Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 196: First Silverware II

Chapter 196: First Silverware II

Chapter 196: First Silverware II

The line of players who were receiving medals gradually got shorter until the last person remained.

It was Pepe who was the captain of the team who would also be the one to receive the trophy.

He stepped up to receive his medal before he walked up the stage to join his teammates on the stage.

Then Miguel Almeida, the President of NOS, and Pedro Proenca, the President of Liga Portugal stepped up to present the Liga NOS trophy to the Porto team.

Pepe received the trophy with a wide smile before moving back to the crowd of his teammates and on cue, the trophy went down as they counted.

“1, 2, 3,” they counted and on the count of three, the trophy was raised up high accompanied by celebratory cheers and happy shouts from the Porto team.

The stands weren’t filled with people and the surroundings were more silent than they should ever be in a situation like this because of the Covid-19 viruses, but the Porto players could almost imagine hearing the Porto fans cheering with them from wherever they were and nothing felt out of place despite the empty surroundings.

They soon brought the trophy down once again and raised it once again, once again erupting with cheers as they celebrated.

Some of the players soon went to drag their team manager to the stage from the side where he was watching the situation and they once again lifted the trophy while cheering.

After the trophy lifting was over, the players started taking all sorts of pictures, some with the trophy and some without the trophy.

At this point, everyone was just doing whatever they could to express and share their happiness with whoever they thought important.

Not to be outdone, Jason also went to pick up his phone and took a few selfies and posted them on his Instagram and Twitter page, but then feeling that was not enough, he decided to do something a bit more fun which was to go live stream at that moment.

Opening the Instagram app again, he operated the app and went live for the first time on his Instagram account, but despite it being his first time going live, viewers soon began pouring in and the viewer count quickly began rising, reaching over a thousand viewers in a little over a minute and still rising.

“What’s up guys,” Jason greeted the viewers cheerily, which was a bit out of character from him, but at this moment, his excitement had him acting different.

It was already weird enough that he was going live in the first place so whatever happened after this happened under the influence… what he was under the influence of, he didn’t know, but his behavior couldn’t be explained any other way.

“Guess who just acquired some new silverware?” Jason asked with a goofy smile.

“Oh I ain’t talking about the medal, I already got enough drip in my drawers,” Jason responded to a comment asking if he meant his medal.

“I’m talking about this,” Jason said with a toothy grin and grabbed the trophy from Fabio Viera who was holding the trophy next to him.

“Ain’t she a beauty?” he said as he stared at the trophy with mesmerized looking eyes.

“Hey, give that back, I’m still taking pictures that I have to send back to my grandma,” Fabio Viera protested indignantly to Jason.

“In a minute bro, chill,” Jason responded with a laugh.

“She ain’t a hoe, but we don’t mind passing her around… ah wait, that came out wrong,” Jason said a bunch of nonsense under the influence of his excitement.

“Anyway, you won’t believe that those green and white kids came to my city and tried to make me wait to hold her in my hands,”

“Guess what I did to em?” Jason asked the viewers.

[What did you do?] a viewer whose username was Zestylad asked.

It was obvious he/she didn’t know about the match proceedings, or maybe he knew and wanted to hear what Jason had to say.

“I sent em packin, cuz this is my city! My domain! And nobody dares to deprive me of what is mine here,” at this point, Jason was just saying nonsense, but he didn’t care as it was all in the spirit of having fun.

“Hey Fabio, here,” Jason called out to Viera and held out the trophy to him.

“Say hi to the viewers as well before you go back to taking pictures for your grandma,” Jason said with a grin as he handed the trophy back to Viera who said hi to the fans and also said a few words before going back to what he was doing.

Leaving Viera to continue taking pictures, Jason began to go meet his teammates and including them in the live stream, displaying a level of friendliness and warmness that was hard to see coming from him otherwise.

Many of his teammates were pleasantly surprised by the live stream and didn’t hesitate to greet the viewers and do a few funny stuff or even talk some nonsense to the viewers, it was a happy moment after all and everyone was high on happiness at that moment.

After going around the whole team and including almost everyone in the live stream, Jason finally said his goodbye to the viewers and ended the livestream, but that did not mean that he was done celebrating.

He rejoined his teammates and did an interview somewhere in between all that, but he hardly remembered what he had said in the interview and could only hope he wasn’t woken up by some controversial news article the next morning.

The Porto players finally headed to their locker room with the trophy in tow.

The celebrations continued in the locker room as food was brought into the locker room to continue their celebrations.

Due to safety reasons, the players couldn’t go out to celebrate their achievement, thus they decided to celebrate as much as they could at the stadium before heading back to their homes, hence the chef brought in food.

It wasn’t much considering it was just mostly pastries, some fast foods, and some drinks(unalcoholic of course), but that didn’t hinder the celebrations of the Porto team.

Even the staff and the manager joined in to celebrate.


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