HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 13: Warning

Chapter 13: Warning

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2638

(A/N: Sorry to say this but my family is going on vacation. So I don't think I'll be able to upload until Friday. I'm going to see cousins and family I haven't seen in a while due to moving to another state so, I'll be with them leaving no time for writing. Hope you guys understand. Peace. )

Ascending the stairs in silence, Kohta nervously cleared his throat before mustering the courage to ask Nagi a question. "Um, hey Nagi... I was just wondering, have you ever handled any firearms? I noticed your archery skills at school, and it got me curious about your abilities."

Glancing at Kohta, Nagi shook his head slightly before responding in his usual composed manner. "No, I have never tried using firearms before. Archery has been my sole focus."

"However, I wouldn't mind learning from you if you're willing to teach me. Your proficiency with firearms is impressive. Despite your physique and self-doubt, you possess great strength."

Kohta's eyes widened upon hearing Nagi's comment, and a smile formed on his face. A mix of excitement and nervousness welled up inside Kohta as he considered the possibility of sharing his knowledge with Nagi.

"You betcha! I'll be making you a formidable marksman under my wing, second only to myself, of course."

Nagi's eyes shimmered with a hint of amusement upon hearing Kohta's confident remark. It appeared that the boy possessed more self-assurance than Nagi had initially perceived.

As the group reached the second floor, Nagi took charge, issuing clear instructions to the others. "Spread out and search the area. If you discover anything of value, notify the rest of us."

The team dispersed, with each member venturing into different rooms and corners of the floor, carefully examining their surroundings for useful resources or potential threats. While Nagi meticulously checked the rooms in his vicinity, he heard Kohta's voice call out from a nearby area. "Over here!"

Reacting swiftly, Nagi made his way toward Kohta's location. Stepping into the room, he found Kohta and Takashi standing near a black safe, their expressions filled with intrigue. Nagi's curiosity was piqued as he approached them.

"What's the matter? Have you discovered something valuable?" Nagi inquired as he surveyed the scene before him.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Takashi responded, "Yes, Kohta found ammunition for firearms, and he believes there may be weapons inside this crate."

Nagi's gaze shifted to the black safe, his interest sparked by the potential discovery. He approached the crate, examining it closely. "Let's open it and see what's inside," he suggested.

Wearing a wide grin, Kohta eagerly remarked, "I couldn't agree more. Takashi, do you still have that crowbar Takagi handed to you?" Takashi nodded and handed the crowbar to Kohta, who then turned to Nagi. "Nagi, lend me a hand here."

Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Nagi approached the safe as he commented, "Kohta, you seem quite eager to open this. Can you give me a clue as to why?"

Taking hold of the crowbar that Kohta handed him, Nagi inserted it into the crevice of the safe, preparing to pry it open. "While I understand the importance of finding firearms, your level of excitement suggests something beyond that, considering we already have one."

Kohta, grasping the crowbar firmly, offered a correction to Nagi's statement as they entered the designated area. "You're mistaken, Nagi," he interjected.

"These firearms are different from what we already have. The crucial distinction lies in the ammunition we discovered. They use magazines, not clips. Which implies that there might be a high-level weapon such as a rifle stored within."

Nagi nodded, acknowledging the significance of their discovery. He exerted greater force, putting his strength into prying open the door, which creaked and groaned in protest as it slowly yielded.

With a final exertion of strength, the door was torn from its hinges, revealing the hidden contents that lay within. "Just as I suspected," Kohta exclaimed, his fists clenched and a manic smirk on his face.

"What kind of connections does Nurse Marikawa have?" Takagi muttered inquisitively, with Nagi silently concurring. In the blink of an eye, Kohta seized the largest gun from the collection and proceeded to present each weapon, detailing its unique features and characteristics.

"Um, Kohta? Are you with us, buddy?" Takashi called out to the now-entranced Kohta. Nagi sighed and interjected, "Just leave him be for now. He'll snap out of it eventually. Let's focus on emptying the box and laying out all the weapons."

Nodding in agreement, Takashi responded, "Yeah, let's just do that." As they began sorting through the weapons, Takashi took a deep breath and looked at Nagi, suddenly saying, "Sorry."

"What for?" Nagi inquired, his focus still on bringing out the ammunition boxes while keeping a watchful eye on Kohta as he handled the weapons.

"For accusing you of causing trouble and bringing it to the group," Takashi answered as he scratched his head, a nervous smile forming on his lips. "I just... I just want to protect them, you know?"

Casting a sidelong glance at him, Nagi quipped, "When you say 'them,' you mean yourself and Rei, don't you?" Not receiving a response, Nagi continued. "I'll accept your apology, Takashi."

Sighing with relief, Takashi prepared to respond, but when he turned to look at Nagi, he was met with the familiar stoic and indifferent gaze. Yet, there was something unsettling about it at that moment.

His words hung in the air as Nagi maintained his steady gaze, delivering one final statement. "Although I accept your apology, Takashi, I want to make it clear that you shouldn't see me as a threat to your relationship with Rei. I assure you, I have no romantic interest in her."

Takagi looked at him with evident confusion, prompting a sigh to escape Nagi's lips. "Takashi, you can't expect me not to notice your feelings for the girl, can you? It's quite obvious."

An embarrassed blush adorned Takashi's face as he scratched his cheek nervously and coughed into his hand. He looked at Nagi once more and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

"It's because you possess the likeliest chance of betraying me," Nagi told him. Takashi's eyes widened upon hearing it, but before he could say anything, Nagi interjected.

"I'm not saying you will; it's just an observation. Humans' fundamental property is their emotion, and emotions are powerful things. They can control a person's thoughts and make them do something they would've never thought they would do."

"And in your case, the protectiveness and love you feel over Rei is a liability to me due to her developing some level of closeness with me. I became perceived as a threat in your eyes, evident in your accusation, tone, and body language on the bridge."

"I just apologized for that, and you accepted," Takashi justified, clearly annoyed with Nagi's comment and reasoning. "Geez, you're too blunt with your words, Nagi. Got anything else to say while you're at it?"

"A lot more. However, the problem at the moment has been resolved, so stating anything further would be useless. Besides, it's not my problem," Nagi stated calmly and matter-of-factly.

As Takashi was about to ask what he meant by that, a surprised voice called out, "Whoa, that's an Ithaca M35 Riot Shotgun in your hands, Nagi! It was designed by an American. It's one badass shotgun. It was used in the final years of the Vietnam War."

Swiftly shifting his demeanor, Nagi turned towards Kohta and curiously asked, "Hey, Kohta, out of all the weapons here, which one would be most suitable for me?"

As Nagi and Kohta engaged in conversation about Nagi's question, Takashi sat there in contemplation, consumed by a mix of annoyance, realization, and relief.

'This person... Never mind. Given that Nagi speaks his mind, I can assume he'll uphold his promise regarding Rei. However, I've realized that I know nothing about him at all.' Only one question lingered in Takashi's mind:

'Who exactly are you, Tshiro Nagi?'


Entering the spacious and lavishly adorned bathroom, Rei, Shizuka, Saya, and Saeko found themselves surrounded by beauty. The walls were adorned with decorative tiles, basking in the soft, ambient lighting that illuminated the room.

The centerpiece of the bathroom was a generously sized bathtub, designed to comfortably accommodate two individuals. Rei and Shizuka couldn't resist the allure of the inviting tub and eagerly slipped into the warm waters.

Positioned at opposite ends, they settled into the tub, allowing its soothing embrace to envelop them. Saya and Saeko joined them in the bathroom, taking seats on stools adjacent to the tub.

Their attention was focused on cleansing their hair, each lost in their own ritual. Saeko, radiating an aura of grace and strength, allowed her purple mane to cascade down her back like a flowing waterfall.

With practiced movements, she skillfully worked the shampoo into her locks, while the water revealed glimpses of her toned physique beneath its surface, showcasing her athletic prowess.

Beside her, Saya, known for her sharp intellect and tsundere disposition, delicately lathered her hair. Her slender fingers glided through the silky strands, and as the water gracefully cascaded down her petite yet plump form, it accentuated her youthful beauty.

In the midst of this serene scene, Rei couldn't help but voice her playful observation. "Wow, Marikawa-sensei... They're really massive," she exclaimed, a mischievous grin forming on her face as a blush adorned her cheeks.

Her gaze was fixated on Shizuka's generous bosom. With a slight smile, Shizuka lifted her breasts and replied, "You can say that again."

Getting irked by Shizuka's comment, Rei uttered, "You're pretty full of yourself," as she launched herself at Shizuka and began fondling her breast with Shizuka protesting. "No! Not there~!" She moaned.

Saya furrowed her brows in resignation and embarrassment, her eyes closed as she washed her hair. "This water is lukewarm," she muttered, exasperation evident in her voice. "It sounds like a scene from one of those H-games. Why did we have to shower together?"

Glancing at Saya, a slight smile adorned Saeko's face as she began washing, her soapy body glistening in the light. "You already know the answer to that, don't you, Takagi?" she teased, her tone filled with playful insinuation. "Or perhaps you secretly desired Nagi's presence here to keep you company?"

Blushing at Saeko's remark, Saya flinched in her seat, attempting to banish her vivid thoughts. Amused by Saya's reaction, Saeko mischievously grabbed the shower head and playfully sprayed her with cold water, eliciting a high-pitched shriek from her. "Hyaaaah!"

"Your voice is nicer than I thought," Saeko commented, a gentle smile gracing her lips. Annoyed by the teasing, Saya swiftly seized a nearby bucket, filled it with water, and promptly poured it over Saeko.

The sudden change in temperature caused Saeko to release an involuntary moan, her body trembling in response. "Nn~"

As the final droplet cascaded down her body, Saeko visibly relaxed, emitting a contented sigh while playfully locking eyes with Saya. "Seems like I didn't quite get the reaction I was hoping for," Saya remarked, a clear hint of irritation in her voice.

"You'll need to try much harder if you want to provoke a reaction from me," Saeko remarked calmly as she stood up and made her way to the bathtub.

Sighing in resignation, Saya continued to cleanse herself, her mind filled with contemplation about their recent encounters. This was officially their first day of surviving the apocalypse, considering when it started.

Despite finding herself among a group of capable individuals, the concern of what could transpire never ceased to occupy her thoughts. She was not naive.

She understood the depths of human capability, and if the current state of the world persisted, there would be little room for hope in the realm of humanity. She was fully aware of this, and she believed the others shared this realization, even if it lay dormant within them.

Saya was among the few in the group who still had immediate family she could reach. The concern for her loved ones and those close to her weighed heavily on her mind.

As she washed, her thoughts abruptly halted, and a somber expression crossed her face as she recalled the events of the day. '...Nagi,' she silently contemplated. Initially, she regarded him as an irritating individual, someone self-centered and selfish.

However, over the brief time they had spent together, her perception of him had shifted. While he still had his annoying moments, she had come to view him as someone dependable in most regards.

Witnessing Nagi, a competent individual, bruised and injured only served to reveal the cruel reality they would soon face. Lost in her thoughts, Saya was shaken from her reverie as Shizuka inquired, "Hey, Saya, what's on your mind?"

The group's attention shifted towards her, prompting Saeko to chime in, "Indeed, you've been deep in thought for quite some time. Is something troubling you?"

Saya sighed softly, realizing that her preoccupation hadn't gone unnoticed. She mustered a small smile and replied, "It's just... the events of today made me realize how fragile everything is."

"The world has changed, and we're faced with dangers we never imagined. Nagi's injury serves as a reminder of the risks we'll encounter in this world." Silence engulfed the room, broken only by the rhythmic drip of water and the gentle ripples in the tub.

Saeko leaned against the tub, allowing her head to rest on her forearms as she replied, "But does any of that truly matter?" Her words prompted curious glances from the group. She continued, "We were already aware of this, Saya."

"It doesn't alter our objectives. Remember, Nagi was the one who informed us about this in the faculty. And even though we're unaware of Nagi's experiences in the city, he did return to us, didn't he?"

As Saya was about to interject into the conversation, Saeko continued. "While I understand your concerns and curiosity, dwelling on these thoughts won't be productive at the moment. It's time to relax and unwind," she advised.

"Join us in the tub; there's plenty of space, and it's quite soothing. Unless, of course, you prefer Rei groping you," Saeko added, lightening the atmosphere in the bathroom.

Saya stood up and entered the bathtub, taking a seat across from Saeko. A serene smile spread across her face as the warm water enveloped her, providing a sense of comfort. "Thanks," Saya simply said.

Nodding in response, they allowed themselves to unwind while Shizuka made a suggestion. "Since we're all here to relax, why don't we have a little drink? It's not anything too strong, just some sake."

Saya hesitated, showing signs of reluctance, but Shizuka reassured her, "It'll help you relax, Saya. Look, even Rei is enjoying a drink."

Relenting, Saya nodded and accepted the cup from Shizuka, her gaze lingering on the nurse before she voiced her concern. "But, should you really be drinking, Nurse Marikawa? You're supposed to be tending to Nagi's injuries, after all. What if you become drunk?"

Downing her shot in one swift motion, Shizuka emitted a satisfied sigh, her hand lightly caressing her bicep as she flashed a playful grin. "Don't worry, I have a high alcohol tolerance."

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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