, Takagi's home should be on the other side of the bridge,' Nagi contemplated silently. Satisfied with his deduction, he proceeded to gather all the necessary supplies from the house. Securing an additional bag, he filled it with practical items such as lighters, hand sanitizers, towels, soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.

Notably, all these items were brand new, untouched, and clean from whoever lived here. In addition, Nagi meticulously organized and sorted through his food bag, carefully selecting items to transfer into the other bag while replenishing the food bag with more long lasting provisions.

Discarding his worn-out cleaver and knife, Nagi acquired two new blades to replace them. Although there was no exact substitute for the cleaver, he opted for another sharp blade, sliding them securely into his pants belt pocket.

Taking hold of his bags, he exited the house, carefully securing them within the basket of the bike as he swiftly embarked to Tokonosu City.


As Nagi ventured into the heart of the city, a wave of horrifying sights assaulted his senses. The once vibrant streets, bustling with life, had devolved into a wretched stage of horror and despair. The macabre aftermath of the apocalypse lay before him, a haunting landscape that would chill the very core of those weak willed.

Everywhere Nagi turned, the remnants of society lay desecrated, tainted by the macabre essence of death. The buildings stood as haunting testimonies to the horrors that had transpired, their shattered windows and scorched marks serving as evidence of the violence inflicted upon them.

The walls, once pristine, now bore grotesque patterns of dried blood, creating an eerie tapestry of crimson. Flesh-like smears adorned the surfaces, pulsating with a malevolence that permeated the air.

The streets themselves were marred by the unholy remnants of the fallen. Pools of coagulated blood pooled in the crevices, seeping into the asphalt like a grotesque river of despair. The air was tainted with the metallic tang of fresh gore, mingling with the putrid stench of decay, assaulting Nagi's nostrils without mercy.

As he pressed forward, the scene grew increasingly gruesome. Abandoned toys lay forgotten in the midst of the carnage, their once bright colors now dulled and tainted by the stains of blood. Limbs, torn asunder from their owners, lay strewn across the pavement, their severed ends oozing crimson life force.

Pedaling towards an unattended car, Nagi inspected it to see if the key was present. Unfortunately, the ignition yielded no results, prompting him to search beneath the seats and in the glove compartment, but his efforts proved fruitless.

Disappointed but undeterred, Nagi returned to the bike and continued his search for a suitable means of transportation. He knew that finding a vehicle wouldn't be easy in such dire circumstances, but he couldn't help but wish for things to look his way.

Yet instead of aiming his wish a faint rumble of a vehicle engine caught his attention. His instincts kicked in, and he quickly veered off the main road, skillfully maneuvering the bike behind a nearby dumpster. Concealing the bike from view, Nagi climbed atop the dumpster, using it as a makeshift stepping stone to ascend to the roof of a nearby gas station.

From his elevated vantage point, Nagi surveyed the area, trying to locate the source of the engine noise. As he peered into the distance, he finally spotted a vehicle approaching. It was a red Toyota four door pick up truck. Brandishing his bow and loading an arrow just in case, Nagi continued to observe.

A truck rolled to a stop in front of Nagi, catching his attention. Peering through the windshield, he observed the four occupants inside. Their physical stature varied, with one notably muscular individual, bald and proudly displaying an Oni tattoo on his bare arm.

The remaining duo appeared to be corporate workers, distinguished by their attire, while the last person donned an apron, hinting at a different occupation. Stepping out of the car, the group surveyed their surroundings, their eyes scanning the desolate area before shifting their attention to the figure who exuded an aura of authority.

"Wasn't there a kid here? We just saw him enter the city. Where could he have gone?" The man in the apron mused, his words laced with a sinister curiosity.

Nods of agreement rippled through the group, and one of the corporate workers chimed in, his voice dripping with malice, "Indeed. If he's carrying anything valuable, it's ours for the taking. And if not, well... we can always kill him."

As he finished speaking, Nagi's eyes caught sight of the shotgun resting in the man's hands. Glancing at the others, he observed that each of them possessed a weapon of their own. The man in the apron gripped a gleaming cleaver, its blade tainted with a sanguine hue.

Meanwhile, the leader held another shotgun, its cold metal glinting under the dim light. The final member of the group chose to remain unarmed, his empty hands serving as a hint of his skill in hand-to-hand combat.

"Quiet," the tattooed man commanded, his voice laced with authority. "It appears that he heard the truck and decided to hide or make his escape. Well, if he wants to play this game of cat and mouse, then so be it. The one who catches him will be rewarded with a taste of the woman we captured earlier. Do we have a deal?"

Hearing these words, Nagi's eyes darkened, void of any trace of emotion, as he coldly observed the group before him. He had made it clear that he adhered to a personal moral code, and this situation was no exception.

He was well aware of the atrocities that were occurring on a global scale in this accursed world, and he had no aspirations of becoming a hero amidst the chaos.

However, if there was an opportunity for him to intervene and prevent such an act, Nagi would seize it, especially if the rewards were worth his time. While some may question his involvement in such situations, given his ambiguous moral code, the answer remains elusive:

Who knows?

Author Words:

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