Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 197: Oversleeping I

Chapter 197: Oversleeping I

Chapter 197: Oversleeping I

**16th July 2020**


A loud alarm crashed into a sleeping Jason’s ears instantly putting an end to Jason’s rest.

“Arrgggh, fuck!” Jason cursed as his eyes shot open and he grabbed his phone in anger, the first thought arising in his head wanting him to fling the phone to somewhere that it couldn’t disturb him, but his rationality immediately threw that rash thought out the window.

“Fu*k!” he cursed again in a low tone and shut off the alarm.

He had barely reached his house at almost 3:00 am due to the ongoing celebrations at the Estadio do Dragao, but now his alarm was waking him up at 6:00 am, just barely three hours after he reached home.

To be fair, it was kind of his fault since he was the one who had forgotten to turn off his alarm, but in his defense, who would remember something as minute as an alarm after winning the league title and coming back home at 3 am after celebrating as much as he could?

Absolutely nobody, right?

So he was justified in wanting to smash his phone apart since it had disturbed his rest, but that was a bit too irrational, so he settled with turning off the alarm, planning to go back to sleep.

Luckily for him, he had two days off instead of one thanks to winning the League title already so he could relax a bit even though there were still a couple of matches left on the calendar.

“Hurray for league titles!” he exclaimed in a low voice as he rearranged his blankets and planned to go back to sleep, but before he could once again settle back into the warm embrace of the goddess of sleep, his phone rang again.

“Sonnuva bit*h!” he spat in annoyance as he turned over again in annoyance, but he recognized the difference in his previous alarm tone and the ringing noise that his phone was making now.

It seemed someone was calling him.

“At this time tho? Somebody’s about to lose his fu*kin job!” Jason cursed as he once again rose up.

Not many people had his number so if it happened to be some idiot that was calling him for the wrong reasons this early in the morning, then Jason wouldn’t let it slide.

As for what Jason’s criteria for a wrong reason was?

Literally everything!

Unless somebody died, no rightly thinking human being should call another human at 6 am unexpectedly unless there was a previous arrangement between those people…

At least that was his opinion, and he sure as hell hadn’t made made any arrangements with anybody that would warrant him being called so early in the morning.

With an air of annoyed bravado, Jason once again grabbed his phone, ready to unleash all the dirty words he had learnt in this life and his previous one, but as soon as he saw the caller ID, all those words flew out the window.

[Aunt Daphne]

‘I mean… if it’s her…’ these words ran through his mind as all his bravado dissipated and he slowly swiped the green button dancing on his phone’s screen.

“Hello,” Jason spoke first after putting the phone to his ear.

“Oh, hey, what’s up,” Daphne’s voice rang into Jason’s ear, bringing a little wave of emotions to Jason who slightly missed this aunt of his, but his feelings would never show in his tone of course.

“What’s up? You know it’s 6 am here, right?” Jason immediately took on a slightly annoyed tone, even though most of his annoyance had dissipated.

“Oh, is that so, I guessed it would be pretty early,” Daphne replied wittily, her voice having no remorse for doing what she did, or more like she had purposely done it since she especially liked messing with Jason.

“You knew yet you still called me this early? What the hell happened to treating your customers as a god?” Jason asked in mock annoyance.

“Maybe when you make a few more millions will I ever think of doing something like that,” Daphne replied.

“Really?” Jason asked in amazement.

“Of course not idiot, why would I ever do that,” Daphne laughed hard, her tone letting Jason know he would be stuck with this loveably annoying aunt of his for the rest of his days.

“Tch…” Jason clicked his tongue in annoyance before going on to ask.

“Just out of curiosity, how are my investments doing? ” Jason asked Daphne.

The reason why Jason was asking his aunt for this was because after listening to advice from Adele on investing his money, he had immediately gotten across to his aunt who was a professional finance expert who knew her way around the finance market and would thus have knowledge about this kind of thing.

To his surprise, she knew more than a little bit as she was doing a bit of a side hustle in brokering hustle for a few people, and he hadn’t known about it.

Anyway, after hearing what he wanted to do, she was happy with his decision to invest and pledged to help him, but he had decided to hire her instead as it didn’t sit well with him to have her do it for him without her receiving anything from it.

Help was help and work was work… that was a line Jason always made sure to make distinct and since what he wanted her to do was something that she did for work, then it wouldn’t be fair to not pay for it, and though she argued about it, she had ended up agreeing.

Jason had even taken it a step further by not only hiring her to help him with investment stuff but also hiring her as an accountant to help him manage his finances which was something he had been looking to do for a while as he didn’t like dealing with any other numbers apart from jersey numbers.

Thus his aunt had become his financial manager while also being his stock broker, after which he had gone on to buy a few select stocks using some future knowledge from memory.

He had bought Tesla stocks, a few social media companies stocks, and some pharmaceutical companies, and he had even delved into cryptocurrencies since it had been a pretty big thing in his previous life, so he had bought a few that he knew would rise in value.

Despite this world being something of a parallel world to his previous world, his future knowledge had ended up correct, though the exact increases in the stock were not the same as his previous life.

Some had grown a lot more explosively than in his past life, some had grown a bit more, and some were a bit stunted in growth, but all of them saw an increase that had stunned both his aunt, Daphne, and Adele, his agent, causing them to believe that he was some sort of marketing genius.

‘Marketing genius my a$$,’ Jason remembered scoffing internally when he heard their words.

Any non-idiot who had been to the future could manage at least this much, and if they couldn’t then their brain was nothing more than a waste of space, Jason thought.


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