Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 870: The Dark Lord actually killed the Dark Lord

Since Voldemort couldn't get rid of this trouble in a short time, Voldemort could only at the same time converge his mind, and began to concentrate on dealing with Grindelwald, preparing to solve the opponent first, and the start was even more fierce.

However, Grindelwald did not appear to be hurried, did not intend to head-on with Voldemort, the defense was very tight.

Voldemort couldn't attack for a long time, his face was ugly to the extreme. He couldn't believe that he was in full strength and holding the Deathly Hallows, he could not suppress a black wizard who had been imprisoned for decades and was almost paralyzed in a short period of time. !

This made Voldemort once again doubted his own strength, and even vaguely remembered the night a year ago, when he was confident enough to crash into Knockout Alley but was beaten and fled by a kid...

The uneasy feeling in his heart made Voldemort more and more angry. He wielded his wand vigorously, trying to blow everything in front of him to pieces...

Grindelwald was naturally keenly aware of Voldemort's changes in mind. Even when he turned from defense to offense, the wand held tightly in his hand was shocked, and the large damaged wall bricks quickly rose up and turned into several pieces. The sturdy steed, with faint blue flames burning all over, like a messenger from hell, rushed straight towards Voldemort.

Such a superb and rapid transformation surprised Voldemort. He almost mistakenly thought he was fighting Dumbledore, but his rich combat experience made him react. The surprise lasted only for a moment. As the spell was pronounced, A big snake tens of meters long emerged from the thick black fog.

The terrifying serpent waved its tail and smashed several **** horses, but the faint blue fire burned up along the tail of the snake.

Grindelwald changed his defensive steps and approached. A blasting curse exploded the snake's head. Various exquisite curses were handed in. The momentum became stronger and stronger. The original rickety body became more and more straight, but it turned back for a while. Suppressed Voldemort.

Voldemort was frightened and angry. There was even a trace of fear in his heart. What made him even more disturbed was that Nagini was seriously threatened, and scenes of fragmented pictures gradually appeared in his mind.

"Get out of here!" Voldemort shouted angrily, completely lost the mood of entanglement with Grindelwald, because he saw Harry Potter and his most loyal subordinate in the vaguely transmitted picture. Nep...

But how is this possible? Harry Potter is dead, and Voldemort is extremely convinced of this!

The opponent died under the killing curse that he personally released!

"It's impossible!" Voldemort murmured to himself. He didn't believe that Snape would betray him. The other party obviously gave him birth and death several times, and gave him such a powerful wand...

"Confringo~! (Thunderbolt explosion Grindelwald took advantage of the momentum and waved his wand, and the dark blue flames scattered around gathered together, turning into a long tongue of flame and rolled up toward Voldemort.

Voldemort's reaction was slow for a while, and he had to reluctantly conjure a semi-circular barrier to shield himself in the middle.

The faint blue tongue of fire quickly collided with the barrier, and the bursting flames instantly tore through the magical barrier with fine cracks.

Voldemort didn't care about repairing it at all, he only felt his headache splitting apart, his brain seemed to be severely chopped with a sword, and the pain that went deep into his soul almost made him faint directly.

In just one second, the faint blue flame exploded, and the shield that had been constructed in a hurry was broken in an instant, and Voldemort didn't even have time to transform into a black mist, so he was blown up straight.

Grindelwald attracted a gust of wind to disperse the flying smoke and dust, walked step by step in front of Voldemort, bent down to pick up the old wand that fell on the ground, looked at Voldemort who was struggling on the ground, and said indifferently.

"What you just said is right, it is indeed time to end..."

Grindelwald swung his wand vigorously, spitting out a few inexplicable words, and the blue flame remaining on Voldemort's robe quickly swelled.

The terrifying fierce fire constantly eroded Voldemort's body, lighting the opponent into a torch, and a black soul rushed out of the body that was about to turn into ashes, screaming and flying into the distance.

As long as the soul still exists, he still has hope. With this idea, Voldemort dropped the two Deathly Hallows and his body, like a bereaved dog.

But a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared in his mind, and the boy who should have been killed by him was holding a sword and stab Nagini's head.

"No!" Voldemort shouted desperately. He could not accept that his last Horcrux was about to be destroyed, but he could only watch Harry swing his sword.

With a burst of pain in the heart, everything seemed to leave him, and the soul that had been barely gathered together broke apart like this.

Ivan, who had just received the letter from Shining, arrived in Newmontgard with a dazed expression. He watched Voldemort's soul rush out of the tower with a scream, and then collapsed in mid-air. For a long time, he couldn't figure out what it was. Happening.

"Didn't you say that the report says Mr. Grindelwald may be in danger? Shining?" Ivan turned his head and looked at the burning tower, looked at Grindelwald coming out of the collapsed ruins, and asked with a solemn expression. .

"Shan... Shining doesn't know that things will turn out to be like this, sir." The house elf's eyes widened. It couldn't believe that Grindelwald had killed the powerful Dark Lord...

Ivan thought of Snape's change and Harry's message, but he vaguely guessed something. It seemed that Voldemort's Horcrux had been completely destroyed.

But even so, Grindelwald should not be able to defeat Voldemort, who is holding an old wand~www.mtlnovel.com~ unless the other party obtains a handy wand in advance...

Thinking of this, Ivan's hand was already on the wand, staring at Grindelwald not far in front of him, and said jokingly. "It seems that our new British savior was born... I think those wizards will be surprised if they know this news-the Dark Lord killed the Dark Lord!"

"British savior? It's a familiar name... But this title is left to the kid, he is the one who really killed Voldemort..." Grindelwald slowly moved closer to Ivan, not knowing why he didn't seem to have done anything. The meaning of, a little mocking color appeared on his face, obviously he didn't catch a cold with this title.

Shining is like a big enemy, it trembling and blocking it in front of Ivan, but before I can do it, Ivan presses its head and pulls it behind...

(End of this chapter)

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