HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 15: Cold Realities

Chapter 15: Cold Realities

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2536

Taking a silent, deep breath, Nagi expelled all the tension from his body, visibly relaxing and returning to his usual demeanor. 'There's no point in getting worked up over something I can't control,' Nagi reminded himself, maintaining his characteristic stoicism as he walked into the kitchen.

"Why are you and the others dressed so poorly?" Nagi asked, his confusion evident. There shouldn't be a reason for such a thing, considering there were plenty of female clothing options within the household.

Taking hold of her apron, Saeko responded, "Oh, this? There wasn't any clothing that fit me. I'll only be wearing this until the laundry finishes. It's truly shameful. I apologize."

Shaking his head, Nagi commented, "It's alright. I was just curious, though you seem to be much more sober than the others right now. I was going to check this floor to make sure 'they' haven't gotten in, but with you being here, it shouldn't be much of a problem."

"Fufufu~ Is that supposed to be a compliment, Nagi?" Saeko asked, amused. "I'll let you interpret it as you'd like," Nagi simply replied, placing the alcohol and bandages from his bag onto the table.

Sitting down, he gestured towards them and asked, "Do you mind helping me with this? Shizuka was supposed to, but she's asleep."

Saeko chuckled softly as she walked over to join Nagi at the table, wiping her hands with a cloth. "Of course, I'd be happy to help," she replied, her eyes glancing over the items he had placed on the table.

"Alcohol and bandages, huh? It seems your injuries are more serious than we initially thought," she commented. Despite her lack of overt worry or concern, her eyes betrayed a different story. However, a hint of curiosity lingered within her gaze.

Shaking his head, Nagi reassured, "It's nothing major. Just a few cuts and bruises. However, I do need you to clean and re-bandage them properly since I couldn't do it well without a mirror."

"Yeah, I can see that," Saeko chuckled, retrieving a clean cloth from a nearby drawer. "It makes me wonder what exactly happens to you during your time in the city. You know, you never answered Saya's question on the bridge. Did you intentionally avoid it?"

"Who knows?" Nagi simply replied, observing Saeko's approach.

"Come on, Nagi. Do me a favor and indulge me, won't you? After all, I'm doing you a favor," Saeko bargained, her hands carefully unraveling and removing Nagi's bandages.

Nagi remained silent for a moment, his sharp orange eyes locked with Saeko's cool blue gaze. They stared at each other, the intensity of their gaze lingering in the air, until Saeko broke into a small smile.

Exhaling softly, Nagi nodded. "Go ahead and ask me any question. Although I'm not particularly skilled at answering them, I will do my best to provide a response," he stated in his usual monotone voice.

Saeko's smile widened as she appreciated Nagi's willingness to open up, even if just a little. She dipped the cloth into the alcohol, soaking it lightly before gently dabbing it over Nagi's wounds. He winced slightly but remained composed.

Saeko began with a calm and inquisitive tone. "So, tell me, what exactly occurred when you were in the city? I expect an honest answer. As Saya pointed out, these bruises indicate that you were injured, likely from a fight."

Nagi contemplated the situation, realizing that withholding the truth any longer would serve no purpose.

Saeko, with her intelligence and distinct inclination towards sadism, was the most composed and capable of rational thought among them. 'Well, it seems there's no reason to keep it a secret any longer,' Nagi thought.

"While I was in the city, searching for a vehicle to reach the bridge, I heard the sound of a truck approaching," Nagi recounted, his tone devoid of emotion.

"I quickly sought cover on top of a nearby building to observe. It was then that I comprehended their intentions. They were planning to kill me," he explained, feeling Saeko inadvertently tighten the bandage, resulting in a wince and an annoyed expression on his face.

Sheepishly smiling, Saeko softly apologized as Nagi proceeded with his explanation. "It wasn't until a short while later that I discovered they had a woman captive," he revealed.

Saeko's smile faded, her expression morphing into a grim visage that cast a somber pall over the room. She was no fool; Saeko grasped the implications of Nagi's words, but she withheld her assumptions, choosing instead to remain silent and patiently await Nagi's further explanation.

"It didn't take long for me to come to the decision of firing the first shot," Nagi stated simply. Saeko finished applying the last bandage and took a seat in front of him, grabbing a nearby chair.

Her voice was barely above a whisper as she asked, "Did you kill them?" Nagi gazed at her, his mind pondering. 'I've never seen Saeko react like this before. Perhaps... did something happen in her past?'

But Nagi didn't linger on the moment for too long, as Saeko awaited his response. "Yes," he answered simply, causing Saeko's eyes to widen in surprise and disbelief. "If I hadn't killed them, they would have killed me. It's as simple as that."

Nagi's voice remained devoid of emotion as he spoke, conveying the stark reality of the situation. Not a few moments later, Saeko posed another question. "When you killed them... did you feel anything?" Her words hung in the air, waiting for Nagi's response.

"I felt nothing," Nagi replied firmly, leaving Saeko taken aback. Although she didn't know Nagi too well, she was an intelligent and observant woman. Nagi's demeanor within the school had left a significant impression on her.

However, hearing Nagi speak of killing with such ease, as if it were as natural as breathing, startled her. There was no hint of regret, sadness, pleasure or guilt in his expression. Just emptiness. He wore his usual stoic face, his sharp but lifeless fiery orange eyes fixed upon her.

"Saeko, I'll be straightforward with you. I don't know what you've been through in your past, but if someone had tried to harm you in a malicious waywhether it was murder, rape, slavery, or anything elseI believe there should be no sympathy for them. "

"If I hadn't taken action, someone else would have down the line, especially in this new world. I'm not asking you to agree with me; I'm just letting you know that I have no intention of changing who I am."

"I will adapt to the circumstances, but my core values remain unchanged," Nagi emphasized as he rose from his seat. A few moments passed in silence, interrupted only by the sound of a gunshot and a dog barking.

Nagi looked up towards the second floor, let out a sigh, and then turned to Saeko. "Thank you for helping me with my injuries," Nagi expressed his gratitude before making his way upstairs, leaving Saeko deep in contemplation.

Walking past the visibly annoyed Rei, Nagi ascended the staircase and entered the room. Inside, he saw Kohta and Takashi standing on the balcony, their expressions tense.

Nagi's eyebrow arched slightly as he sensed a shift in the room's atmosphere, particularly emanating from Kohta, who was gripping the sniper rifle tightly while handing Takashi another weapon.

"Mind filling me in on the situation?" Nagi inquired as he entered the room and stepped onto the balcony, causing both Kohta and Takashi to startle. Understanding the gravity of the moment, Kohta silently handed him the binoculars, conveying the urgency of the situation without words.

Taking hold of the binoculars, Nagi adjusted the focus and carefully surveyed the area. What he witnessed was a man braving the streets, armed with a shotgun and relentlessly dispatching the zombies that crossed his path.

However, luck was not on his side as the undead quickly multiplied, surrounding him in a vicious onslaught. Their insatiable hunger tore into his flesh, limb by limb, until all that remained was a gruesome spectaclea pool of blood marking the end of his futile struggle.

The situation was grim. Those who had managed to escape the bridge were now seeking refuge in this area, but the presence of gunshots and the concentration of undead had turned it into a deathtrap.

Their hopes of finding sanctuary were swiftly dashed as they succumbed to the relentless horde. Nagi held the binoculars in his hand, his gaze fixed on the unfolding tragedy. "It appears that those who managed to survive the bridge have sought refuge in this vicinity," he remarked.

Takashi, his expression filled with frustration and anger, clenched his teeth tightly and gripped the balcony railing. "Dammit... This is just too cruel," he muttered through gritted teeth.

"Takashi," Kohta called out, prompting a questioning response from Takashi. "Do you think we should open fire?" Incredulous at Kohta's question, Takashi swiftly retorted, "That should be obvious! Shoot 'them'..."

"Have you forgotten? They react to sound, Komuro," Saeko questioned, joining them on the balcony. Nagi glanced at her, acknowledging her ability to digest information regardless of its nature, though he was uncertain if it affected her in any way.

As Takashi clenched his fists in frustration and anger, Saeko switched off the lights and shifted her gaze back to him. "Moreover, survivors will be drawn to this place when they see the lights and notice our presence."

Glancing at Nagi, she continued, "Even if we utilize everything at our disposal, we lack the means to sustain such a large number of people. They must fend for themselves. That's exactly what we're doing. But... see for yourself."

"Familiarize yourself with the reality. The world we live in now is one where those with noble intentions won't survive," she explained, pointing towards the binoculars.

Taking them in his hand, Takashi looked at her with a betrayed expression. "I had hoped you would see things differently, Busujima-senpai."

Turning back from the room door, she looked at Takashi and responded, "Don't misunderstand, Komuro. I'm merely stating the facts. You don't have to like it or anything."

Gazing at her as she was leaving, Nagi silently agreed with her statement. He wasn't sure if his words had enlightened her or if she was already aware of this harsh reality. It was most likely the latter, and Nagi felt grateful that he wouldn't have to explain it all over again.

Using the binoculars once more, Takashi, along with Nagi and Kohta, witnessed the horrifying scene unfolding below. It was pure carnage, a grotesque display of the undead feasting on the helpless.

People were being caught, their bodies torn apart, and consumed alive. Amidst the chaos, their attention was drawn to a heart-wrenching sighta little girl running desperately, clinging to her father's side.

"Daddy, where's mommy?" the little girl asked, her voice filled with innocence and confusion. The man gently placed his hand on her back, urging her to keep moving. "We'll meet up with mommy later. Come on, this way," he reassured her as they entered the gate of a house nearby.

Desperation filled the man's voice as he knocked on the door, his pleas echoing through the chaos. "Please! Let us in! I can't abandon my daughter!" he implored, his words carrying the weight of a father's love and fear.

Inside the house, the occupants shouted back, their voices filled with fear and self-preservation. "Go away! Find shelter elsewhere!" they responded harshly.

Undeterred, the father continued to beg, his voice trembling with desperation. "I'm begging you! I don't need your help. Just let my daughter find safety here! Please!"

Met with silence and faced with the dire situation, the man's desperation turned to determination. His grip tightened around the wrench as he clenched his teeth, his voice laced with a menacing tone.

"Open the damn door! If you refuse, I'll break it down myself!" The gravity of the situation, the imminent danger surrounding them, had pushed him to the edge. There was no time for pleasantries or polite requests.

Survival instinct took hold, driving him to take drastic measures to ensure his daughter's safety. Startled by the man's determination, the inhabitants behind the door quickly reassessed their decision.

Their voices trembled as they hurriedly responded, "W-wait! We're opening the door now." With cautious reluctance, the door creaked open, revealing a mixture of relief and gratitude on the man's face.

He eased his grip on the wrench, allowing it to rest in his hand as he exchanged a thankful smile. "Thank you so much. You really saved..." His sentence was abruptly cut short as a knife pierced his heart, leaving him in shock and disbelief.

The sudden attack caught him off guard, and as the residents forcefully removed the makeshift weapon from his body, he struggled to comprehend the horror unfolding around him.

The door closed swiftly, drowning his anguished cries in a sea of betrayal. Collapsing against the cold metal gate, he clutched his grievous injury, his life force seeping away.

In that heart-wrenching moment, his daughter rushed to his side, her tear-stained face filled with worry and despair. "Daddy! Daddy!" she cried out, her voice echoing the pain and helplessness that engulfed them both.

"Daddy's going to be just fine," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with a mix of hope and desperation. Holding his hand tightly, she fought back tears, trying to be strong for him.

In his final moments, the father gazed at his beloved daughter with a mixture of sadness and unwavering love.

With every ounce of strength he had left, he imparted his final words of wisdom and love. "Don't let anyone find you... Find someone who can take care of you... Find a safe haven where you can hide... I love you, Alice."

"Oh no... no," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with disbelief and sorrow. Clutching her father tightly, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, she shouted, "I'm staying by your side, Daddy! I won't abandon you!"

Her desperate cry echoed through the desolate surroundings, drawing the attention of the ravenous undead. With the gate door left open and her inability to defend herself, the inevitable and gruesome fate awaited her.

Takashi tightly gripped the binoculars, his hands trembling with internal turmoil. He closed his eyes, attempting to shield himself from the horrific scene unfolding before him.

Saeko's words had struck a chord within him, causing a conflict within his mind. However, amidst the silence on the balcony, a voice abruptly spoke.

"Shoot," Nagi commanded, and a glimmer of anticipation crossed Kohta's face as he swiftly loaded the sniper. "Let's rock and roll!"

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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