HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 23: Takagi Estate - Saya Takagi

Chapter 23: Takagi Estate - Saya Takagi

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2465

"Sorry to draw you into our little discussion," Yuriko apologized as she turned her attention to the two young men before her. Her gaze shifted from Takashi to Nagi, whom she had not seen among the group before. "Who might you be?" she inquired, addressing Nagi.

"It's alright, we don't mind," Nagi replied, offering reassurance to Yuriko. "Also, my apologies for not introducing myself earlier, Madam Takagi. My name is Nagi, and I was part of the group Saya was with. I arrived with Saeko yesterday." With a calm and composed demeanor, Nagi introduced himself.

Smiling slightly, Yuriko replied, "It's fine, Nagi. I understand that you and Saeko were tired after yesterday's events. Also, please, just call me Mrs. Takagi. You are friends of my daughter, after all."

With a gentle tone, Yuriko acknowledged the fatigue they must have felt and preferred a more familiar address. "Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if we are overstaying our welcome here," Nagi asked, wary about the duration of their stay and Yuriko's plans.

"Not at all," Yuriko responded. "Currently, Tokonosu is receiving electricity from the dam located in Okunaka to the north. However, securing both electricity and water is becoming increasingly challenging."

Nodding in agreement, Nagi added, "It's a logical assumption. The workers at the power plants and water works are not trained to combat the undead. Given the increasing number of zombies in the city, it's unlikely that both the electricity and water supply will last less than two months."

"Why is that?" Takashi queried, joining in on the subject. Glancing at him, Nagi answered, "It's because their families aren't there. The workers can't stay forever, consumed by worry for their families. It's only a matter of time before they prioritize their loved ones."

"However, since the electricity and water are still functioning, I can only assume it's due to the Self-Defense Force safeguarding them, correct?" Nagi turned to Yuriko, expecting her to have the answer.

"You're a sharp kid, Nagi," Yuriko complimented with a smile. "Yes, when the dead started attacking people, the commander took matters into his own hands and sent a portion of the Self-Defense Forces to protect the facilities. He's not the kind of man to wait on the Prime Minister's incompetence."

"If that's the case, then maybe they can keep things running a little longer," Takashi commented, his optimism shining through. However, the harsh reality was far from kind.

"So optimistic," Yuriko retorted with a sigh as she looked at Takashi. "As Nagi mentioned earlier, the workers also have families, and they are not at the facilities. While the Self Defense Force can prolong their stay to some extent, it is inevitable that they will have to leave eventually."

"So you plan on taking the buses and..." Takashi began, only to be interrupted by Yuriko as she anticipated his statement. "Correct. However, we will only take those who are under our responsibility, or rather, those who have the capacity to survive outside of this place."

'This answers most of my queries thus far their plan, capabilities, and information. However...' Nagi pondered to himself as he looked at Yuriko, formulating his question.

"If you plan on taking only those who have the capacity to survive, why are you allowing the civilians outside to drain you of your resources without any contribution?"

"What do you mean?" Takashi asked, his confusion evident in his voice. Nagi maintained his composed demeanor as he responded, "Takashi, surely you have noticed that the individuals who have been actively involved in tasks such as moving supplies, guarding the gates, and constructing barricades around the estate are the subordinates under Saya's father's influence. They can be identified by their distinctive clothing and some of them are armed with katanas."

"Very observant as well, aren't you?" Yuriko noted, her gaze fixed on Nagi. "The reason why we're not utilizing those civilians is because they are not under our jurisdiction. We have no authority over them, and we cannot force them to do anything against their will."

'A rather weak response,' Nagi thought to himself, observing Yuriko's answer. 'As it stands, the Takagis hold authority over these civilians. This estate is their property, and they have the power to remove anyone as they see fit.'

'Perhaps it's merely out of the goodness of their hearts? I know the Takagis are influential and respected politicians.' With an internal sigh, Nagi nodded in acknowledgment of Yuriko's response.

Chuckling softly, Yuriko raised her hand to cover her mouth as she spoke, "You don't have to hide it, Nagi. Even behind your stoic expression, I can sense your slight disappointment in my response, can't I? I know you've considered the situation thoroughly, but have you also taken into account my earlier statement?"

Nagi's eyes widened in response to Yuriko's words as he watched her start to depart."My daughter spoke highly of you, Nagi. And from what I've seen, her assessment was accurate. I hope you won't let her down," Yuriko stated before continuing on her way.

Nagi observed Yuriko's retreating figure, his mind buzzing with a multitude of thoughts. "However, we will only take those who are under our responsibility, or rather, those who have the capacity to survive outside of this place."

Her words resonated in his mind, emphasizing the selective nature of their rescue efforts. The civilians, not falling under those criteria, would be left behind.

Impressed by Yuriko's shrewdness, Nagi admired and respected her for making such pragmatic decisions. He then turned his attention to Takashi and spoke with a composed tone. "Let's go. I'm not sure about your plans, but I'm heading to the dining area."

Nodding in understanding, Takashi replied, "I'll go back to Rei. I think she's not mad at me anymore."

"Well, if you don't want her to be mad at you, just don't use her as a makeshift stand for a gun again, Takashi. Problem solved," Nagi retorted casually, shrugging his shoulders as he descended the stairs.

Upon reaching the first floor, Nagi was met with the sight of the entire group assembled together. Sensing his confusion, Saeko stepped forward and took the initiative to provide an explanation. "Saya has something important to discuss with everyone," she informed them.

Nagi sighed in resignation upon hearing the news, nodding in understanding. "So, where exactly is it happening?" he asked. Saya spoke up, saying, "It will be in Rei's room. Considering her limited mobility at the moment, it seems like the most logical choice."

With a collective understanding, the group made their way upstairs toward Rei's room.


Location: Rei's Room

"Oh, great idea! Let's all gather in my room," Rei grumbled, expressing her dissatisfaction. She lay on the bed, her body covered by a towel. "Since you can't really move, there's not much we can do about it," Takashi retorted.

"I'm sorry, but what are we talking about again?" Shizuka inquired, peeling her banana and taking a bite.

"We're discussing whether we should continue moving forward as a group or not," Saya responded, causing Shizuka to be taken aback. She wasn't the only one caught off guard, as the others fell into contemplative silence, pondering the implications of Saya's statement.

Saeko chimed in, agreeing, "That's a valid point. With the group growing larger, we may need to adopt a more democratic approach, considering there are more of us now than before."

"Right. We have only two options. Whether we're going to be absorbed or separate from them," Saya concluded.

Interjecting, Takashi questioned, "Do you really think we need to split from the group? Things are only getting worse in the city. And your father seems to know what he's doing. And your mother too. They have a plan," Takashi insisted.

"Oh, they always do, don't they? No one knows better than I do," Saya responded with a somber tone. Nagi arched an eyebrow, attentively listening to ensure he didn't miss any crucial details. Perhaps, within Saya's words, he would find the answers he had been seeking regarding her.

"Her accomplishments... don't assume she won't flaunt them in your face. If only she had shown the same dedication at home as she did at her job... God, she's just..." Saya's voice trailed off, the bitterness evident in her words.

Turning his gaze towards her, Takashi gently admonished, "You shouldn't speak badly of your parents. Given the circumstances we're facing, it has been difficult for everyone."

"Did I ask for your input on my family life?!" Saya rebuked, causing Takashi to take a step back, startled by her outburst. "The Takagis," she continued with a bitter tone. "How marvelous their lives must have been. The perfect house, the immaculate garden, the extravagant parties."

"And let's not forget about their precious daughter! It was suffocating, truly. They wanted to know my whereabouts and activities every single minute of the day. But where was that leash when I was out there fighting for my life? Where the hell were they!"

Angered, Takashi lunged towards Saya, attempting to grab her by the collar, only to be swiftly intercepted by Nagi. Firmly grasping Takashi's forearm, Nagi fixed both of them with an impassive gaze. "That's enough, both of you," he stated calmly.

"Takashi, I understand your anger, but escalating the situation won't be helpful. It's important to keep a level head," Nagi advised, turning his attention to Saya. "And Saya, remember that you're not the only one facing difficulties."

"Everyone is going through their own challenges. Although you're fortunate to know that your parents are okay, being a Takagi doesn't define you. To me, you'll always be Saya" Nagi continued his explanation, unaware of the effect his words had on Saya. Her heart fluttered, and a blush spread across her face as she processed Nagi's statement.

"If you feel overshadowed by your parents' achievements, strive to be recognized for who you are. You have qualities that remind me of your mother, along with your own unique strengths. Embrace and utilize them."

Saya's discontent and bitterness towards her family were unmistakable. She saw them as individuals who valued their social standing and image above her own welfare. She resented her parents for what she perceived as their failure to offer support or ensure her safety in the face of the dangerous circumstances she had encountered.

The bitterness that consumed Saya was rooted in her constant feeling of being overshadowed by her parents' achievements and burdened by the weight of their expectations. She voiced her discontentment with their opulent lifestyle, extravagant parties, and the relentless pressure to conform to their high standards.

The frustration within Saya seemed to intensify as she compared her parents' seemingly flawless existence with their absence or lack of support during her most trying moments. These unresolved emotions fueled her current state of mind, contributing to the mounting tension within the group.

'Family problems, indeed,' Nagi thought to himself, a hint of bitterness seeping into his mind. Upon hearing a wince escape from Takashi, Nagi quickly released his grip on Takashi's forearm, realizing he had applied too much pressure. "I apologize. Are you feeling calmer now?" Nagi inquired, his tone neutral. Takashi nodded in response, silently acknowledging Nagi's question.

As Nagi shifted his attention to Saya, his eyes widened in surprise. He was captivated by the radiant smile adorning her face, finding it mesmerizing and unable to look away. Saya returned his gaze, a faint blush accentuating her features, and expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Nagi. Your words mean a lot to me, truly."

As Saeko observed Saya's radiant smile and her acceptance of Nagi's words, a subtle expression of jealousy flickered in her eyes. Though she tried to maintain her composure, a hint of longing and envy seeped through her facade.

The sudden sound of approaching vehicles pierced the silence, capturing the group's attention and igniting their curiosity and wariness. Their attention turned towards the source of the noise, their expressions shifting to curiosity and alertness.

With a sense of urgency, everyone, excluding Rei and Alice, swiftly rose from their seats and hastened towards the balcony, their eagerness to investigate evident. "Is that...?" Kohta began, his words trailing off as Saya interjected, identifying the figure behind the commotion.

"Yes, it is. The leader of the ultra-nationalist organization, known as the Don, in this prefecture!" As Saya unveiled the identity of the man, the cars came to a halt, and a tall and formidable figure emerged from one of them.

He possessed jet-black hair and fierce orange eyes, exuding an aura akin to a predatory beast. His gaze mirrored Nagi's, yet held the weight of experience.

"He alone dictates what is right or wrong!" Saya proclaimed, before adding, "My father!" The imposing man stood with an air of authority, causing the mansion's servants and his retainers to bow in respect. Yuriko, standing before him, offered a welcoming gesture as he returned home.

Walking with unwavering confidence and emanating a weighty aura, Souichiro positioned himself on the platform situated near the pole that proudly held Japan's flag aloft. From this elevated vantage point, his voice resounded through the growing crowd of survivors within the compound.

"Allow me to introduce this man as Doitetsu Tarou," he made his declaration, and a macabre sight unfolded before the eyes of the gathered crowd. A cage, housing an undead creature, was being transported on a forklift, steadily approaching the platform.

"He has been a friend to me for the past 25 years!" Souichiro proclaimed, his voice resonating with a mix of reverence and determination.

"In an act of self-sacrifice, he was bitten while attempting to rescue a junior officer. This act exemplifies the utmost nobility one can hope to achieve. However..." His words trailed off as he unsheathed the katana by his side.

"He is no longer human. His life ended when he transformed into this abominable 'thing'! And so now..." Souichiro paused once more, raising his katana high above his head, his gaze growing fierce. "I will demonstrate my friendship!"

With a swift and fluid motion, he brought the katana down upon the undead creature as it lunged towards him, swiftly severing its head from its body with remarkable force and skill.

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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