HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 22: Takagi Estate - Madam Takagi

Chapter 22: Takagi Estate - Madam Takagi

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2830

Announcement: The Takagi Estate Arc has been finished, and I am now delving into manga territory while incorporating my own elements more prominently. If you'd like early access, join my Patreon. Anyways, peace.

Also, thank you to those who offered their opinions in the last chapter. It helped clear my brain and gave me a couple of ideas as well. Some people made assumptions that it was a 'bit far,' and it wasn't wrong.

It's the Mall Arc; however, it will be extended, as I said above. My own elements will be prominent. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story! Peace.

The mansion stood proudly atop a hill, surrounded by imposing walls and intricately designed iron gates. Its grandeur was enhanced by the meticulously maintained gardens, adorned with vibrant flowers and well-trimmed hedges.

The fusion of traditional Japanese and modern architectural styles resulted in a captivating facade.

Large windows, balconies, and a traditional Japanese-style rooftop added to the mansion's allure. On the balconies at the rear of the mansion, Kohta, Alice, and Zero sat in silence, their gaze fixated on the back gates.

Alice, her brows furrowed in confusion, questioned the choice of their location. "Why are we in the back?" she inquired, seeking clarification. Kohta, maintaining his unwavering focus on the gate, responded, "I have a feeling they would come through the back if they wanted to sneak in."

Zero's heightened senses detected a familiar scent in the vicinity, causing the canine to stand on its paws and unleash a series of barks.

Kohta and Alice, alerted by the commotion, directed their attention towards Zero and followed his gaze, discovering Nagi and Saeko approaching the gate. Their presence at the back entrance surprised both Kohta and Alice.

Positioned by the window, Saya's lips curled into a smile as she caught sight of Nagi and Saeko approaching.

However, a hint of unease flickered across her face as she noticed their proximity to each other. Resolute, Saya moved away from the window, striding towards the room door, and issuing a command with authority, "Open the gates!"

The gates smoothly slid open, granting Nagi a momentary respite. He relished the prospect of a longer period of rest, intending to make the most of it.

However, his contemplation was interrupted by the excited barking of Zeke, who energetically circled around Nagi and Saeko. Opening his eyes, Nagi's attention was drawn to Alice, who leaped towards them with a sense of relief and joy, seemingly hovering in the air.

Reacting swiftly, Nagi caught Alice in his embrace as she wrapped her arms around Saeko, who wore a gentle smile. Nagi stood there, momentarily unsure of how to respond, before yielding to the moment and returning the hug with one hand.

Meanwhile, Kohta approached with a grin on his face, extending a thumbs-up towards Nagi and Saeko to congratulate them on their arrival.

Acknowledging the gesture, Nagi gently placed Alice back onto the ground, allowing her and Saeko to engage in conversation. Meanwhile, Nagi approached Kohta and inquired, "Where are the others?"

"Takagi is having a conversation with her mom, and Takashi and Nurse Marikawa are attending to Rei's injuries. Rei took quite a beating from that fall, so she's not able to move much at the moment.," Kohta explained while Nagi nodded to show his understanding.

Feeling a small hand grasping his, Nagi looked down to find Alice smiling brightly. Her enthusiasm was evident as she exclaimed, "Let's return to the mansion! It's safe there. And, um, not to be rude, but you and Saeko... well, you both smell a bit."

Kohta's laughter filled the air as he found Alice's comment amusing, while Saeko blushed slightly, feeling a touch of embarrassment. Nagi, with his perpetually stoic expression, sighed and nodded in acknowledgment of Alice's observation. "Yes, you're right. Let's head to the mansion."

With that said, the group made their way toward the mansion.


~One Day Later~

It had been a full day since Nagi and Saeko arrived at the estate, and each member of the group was occupied with their own tasks.

Takashi dedicated his time to assisting Shizuka in tending to Rei's injuries, while Kohta busied himself with tinkering with the firearms, exploring different combinations and cosmetic modifications.

Saya engaged in a conversation with her mother, while Saeko took the opportunity to explore the vast mansion. As for Nagi, well

Nagi lay comfortably in the soft bed, the covers pulled snugly up to his chin. The dim light of the room created a serene atmosphere, and he relished the chance to unwind after a long day. With his phone in hand, he immersed himself in the familiar world of Tetris.

Block by block, Nagi skillfully maneuvered the falling pieces, arranging them with precision to create perfect lines. The rhythmic music of the game and the satisfying sound effects filled the room, creating a soothing ambiance.

Each completed line brought a sense of accomplishment, temporarily whisking away any worries or thoughts that had occupied his mind.

Outside his room, the mansion was quiet, save for the occasional distant footsteps or the soft rustling of the wind. Nagi was grateful for the tranquility, allowing him to fully immerse himself in the Tetris game. It was a small escape from the harsh reality they faced outside those walls.

As the blocks fell faster and the intensity of the game increased, Nagi's focus sharpened. He skillfully rotated and dropped the shapes, seamlessly fitting them into the existing structure.

The game provided a simple yet captivating challenge, engaging his mind and helping him unwind. To Nagi's dismay and annoyance, the sudden shriek from Rei shattered his concentration, causing his finger to unintentionally veer off course, resulting in a loss in the game.

Letting out a sigh of resignation, Nagi tossed the covers aside and stood up from the bed, stretching his body to alleviate the tension. After completing his stretches, Nagi descended to the floor and began performing push-ups.

Despite the temporary respite from the constant challenges outside the mansion, Nagi refused to let his guard down or allow himself to grow physically weak. He recognized the importance of maintaining his physique and strength, as they would be vital for his survival in the future.

Thus, he dedicated himself to this exercise, knowing that it was crucial to keep his body in peak condition. Completing a short but rigorous 15-minute session of push-ups, crunches, squats, and various calisthenic exercises, Nagi felt the familiar sensation of sweat trickling down his upper body.

He walked over to the sliding doors that led to the balcony and opened them, allowing the cold, refreshing air to wash over him. He couldn't help but let out a contented sigh, appreciating the revitalizing sensation against his skin.

Reflecting on his morning routine, he acknowledged the difficulty of breaking old habits, but he had no desire to relinquish the discipline he had cultivated. Returning indoors, Nagi closed the sliding doors leading to the balcony behind him and made his way to the bathroom in his room.

Fortunately, the room was equipped with its own shower. Stepping into the shower, he allowed the warm water to cascade over his body, washing away the sweat and fatigue accumulated from his workout.

After thoroughly washing up and shampooing his hair, Nagi stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He grabbed a towel and briskly dried off his body, ensuring every droplet of water was absorbed.

Once dry, he reached for his chosen attire - a pair of sleek black shorts and a matching black t-shirt. Slipping them on with ease, Nagi relished in the comfort of the soft fabric against his skin while the shirt clung to his muscular frame.

To complete his ensemble, he loosely draped a robe over his shoulders, its flowing folds adding an air of effortless elegance and comfort. Leaving his room, Nagi shifted his attention toward the commotion coming from Rei's room.

He observed as Rei shouted at Takashi, her anger evident in her words. "My chest is killing me because you used it to balance an AK-47! Now, get out!" With a forceful slam, Rei shut the door, leaving Takashi standing outside with a sigh of resignation.

Approaching him, Nagi made a remark, "Looks like you two are getting closer." Startled by the sudden voice, Takashi turned around to find Nagi approaching him. Letting out a sigh, Takashi questioned, "Are you being sarcastic? It's hard to tell behind your blank face, after all."

"Nothing of the sort," Nagi replied, waving his hand dismissively while observing Takashi's fidgeting and avoidance of eye contact. It was evident that Takashi was restless or hesitant to say something. Sensing this, Nagi inquired, "Do you have something to say?"

"What makes you say that?" Takashi questioned almost instantaneously.

Raising an eyebrow, Nagi pointed at his hand and answered, "Well, for starters, you've been fidgeting ever since you became aware of my presence, and you've been avoiding eye contact. It's clear that you're not seeking a fight, but rather a conversation of some sort."

Widening his eyes a bit, Takashi let out a small laugh as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly and commented, "Nothing gets past you, does it?" Nagi remained silent, waiting for Takashi to continue.

Noticing this, Takashi approached him until they were at arm's length and bowed at a 30-degree angle before saying, "Sorry." At that moment, Takashi was performing a Saikeirei, a bow that signifies either a high level of respect or remorse for one's actions.

It is typically used for serious apologies or expressing deep gratitude. While shocked by the sudden apology, Nagi gazed at Takashi with his natural stoicism for a while before asking, "Why are you apologizing?"

"For causing trouble for you regarding Rei and almost causing a rift between us due to my misplaced jealousy and my feelings toward her," Takashi explained, still bowing.

Takashi felt compelled to extend his apologies to Nagi, recognizing the unwarranted wariness he had harbored towards him on account of Rei. Takashi admitted the sheer stupidity, self-centeredness, and rudeness of his abrupt judgment.

Reflecting on the harrowing experiences they had endured before arriving at their current situation, Takashi held a sense of gratitude towards Nagi. It was thanks to Nagi's presence that survival had become more manageable, ultimately bringing Takashi closer to Rei.

"I accept your apology," Nagi simply replied, maintaining his stoic gaze as he observed Takashi rise from his bow, perplexed by Nagi's response. "You do?" Takashi questioned, seeking confirmation.

Nodding in affirmation, Nagi calmly responded, "I don't see the need to expend more energy than necessary. If accepting your apology will put an end to this matter, then so be it. Besides, I had already accepted it back at Shizuka's friend's house."

Takashi nodded in response, grateful for Nagi's understanding. "Thank you, Nagi," he said sincerely. With their brief exchange concluded, the two made their way downstairs together, their attention drawn to two adult men who were visibly struggling to carry a heavy load of items.

Approaching them, Takashi offered his help, but they dismissed him, saying, "No, kid. It's alright. This is an adult's job. You kids just kick back and relax."

"The adults?" Takashi questioned, raising an eyebrow in confusion as he wondered why they didn't accept his offer. As the men picked up the box again and walked away, they muttered, "Just go relax, pretty boy."

"What's their problem?" Takashi muttered to himself, his face a blend of annoyance and confusion. Nagi observed the scene with an impassive expression, his gaze fixed on the retreating backs of the adults. He took note of their attitude and the potential implications it held.

Suddenly, a female voice broke the silence, resonating with a calm and soothing tone. "Don't dwell on it too much." Nagi turned his gaze towards the source of the voice, discovering Saeko approaching them from the corridor.

She was no longer in her school uniform but rather adorned with a mesmerizing purple kimono embellished with intricate patterns of yellow and light blue. Gazing at her, Nagi commented, "It appears you have chosen comfort as well, Saeko."

Saeko smiled in response to Nagi's comment, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "Thank you, Nagi. Your attire suits you too," she replied, her gaze briefly flickering to his exposed physique, visible through his shirt. His well-toned forearms and legs were on display, hinting at the physical strength he possessed.

"Thank you, Saeko. The kimono truly complements your purple hair and ocean-blue eyes. You look absolutely stunning," Nagi complimented, his gaze attentively observing Saeko's attire and appearance.

His words carried sincerity, as he genuinely appreciated her beauty. Saeko's long violet hair cascaded down her back, adding to her distinctive allure, while the elegant kimono accentuated her unique features.

Saeko couldn't hide the visible blush that adorned her face, her cheeks turning a shade of pink as Nagi's compliment sank in. She averted her gaze slightly, feeling a rush of shyness overwhelming her. "Thank you," she muttered softly, her voice barely audible but loud enough for Nagi to hear.

Just then, the door to the estate swung open, revealing Alice accompanied by Zero. Alice curiously tilted her head to the side and approached Nagi and Saeko. In her innocent voice, she asked, "Nagi, why is Saeko's face red? Does she have a fever?"

Saeko's cheeks flushed even deeper as Alice inquired about her red face. Nagi knelt down next to her, his touch comforting as he lightly stroked her hair.

With the intention of preserving Saeko's image of strength and composure in Alice's eyes, Nagi responded, "No, Saeko isn't sick. It's just that wearing the kimono can make you feel warm, and that might be why her face is red."

Nagi's intention, as mentioned earlier, was to preserve Saeko's image. However, it may not be in the sense you initially assumed. The idea behind this is to provide Alice with a positive role model. Children, being impressionable, often emulate those they admire.

Saeko has already presented herself as someone strong and composed, so Nagi aims to inspire Alice and instill in her the necessary qualities for survival in this new world.

Nagi acknowledges that the group members may not always be there to protect and guide Alice. Thus, he wants to ensure that she has someone to look up to and learn from.

He understood that, regardless of his or anyone else's capabilities within the group, death was an inevitable reality that could strike at any moment.

"Fine, you're always right! Always!" Saya's voice, filled with irritation and annoyance, abruptly echoed from within the mansion. Nagi perked up at the sound, bidding farewell to Saeko and Alice before heading upstairs. Takashi, deciding to tag along, followed Nagi.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Nagi and Takashi saw Saya walking towards them with clenched fists and closed eyes. Her brows were furrowed with annoyance and irritation, clearly upset with whomever she was speaking to.

Nagi was about to speak, but Takashi cut him off, asking Saya, "What's the matter with you?"

"You don't have to act like such a pri" Saya started, prepared to retort to Takashi before realizing Nagi's presence. Stopping her sentence, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her fists were unclenched as she stared at Takashi before replying, "I don't want to talk about it."

As Saya started descending the stairs, Nagi couldn't help but be consumed by a multitude of questions. Her sudden outburst, the shift in her demeanor, and her remarkable control over her emotions intrigued him.

Nagi was well aware of Saya's emotional nature, particularly when it came to her pride being challenged and her fear of the undead. However, at that moment, she had managed to maintain a composed facade, responding calmly to Takashi before swiftly departing from the scene.

It was a display of self-control that piqued Nagi's curiosity, leaving him wondering about the deeper layers of Saya's emotions and the true extent of her inner turmoil.

However, before Nagi could delve deeper into his thoughts, the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridors, catching his attention. He turned his head towards the source of the sound, his gaze fixated on the approaching figure.

She had long, light purple hair that cascaded down her back, framing her face. Her hair was styled with shorter strands in the front, pushed to either side of her face. Her purple eyes shone with an air of mystery. She possessed a slender figure and was dressed in a style reminiscent of aristocratic attire.

She wore a thin red dress, with a white cloth wrapped around her arms and lower body. A silver necklace adorned her neck, featuring a small charm at the front. Her lips were painted with a deep shade of lipstick, adding to her enigmatic allure.

As the woman came to a halt in front of Nagi and Takashi, Nagi confirmed her identity within his mind, 'Yuriko Takagi.'

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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