HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 24: Takagi Estate - Tainted Unity

Chapter 24: Takagi Estate - Tainted Unity

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2892

Author's Note: Although I personally found this chapter to be a bit dull, I must admit that I struggled with motivation due to a severe case of imaginative burnout. School is starting back up once more and it's gnawing at me.

However, I won't dwell on it; instead, I've decided to take a brief break to refresh my mind by exploring some new scenery, away from the confines of my computer screen. This break should aid me in recovering from this creative slump. Hope you guys understand. Peace.

The spectacle left the onlookers both frightened and disturbed, with Takashi wearing a dark expression of shock and disbelief. Meanwhile, Saeko and Nagi remained composed as ever, while Saya winced at the sight.

The group observed the scene, each wearing a different expression until Kohta spoke up. "Katana blades aren't efficient enough..." However, before he could elaborate on his statement, Saeko interjected. "Don't make comments about things you don't fully understand, Hirano."

"But a Japanese sword's blade becomes dull when it strikes bone, and after three or four strikes, it loses its effectiveness," Kohta insisted, his voice filled with conviction.

Nagi observed the exchange, his confusion growing as he tried to comprehend Kohta's sudden claim and his unwavering stance on the matter. Saeko intervened, addressing Kohta's concern. "Listen," she began, her voice steady. "The path of the sword encompasses various aspects."

"It involves a warrior's skill, their proficiency with a sword, and most importantly, their focus. By honing these elements to a high level, one can execute multiple beheadings without compromising their combat strength," Saeko explained, her chin resting in her hand as she observed the scene below.

"But you'd get blood and grease on the sword," Kohta countered. Saeko responded with a compelling argument. "It's similar to cooking. A skilled chef would never leave unnecessary grease on a quality kitchen knife. The same principle applies to swords."

"But... but," Kohta stammered, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. Takashi reached out, attempting to calm him down, saying, "Hey, Kohta, it's okay"

However, before Takashi could finish his sentence, Kohta slapped his hand away and turned to glare at him. "Don't butt in! You can't even fire a gun properly!" he retorted, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Kohta, you need to relax," Nagi interjected, understanding the source of Kohta's agitation. "Reacting impulsively won't lead to a resolution. Take a moment to calm down before rejoining us."

Exhaling a sigh of exasperation, Nagi couldn't help but feel frustrated by the tension that had arisen. Kohta's outburst was a result of Takashi's attempt to grab Saya by the collar, which agitated him.

It was evident that Kohta held feelings of admiration toward Saya, and this incident sparked his anger toward Takashi and the rest of the group. Without wasting any time, Takashi swiftly dashed past Nagi, accompanied by Alice, as they hastily left the room in search of Kohta.

Resting his hands behind his head, Nagi began walking towards the door, indicating his intention to leave. Saeko, filled with curiosity, asked him, "Do you plan to assist Kohta in his current situation?"

Shaking his head, Nagi responded, "No, I have no intention of doing so. Takashi is accompanied by Alice, and even if it means seeking advice from a seven-year-old girl, he will find a way. In any case, I will be returning to my room."

With his departure, Nagi quietly exited the room, closing the door behind him.


Location: Nagi's Room

Using his foot, Nagi closed the door behind him and placed the tray on the table near the balcony doors. He settled himself comfortably at the table, taking a sip of the tea from the tray while flipping through a mystery book.

The silence and tranquility enveloped Nagi, offering a much-needed escape as he delved deeper into the story. Taking a macaron from the tray, he popped it into his mouth, savoring the sweet delight.

A muffled sound escaped him, a mix of pleasure and confusion, as his gaze caught sight of a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of the building, their presence inconspicuous.

Swallowing the last remnants of tea, Nagi reluctantly rose from his seat, his movements controlled and quiet. With deliberate action, he opened the balcony doors, the hinges creaking softly.

Intrigued by the enigmatic presence, Nagi's agile form leaped over the balcony, his grip secure on the platform ledge. Gracefully descending to the ground, he landed silently, his feet absorbing the impact without a sound.

As he stood upright, Nagi's eyes caught sight of Saeko and Saya engaged in a conversation near a serene Koi pond. Ignoring it at the moment, Nagi crept up to the figure using the shadows of the looming mansion and bushes. However

"What's all this commotion about?!" A commanding, booming voice echoed through the air, capturing Nagi's attention.

Nagi's attention was caught by the sight of Souichiro towering over Kohta, who sat on the ground, his hands gripping tightly onto his guns.

However, to his dismay, the voice of Souichiro startled the figure, causing it to quickly retreat with shuffling footsteps that gradually faded away. Though Nagi could have pursued the figure, the situation between Kohta and Souichiro demanded his attention.

Before Nagi could make a move, his eyes caught sight of a determined Takashi striding towards the two. It amused Nagi to observe that while Takashi appeared confident on the outside, his fidgeting and the sweat on his forehead did not go unnoticed.

However, this situation also presented an opportunity for the group to resolve the issue on their own, allowing Nagi to satisfy his curiosity in the process. Swiftly giving chase, Nagi soon discovered that the figure hadn't gone far, as indicated by the muffled voice emanating from behind a nearby corner.

Noticing a suitable crevice in the mansion's wall, Nagi leaped and firmly gripped it with one hand, hoisting himself up and grabbing hold of the roof of the ground floor. With utmost stealth, Nagi approached the vicinity of the figures and discreetly eavesdropped on its conversation.

"Yes, that's right!" The scrawny and disheveled young man exclaimed, nodding vigorously in agreement with the person on the other end of the phone line.

His eyes appeared aged beyond his years, their crazed intensity unsettling to Nagi, who observed the scene from his concealed vantage point. It was a sight, unlike anything Nagi had witnessed before, sending a mixture of curiosity and wariness within him.

"I'm preparing my escape right now," the boy informed his caller, causing Nagi to narrow his eyes in curiosity. Escape? But why? As he listened intently, the boy's next words left Nagi utterly baffled. "I think if we ask them now, they'll let us in. Yes... Shido-sensei!"

'Shido?' Nagi questioned himself, his expression filled with puzzlement. 'That creep is still alive? Well, I shouldn't be too surprised, considering his way with words and charisma.' Nagi contemplated the situation, considering the potential consequences of Shido's arrival.

Should he take preemptive action and eliminate the boy? The thought crossed his mind, but ultimately, Nagi decided against it. While it wouldn't require much effort on his part, there seemed to be no point in doing so now that Shido already had information about their location.

If Shido was simply seeking refuge, then there was no need for preemptive action. However, if there was even a hint of mischief or plotting, Nagi's eyes grew cold as a single sentence formed in his mind: 'I'll kill him.'



Within the desolate streets of Tokonosu City, the once vibrant and bustling bus of Fujimi High now stood motionless, a haunting reminder of the past. Occasionally, it shook slightly, attracting the attention of nearby undead, drawn by the faint signs of life within.

Inside the bus, a figure leaned against the seats, his head tilted back, gazing at the ceiling. With a sigh, he muttered to himself, "There is no greater aphrodisiac than fear."

Before him stood the students who had chosen to remain with him instead of leaving. Though not engaged in a full-blown orgy, some couples in the back of the bus were passionately kissing, caressing one another, and playfully teasing by discreetly removing items of clothing.

Others exerted control, guiding the actions of two girls, their hands atop their heads, urging them to share a kiss. The atmosphere was one of chaotic desire, as the girls expressed their pleasure with soft moans.

Clapping his hands, Shido commanded everyone's attention. "Listen up, everyone! Our free time is over. I have important news from our courageous comrade who ventured out on his own. I just had a conversation with Kurokami-kun."

"We will be welcoming a large group of refugees! It seems they are quite sizable in number. However, as the teacher responsible for guiding all of you, there is something that has been weighing on my mind," Shido announced, capturing the attention of the perplexed onlookers.

"Unlike our time at school, I am now encouraging all of you to live freely," Shido posed the question to the group. Extending his hand towards them, he continued, providing his answer. "And do you know why? It's because I have concluded that every single one of you is qualified to do so!"

"I take great pride in being the teacher of such exceptional students like yourselves!" Shido's words brought joy to the group, reflected in the glimmer in their eyes and the smiles on their faces. "However... I implore you to look outside. Take a good look at the current situation!"

Pointing towards the window, Shido drew their attention to the grim reality of the walking dead, relentless in their pursuit to harm the living. "This world has become infested with the living dead, who are driven by a desire to bring harm to others!"

"And what's even more horrifying is that the survivors who remain alive are only concerned about themselves! The state of this world is truly dreadful! Except for us, of course. This is the way the world has always been, not just in recent times..."

Pointing outside the window, Shido wore a face filled with bitterness and sadness as he continued his speech. "This corrupted world... is being brought to ruin by these sinners! But all of you are different! Despite your youth, you have faced adversity and experienced the loss of loved ones."

"You are the angels who will create a new world!" Clenching his fists tightly, tears streamed down his cheeks as he pleaded, "I am nothing more than a tainted adult who cannot hope to compare to you, but... I beg of you, I want you to cleanse me of my sins!"

His words held a mesmerizing effect on the students, their faces expressing an entranced state as they gazed at Shido with admiration. "Please guide me in some way! I yearn to witness the new world that you will create amidst this chaos!"

"To achieve that goal, as an adult and as a teacher, I willingly bear the burden of being our leader! Our hearts are united as one now! We can only overcome this crisis by standing together with strength as a group!"

With tears still streaming down his face, Shido's expression transformed into a wide smile as he stretched out both his hands. "Let us forge a new world together, with only us, and let our bonds grow stronger!"

As his speech came to an end, the bus reverberated with applause and cheers, the students celebrating Shido's powerful words.

It was an exquisite exhibition of mass manipulation, executed with impeccable precision.

Shido's masterful manipulation unfolded with meticulous precision. He orchestrated an atmosphere of heightened sexuality, encouraging intimate activities among the students, setting the stage for his grand entrance, and the revelation of his "important news" from their lone comrade.

Drawing upon their emotions, Shido skillfully delivered a speech that evoked feelings of superiority and exceptionalism. He exploited their youth, resilience, and experiences of loss, casting them as divine beings destined to reshape the world.

By portraying himself as a tainted adult desperately seeking their guidance and aid, Shido deftly manipulated their empathy, fostering a sense of responsibility towards him and solidifying their unwavering loyalty to him as their leader.

The strategic display of tears and emotional vulnerability further deepened the students' admiration, cementing their bond with Shido.

Through his self-appointed leadership role, Shido ensured their dependence on him for direction and protection amidst the encroaching undead and the chaotic world surrounding them.

However, not everyone was swayed by Shido's words, as evidenced by a lone student named Yamada, who sat near the window. Shido directed his attention toward Yamada and asked, "What's wrong, Yamada-kun?"

With a suspicious look on his face, Yamada responded, "It's weird. What you're saying is weird." His nervousness was palpable, casting a dark expression on Shido's face. The teacher let out a noncommittal "Oh?" in response.

"I don't care about this new world or whatever! Right now, I just want to make sure my family is okay!" Yamada declared, firm in his decision.

"Families? Who gives a shit about them?!" Tsunoda aggressively challenged, rising from his seat and gripping the seat in front of him as he glared at Yamada. His face contorted with madness as he taunted, "You've been quiet this whole time! You haven't even been playing around with any of the girls!"

Yamada, his voice trailing off, responded with a hint of reluctance, "Yeah, but still..." He hesitated to voice his concerns about the group's dynamics, aware of the tension and the potential consequences.

"Shut up!" Tsunoda's voice was harsh as he draped his arm over Miku Yuuki, the girl renowned as the sexiest student at Fujimi High School. "You think if you were with your parents, you'd be able to do shit like this?"

With a forceful tug, he unraveled Miku's blazer, causing the buttons to scatter and her chest to spill out from her shirt. His touch was invasive as he caressed one of her covered breasts, eliciting a moan from her.

"Haha, I love this! Shido-san lets us do whatever we want! He's fucking awesome!" Tsunoda exclaimed, expressing his admiration for Shido. "I'd follow him anywhere!"

Yamada, with tears threatening to spill from his eyes, countered as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and turned to face Tsunoda. "That's exactly my point! It's weird! I want to see my mom and dad!"

Shido let out a sigh, observing Yamada with a hint of disdain. "What a predicament," he remarked, his frown deepening. "What should we do with you? I just don't know. Everyone, how should we handle Yamada-kun's concerns?"

"Everything he's saying is tainted. Should we cast him back into the world that seeks to rob us of our freedom? Or... must we guide him towards the right path and our new world of freedom?"

Miku, comfortably reclining in her seat with crossed legs and hands behind her head, wore a sinister smile as she fixed her gaze upon Yamada, her eyes resembling those of a snake. "Why don't we just kick him out?" she suggested, her voice dripping with malice.

Grinning like a maniac, Tsunoda eagerly agreed, adding, "Yeah, let's kick him out and leave him on his own!"

"Kick him out! Kick him out! Kick him out!" The repetitive chant filled the bus, surrounding Yamada and cornering him in his seat.

Gritting his teeth and with tears welling up in his eyes, fear consumed him as he turned to look out the window, only to realize that outside awaited a horde of undead, ready to engulf him.

"Sensei, please! At least let me stay until we're near my house!" Yamada pleaded, his fear of the approaching undead evident in his voice. Shido, placing a finger on his cheek in thought, replied, "I'm afraid that decision is up to everyone else. What should we do?"

Grinning maliciously, Tsunoda seized Yamada by the scruff of his neck and arm, forcefully dragging him toward the bus's door. "Shido-san, open the door!"

As the doors swung open, Tsunoda shoved Yamada in front of him, delivering a harsh kick to his stomach, propelling him out of the bus. Collapsing onto the ground, Yamada gasped for air, slowly rising to his feet, only to be greeted by the looming presence of the approaching undead.

Summoning every ounce of desperation and fear, Yamada forced himself to his feet and sprinted towards the departing bus. He pounded on the window with trembling hands, his voice filled with anguish, "I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please, please let me in!"

But all he received in response were the twisted grins and amused expressions of his former classmates. As the bus accelerated, Yamada's pleas grew more frantic, his voice filled with desperation.

"Help me! Help me!" His words fell on deaf ears as the bus continued to move forward, leaving him behind. Yamada chased after it, his cries growing more desperate by the second.

However, it was too late. The horde of undead closed in on him, surrounding him from all sides. Panic washed over Yamada as he turned his head, only to find the gnarled hands of the undead closing around him in a vice-like grip.

"Ah!" The sound escaped him unconsciously as the inevitable fate engulfed him.

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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