Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 872: Tiger out of the cage

"Leave it to me!" Ivan doesn't plan to let Grindelwald go. It would be better for such a dangerous figure to stay here forever!

"That's not necessarily!" Grindelwald had a smirk at the corner of his mouth. He waved his old magic wand towards Ivan, and spoke clearly. "burst!"

Ivan subconsciously waved his magic wand to construct several magical barriers, but the next moment a harsh explosion sounded from above his head.

The shadow of the sky gradually shrouded the entire square.

Ivan raised his head in surprise, and then his pupils shrank, and the already crumbling tower above tilted down. Amidst Grindelwald's crazy laughter, countless heavy bricks and stones quickly buried the two together. .

Seeing all the sparkles not far away seemed anxious. After the tower collapsed, he hurried forward to dig out Ivan.

Just before it started work, Ivan's voice came from behind him. "No need to dig, I'm here..."

Shining turned her head in surprise, a large group of white flames quickly gathered together, and Ivan's figure emerged from the flames in the next moment.

"Sir, what should we do now?" Shining immediately asked as if she had found the mainstay, holding on to Ivan's robes, in a shrill voice.

Ivan didn't answer, and looked at the ruins with a solemn expression. Considering that Grindelwald still has the possibility of staying here, Ivan vigorously waved his wand and burned the pile of rocks into a white ground with fierce fire.

The fire burned for an entire hour. Ivan rummaged through the entire Numengaard but could not find Grindelwald. In the end, he had to admit that the opponent was likely to run away by some unknown method...

"Is it the invisibility cloak?" Ivan touched his chin, remembering the letter Harry had sent him before, and he had a suspicion in his heart.

But this discovery is undoubtedly bad news. With such a powerful wizard wearing an invisibility cloak, the probability that he wants to find him is almost zero.

"Let's go, let's go back to Hogwarts!" Ivan looked at the burnt and empty Numengaard, and finally gave up his plan to find Grindelwald and prepared to return to the castle immediately, so as not to be stolen. And he has too many doubts and urgently needs to find someone to answer.


At the same time, in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, because it was dinner time, most of the students gathered here to enjoy today's dinner.

Ron, sitting in the Gryffindor seat, was a little uneasy, because Harry had been missing for several hours. To confirm the news, he sneaked into Snape’s office, but there was no one there. No.

Hermione on the side had already seen that Ron was hiding something from herself, and Harry and Ivan had not come to the auditorium for dinner today, and the doubts in her heart were even worse.

Under Hermione's repeated questioning, Ron gritted his teeth, and immediately ignored the secrecy he had promised Harry before, and told them all about their private actions.

"How dare you do this?" Hermione glared at Ron very annoyed. "You just let Harry... Harry do such dangerous things alone? What if he gets caught by Snape?"

"Yes, isn't it?" Ron said whispered, but he was a little worried. He wanted to contact Ivan, but the other party was not in Hogwarts at all, and there was no reply when he sent the message with the magic mark.

With a "pop" Hermione patted her right hand on the table and stood up.

"What are you going to do, Hermione?" Ron was taken aback by Hermione's aggressive appearance, and hurriedly asked.

"I'm going to tell Professor McGonagall about this!" Hermione said word by word.

"Wait... I'll go with you too!" Ron thought for a while, and stood up. Although he was sure to get scolded when he told the professor about it, he didn't care about it because of Harry's safety. too much.

Just when the two were about to act, Pepy Ghost suddenly flew in from outside and yelled. "The Dark Lord... the Dark Lord is about to fight in, the professors should do a good job of defense, everyone should run away!"

Pippi's screams plunged the noisy auditorium into a strange silence.

Then it was like restarting the play button. The little wizards screamed. Everyone tried to escape from here at the fastest speed in their lives. Several junior students were knocked to the ground while running. I had to drill under the table one by one...

"Quiet! Give me back to my seat!" Professor McGonagall walked from the teacher's bench with a straight face, waved his wand to clean up the overturned meal, and then looked at the instigator. Rebuked angrily.

"Pippy, what are you yelling nonsense?"

Pepy Ghost's eyes grumbled, trying to make the situation worse, but before he could speak, Harry staggered and helped Snape in from outside the hall.

"Oh my God, Severus, Potter, what's the matter with you?" Professor McGonagall looked at the two people's disgraced appearance, with some bad premonitions in his heart, hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Flitwick and the others also gathered around, asking about what happened, whether it was really what Pippi said to him, and the Dark Lord brought someone in.

"Get out...all out, what they need most now is treatment!" Madam Pomfrey squeezed in laboriously, and gave Harry and Snape a preliminary check in the first place.

Harry's condition is not bad. Although he is sluggish and has a lot of bruises on his body, these are minor problems, which can be solved by drinking a bowl of soothing potion and sleeping.

In contrast, Snape's situation was worse, his face pale and scary, and his entire right leg turned bruise.

Madam Pomfrey immediately suggested that McGonagall and others move Snape to the school hospital, where he receives further treatment.

"I have already done some treatment~www.mtlnovel.com~ This snake venom will not kill me for a while. I now have more important things to report!" Snape directly refused Madam Pomfrey's help. , Scanning the surroundings, asked anxiously. "Where is Ivan Hals? Where is Hals? I need to see him!"

"Ivan doesn't seem to be at school, and we can't contact him for the time being..." Hermione and Ron squeezed in from the chaotic crowd and said helplessly.

Snape's expression suddenly became ugly.

"So what happened, Severus? Do you have to contact Hals?" Professor McGonagall immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and asked again.

"We destroyed something important to the Dark Lord this time, and he will probably choose to attack Hogwarts next..." Snape sighed and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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