Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 871: The magic world is just another prison

Ivan slowly stepped forward and blocked the gate of Neumongaard, stopped for a moment on the old wand in Grindelwald's hand, and asked.

"It seems that you are going to escape from prison? Grindelwald? Or are you going to change to a more comfortable cell."

"Prison escape?" Grindelwald's mouth raised a smile, "It's not wrong to say that, but I am probably far more than me trapped in a cage, and the entire magical world is just another prison."

"It can be seen that this world is sick and deformed, and I...I am planning to correct it!" Grindelwald said lightly.

"Correct?" Ivan narrowed his eyes.

"Lions don't have to fear the flock. Muggles have ruled the world for long enough. They will only bring more wars and injustices, allowing the innocent people to occupy power and wealth... Only wizards can reshape this decadent world! "Grindelwald replied in a low, hoarse voice.

"Then create new wars and injustices?" Ivan interrupted Grindelwald's words and said mockingly. "Apart from being able to use magic, there is no difference between a wizard and a Muggle. I am afraid that the wizard will not miss the same mistakes that Muggles put down..."

Wizards have never been as good as Grindelwald said, nor are they a noble ethnic group. This is what the Ministry of Magic under the leadership of Fudge has shown vividly and vividly.

"It seems that the failure fifty years ago did not let you understand how impractical it is to rule Muggles..." Ivan sneered.

Grindelwald didn't care about Ivan's sarcasm, but said straightforwardly. "So I need to do more preparations and help from more people!"

"Of course you, Hals!" Grindelwald looked at Ivan and said sincerely.

Ivan was stunned for a moment, looking very surprised, he really didn't expect Grindelwald to try to win him before the war.

"You and I are both powerful wizards with extraordinary strength. Fighting against each other will only weaken your own strength, not to mention that we all have similar ideas, right? The conflict between wizards and Muggles is inevitable, and one day it will explode. Muggles dominate, it's better to let you and I kick off this prelude together!" Grindelwald said in a high tone, then stretched out his hand and looked at Ivan.

"Come on, Hals, for the future of the magical world, and for wizards to live in every corner of the world with integrity, all fellow wizards must unite together and contribute their own strength... Some grievances can be temporarily put aside. Don’t forget, Muggles are our real enemy."

Grindelwald's voice reverberated continuously in Numongadri, and after a long period of silence, Ivan suddenly said playfully. "In that case, how about the other way around? You come to work for me. We can try out various policies in England first, and then extend it to the entire magical world. Of course...I use my method!"

Grindelwald's words are for this, and he can't help but give the other party a chance...

"So, you are going to reject my proposal?" Grindelwald's face suddenly became gloomy. "Then there is nothing to talk about between us."

"I thought you could figure it out from the beginning, we were never the same." Ivan said casually.

The last conversation at the top of the tower had already made him see how dangerous Grindelwald's ideas were, so Ivan never thought that they could live together peacefully.

The unconcealed hostility of the two made the atmosphere that was originally moderated extremely depressing. Without any warning, Ivan took the lead. One after another, head-sized white fireballs ignited all over his body. Squeezed toward Grindelwald.

The latter waved his wand lightly, and a faint blue wall of fire was blocked in front of him, and the two strange flames collided together, and a series of violent explosions soon sounded.

The tumbling air wave blew Grindelwald's outer robe, and the house elf Shining had already hid under the solid wall, revealing only half of his head nervously looking at the two people fighting in the distance.

Ivan's figure turned into flames and disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he had reached behind Grindelwald, and the wand was lightly tapped, and a green light beam flew out from the tip of the wand.

Grindelwald did not expect Ivan to be able to apparate in Newmontgard, but fortunately he was keenly aware of the subtle magical fluctuations when the space jumped, and escaped the mortal blow dangerously and dangerously.

Almost killed by an underage kid, Grindelwald also shot some anger, a fierce color flashed in his eyes, and the wand shook hard, and the faint blue flame suddenly turned into a long whip, and it was drawn fiercely. Ivan.

Ivan conjured a buckler backhand, but was easily broken, and had to Apparate again to avoid it.

The increase of magic by the old wand gave Grindelwald an advantage in both offense and defense, and the power of various spells more than doubled in his hands.

But Ivan is not worried about this. The power of the spell has never been the key to determining the outcome of a battle.

After the avatar flame escaped a death curse, the illusory white mist gradually floated out of Ivan's wand, condensing into the appearance of a unicorn.

After a long time without being able to show up, Cecilia happily circled Ivan's body twice, and then stepped on the mist, making a series of haughty neighs, and rushed towards Grindelwald.

Grindelwald hit several spells in a row, but passed through the body of the Unicorn Shadow.

Realizing that this magic is very difficult, Grindelwald raised his left hand, which was burnt black, almost unconscious, and quickly slashed it in his palm with a staff as a sword.

The black blood suddenly scattered down ~www.mtlnovel.com~ but it hasn't landed yet. The dots of black blood are like fine bullets, scattered away under the guidance of magical power.

After being hit by the black blood bead, the shadow of the unicorn in the illusory state was not spared, and the whole body was corroded into blood holes one after another.

Ivan picked up his wand, pulled a stone tablet beside him, blocked the remaining blood beads, and then looked at the nearly half-remaining shadow of the unicorn, frowning.

Although he didn't expect Cecilia to solve Grindelwald, he didn't expect the other party to be able to hit the shadow of the unicorn so easily.

Unexpectedly, Grindelwald did not continue pursuing, but instead put down his wand and said. "I hope you can give me another answer when I meet next time..."

"I just want to go now, I'm afraid it's not that easy..." Ivan raised his eyebrows, stretched his hand, and the white fire swelled into a circle, surrounding the two of them in the center.

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