HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 14: Enigma

Chapter 14: Enigma

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2598

"They're growing louder," Kohta remarked, catching Nagi's attention. Nagi inspected the weapon that Kohta had suggested, his eyes gleaming with interest. While it wasn't his trusty bow, it came close enough, and a surge of excitement coursed through him at the thought of wielding it.

Waving his hand dismissively, Nagi replied, "No need to worry about them for now. Instead, Kohta, could you show me how this works? Since my bow broke before I joined you all at the bridge, I had to leave it behind."

Nagi held the Barnett Wildcat C5 crossbow, a weapon that hadn't been explicitly depicted in their canon, but its potential utility remained unknown to the group.

Kohta nodded, his face lighting up with enthusiasm as he stepped closer to Nagi. He took the crossbow from Nagi's hands and held it up, giving it a brief inspection.

"Alright, Nagi, let me show you how this works," Kohta began, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and expertise. "First, let me explain the basic parts of the crossbow."

He pointed to different components as he spoke. "This here is the stock. It's what you hold against your shoulder for stability. And this is the riser. It connects the stock to the limbs."

Nagi followed Kohta's explanations, his gaze focused on the crossbow, absorbing every detail. He was eager to learn and make the most of this new weapon.

Kohta continued, "The limbs are the flexible parts of the crossbow. They store the energy and propel the bolt forward. And at the end of the limbs, you have the prod, which is a crucial part for drawing the string."

Nagi nodded, his eyes darting from one component to another. "I see. It seems similar to my bow but with some key differences."

"Exactly," Kohta confirmed with a smile. "Now, let's talk about loading and shooting. To load the crossbow, you'll need to place a bolt onto the barrel, like this." He took a bolt from the quiver and carefully inserted it into the barrel of the crossbow.

"Make sure it's aligned properly, and then pull back the string, called the cocking process. You can use the stirrup at the front to help you cock the string."

Nagi watched attentively as Kohta demonstrated the loading process. He noted the careful alignment and the use of the stirrup to ensure a smooth cocking motion.

"Once the string is cocked," Kohta continued, "you'll see this small lever on the side, called the safety latch. Push it forward to engage the safety mechanism and prevent accidental firing. Now, you're ready to shoot."

Kohta, raising the crossbow, carefully took aim at an imaginary target. Positioning himself with a steady stance, he ensured proper alignment.

"To shoot, one simply aims at the target, takes a deep breath, and gently squeezes the trigger," he explained.

Handing the weapon back to Nagi, Kohta watched as Nagi took hold of it and set it on the dresser with a firm yet controlled grip. "Thanks for showcasing and explaining its functions. You would make a great instructor," Nagi complimented.

Scratching the back of his head sheepishly, Kohta thanked Nagi for his comment and resumed filling the magazines with bullets.

Leaving him be, Nagi turned towards Takashi and asked, "Is there a remote in here? If so, turn on the TV. They might be showing something about the bridge."

Pointing outside the balcony, beams of light illuminated the night sky on the bridge, acting as a beacon that attracted living humans like moths to flames. Using the binoculars, Takashi and Kohta took turns observing the bridge before swiftly turning on the TV.

A voice rang out in protest, "The police will pay for this oppression! We, the people, hold them accountable! It is the government's and America's fault! Their weapon development has caused the deadly disease to spread! We will dismantle this establishment!"

Surprised by the statement, Nagi's eyes widened, and he immediately sharpened his focus, listening intently for any further information. "Turn up the volume, Takashi," Nagi ordered, sitting at the edge of the bed, leaning forward as he watched the television.

Although confused by Nagi's sudden change in demeanor, Takashi obediently turned up the volume. The reporter's voice came through the television, "I'm back. The police still have the bridge barricaded. A group of people has begun to protest. They're speaking out against the police!"

"We are still uncertain about their organization," the female reporter added, while the camera zoomed in on the group.

In a state of disbelief, Takashi exclaimed, "Are they saying that the undead are the product of a collaboration between the American and Japanese governments to develop a new weapon?"

"That's absurd! It's a phenomenon that dead bodies are now walking and attacking people. There's no scientific explanation for such a thing!"

"That's where you're mistaken, Takashi," Nagi interjected, his gaze fixed on the television screen. "Although I agree with your skepticism, considering what we have witnessed so far, can we really dismiss their claims as entirely implausible?"

"While it may seem like they are inciting panic, let's take a moment to consider their words and explore the possibility that it could have some validity, even if it goes beyond what we currently understand scientifically."

"What do you think it is, Nagi?" Kohta asked, confused.

"I will attempt to provide an explanation," Nagi remarked, exhaling deeply to gather his thoughts before continuing. "Please bear in mind that what I'm about to propose may appear implausible. It will involve a combination of supernatural elements and logical deductions."

Receiving nods of acknowledgment from both of them, Nagi continued his explanation. "Firstly, the notion of the virus originating from a weapon is plausible. Although we cannot ascertain its precise nature, I would hypothesize it to be a biological weapon."

"This assumption is based on the manifestation of walking zombies. As you are aware, human cells are designed to function collectively, ensuring optimal bodily performance and longevity. This includes various defense mechanisms against illnesses, such as the immune system."

"However, if we consider an unconventional virus, it is conceivable that certain cells, instead of succumbing to death, undergo a transformation by fusing with the virus. After all, humans possess remarkable adaptability and an innate instinct to survive."

A moment of silence hung in the room as Nagi finished his explanation, only for Kohta to interject, "Uh, Nagi? Can you, like, dumb it down a bit? My brain is hurting from all that science talk." Takashi nodded in agreement, scratching his head. Nagi let out an exasperated sigh.

Nagi attentively observed their reactions and proceeded to simplify the explanation. "To put it simply, it's all about cellular reconstruction. When someone gets bitten by an infected person, a mutation happens inside their body."

"This mutation alters their appearance, enhances their strength, impairs their senses, and creates an insatiable hunger for the living. They are neither truly alive nor completely dead, hence the term 'undead.' Does that make it clearer, or should I dumb it down even further?"

Raising their hands in a dismissive gesture, Takashi interjected, "Alright, we understand the cellular reconstruction part. But it still leaves us with a couple of unanswered questions, Nagi."

"Why would the government get involved in something like this? And how did it manage to spread so rapidly across the globe? Your explanation so far doesn't quite answer these questions."

Kohta interjected, "Takashi, you can't assume Nagi has all the answers you're looking for. While he came up with a believable theory, understanding the government's involvement isn't certain. We can speculate with theories, but definitive answers? Not likely."

Letting out a sigh, Nagi concurred. "At the moment, our best course of action is to observe, although even that seems unlikely. They've just switched the channel," he commented, gesturing towards the TV.

"This is bad," Takashi commented. "They won't be able to do anything until the sun comes up. Also, Nagi, although you said you don't know why the government involved themselves, you have theories, don't you? Mind sharing them?"

Shaking his head, Nagi clutched his temples and responded, "While I wouldn't mind enlightening you, this headache of mine is going to be the death of me. I'll share it with you later, but first, I need Shizuka to take care of my wounds."

Curiosity prompted Kohta to voice his question, intrigued by Nagi's peculiar behavior. "Nagi, I've always wondered, why do you call everyone by their given name?"

"And what were you doing before you joined our group? It's strange to think that everyone here, except you, had some prior connection."

Kohta's observation proved accurate. Among the group, Saya, Rei, and Takashi shared their history as childhood friends. Kohta and Saya had been classmates and initially stuck together during the early stages of the apocalypse.

Similarly, Shizuka and Saeko had formed a bond in the early hours of the outbreak, gradually building trust and gaining insights into each other's lives. However, Nagi stood as the sole exceptiona mysterious enigma, unknown on a personal level.

His absence during their time on the bridge further added to the mystery surrounding him. Nagi never disclosed anything about himself, whether it be his emotions, past, or his thoughts about the group.

Furthermore, his disregard for addressing people by their names was seen as peculiar. Despite the world crumbling around them, Japanese culture still upheld the practice of addressing others based on their position or using their given name only with their consent.

"Addressing individuals by their first name is simply a matter of efficiency for me," Nagi explained matter-of-factly. "It holds no deeper significance. A name is a name, after all. Whether I call you Hirano or Kohta, you remain the same person and would respond regardless of the name I use."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Kohta absorbed Nagi's reasoning and followed up with another question. "And what about yourself? All we have are rumors and no concrete information."

As Nagi prepared to respond, he noticed Takashi's and Kohta's expressions contorting into shock. Perplexed, he had little time to dwell on it as he instinctively sensed someone brushing against him, triggering his defensive reflexes.

Reacting swiftly, Nagi grasped the person's arms that were about to encircle his torso, deftly flipping them over his shoulder. The body bounced off the bed and disappeared beneath the concealing blankets.

Nagi positioned himself on top, his hand firmly pressed against the person's chest, and his fist raised in the air, ready to strike. However, in that split second, he recognized the identity of the person beneath him, causing him to halt his impending attack.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Nagi retracted his clenched fist and addressed the person beneath him. "Sneaking up on people like that, Shizuka is unwise. You could have been harmed had I not exercised restraint."

"Kyah! Nagi, you're quite assertive~," Shizuka playfully responded, her voice carrying a teasing and seductive tone. Blushing, Takashi and Kohta found themselves captivated by the scene, while Nagi remained in a state of confusion.

However, he soon detected the scent of alcohol emanating from Shizuka, prompting another sigh to escape his lips. In his thoughts, he acknowledged, 'It seems that I will have to tend to my injuries myself.'

Looking over at Kohta and Takashi, Nagi informed them, "Shizuka is currently drunk. I'll accompany her downstairs and help her get to bed. Meanwhile, you two need to remain vigilant and notify me immediately if you notice anything unusual or encounter any issues."

"I'm not drunk at all~!" Shizuka protested as she brought her face dangerously close to Nagi's. "Ngh~" she suddenly moaned as she moved her body, her warm breath brushing against his skin.

Initially perplexed, Nagi soon realized that his hand was resting on Shizuka's breasts. Swiftly retracting his hand, he took a deep breath to compose himself before offering an apology for his inadvertent placement.

As Shizuka delicately wrapped her hands around his neck, a teasing breath escaped her lips, gently caressing his ear as she whispered, "You're such a mischievous little pervert, Nagi, ~. We simply can't allow that, now can we?"

Her words were accompanied by a playful kiss on his cheek, while her alluring curves pressed enticingly against his chest.

Fortunately, Kohta and Takashi were conveniently preoccupied on the balcony, blissfully unaware of the intimate positioning of Nagi and Shizuka.

As Nagi battled with his inner demons, he couldn't help but feel that this was much more challenging than he had anticipated. Despite his efforts to remain calm and composed, the teenage hormones surging within him were difficult to resist.

Gently disengaging himself from her, Nagi took a moment to compose himself before crouching down and assisting Shizuka onto his back. With her securely piggybacked, he carefully maneuvered out of the room and into the dimly lit hallway.

"Hyan! You're touching my butt!" Shizuka exclaimed, flinching at Nagi's touch. As Nagi walked through the hall with her on his back, she continued to playfully tease him, running her fingers through his hair.

Her constant banter tested Nagi's patience, but he recognized it as valuable training for potential future situations. Though he'd be lying if he wasn't enjoying the situation.

"Seems like someone's enjoying themselves," someone commented unexpectedly. Nagi turned his gaze towards the source and walked over to the stairs.

"It would be dishonest to say I'm not," he replied. "However, I would prefer not to deal with this situation again. Why did you allow her to drink, Rei?"

Without uttering a word, Rei approached Nagi and stared at him for a few moments before responding, "Nagi makes three people!" Her voice held a childlike tone as she shimmered with the effects of alcohol.

It was clear that Shizuka wasn't the only one who had been drinking. "Hey, Takashi, come here!" Seeing him approach, Nagi continued, "Keep an eye on Rei. She's also intoxicated."

Without uttering another word, Nagi descended the stairs and entered the living room, carefully laying Shizuka on the couch and draping a blanket over her sleeping form.

Nearby, he heard the sound of the couch rustling, and upon turning his head, he noticed that Saya was already fast asleep as well. A sense of bewilderment washed over Nagi as he observed the scene. 'Are they all exhibitionists?' he wondered to himself.

Each of them seemed to be wearing minimal clothing, with Shizuka being particularly revealing. At least Saya had made some attempt to cover herself, although it didn't do much to alleviate the situation.

Carefully draping a blanket over Saya's slumbering form, Nagi proceeded to retrieve some clothes for both her and Shizuka. Placing the garments on a nearby table, he left a note alongside them.

"Is that you, Nagi? Dinner will be ready soon. I'm preparing tomorrow's lunch as well," Saeko's voice echoed from the kitchen, drawing Nagi's attention. As he approached, he caught sight of Saeko wearing nothing but an apron. At that moment, an uncharacteristic side of Nagi emerged.

'You've gotta be fucking kidding me.'

Author Words:

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