Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 198: Oversleeping II

Chapter 198: Oversleeping II

Chapter 198: Oversleeping II

“Strangely, your investments are still doing well, and some of them are still rising a lot… I still don’t know how you did it,” Daphne’s slightly exasperated tone came from the other end of the phone.

“I’m a genius, what did you expect?” Jason scoffed.

“Genius my ass,” Daphne scoffed back.

“Whatever, anyway, what did you call me for?” Jason finally asked the most important question that had been on his mind since the call came through.

“Oh… I was going to say congratulations on winning the league title,” Daphne replied her voice rising a bit in excitement.

“Oh, thanks,” Jason replied with a heartfelt smile.

They then went on to talk about a few other things, some related to business and some completely unrelated, but it wasn’t until almost twenty minutes later that Jason finally hung up the phone.

With the call over, Jason immediately threw his phone back on the bedside table and lay back in bed, his craving for rest not having diminished the slightest bit even after an almost half-hour-long call.

Luckily, this time nobody called Jason and he was able to go back to sleep uninterrupted… at least until about four hours later when his phone rang again and woke him up from his sleep.

Slowly pulling his eyes apart in annoyance at the incessant ringing from his phone Jason slowly reached for his phone, annoyed at being interrupted once again as he still felt like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep, but he was a lot less irritated than he was four hours ago.

[Little Miss Agent]

Seeing the person calling, Jason’s irritation dimmed a bit as he understood that it was him being in bed at 10 am that was abnormal, not her call.

“Hello,” Jason almost groaned into the phone because even if his irritation had been drastically reduced compared to before, he still had a lot of irritation at being woken up still left in him.

“Are you alright, you sound weird?” Adele asked immediately after she heard Jason’s groan.

“Ignore that, what do you want?” Jason asked grumpily.

“There were a few things that have popped up that require decisions from you, as well as a few other stuff that we should talk about,” Adele replied back, not taking offense at Jason’s rude tone as she was already used to it.

“What things?” Jason’s interest was slightly piqued, but only just slightly, and not enough for him to lose his sleepiness.

“Some transfer talks and some endorsement deals,” Adele stated with a hint of pride in her voice.

“… Okay, come over to my place at 3 pm today and we can discuss these… issues,” Jason said and immediately hung up, this time he put off his phone before throwing it on the bedside drawer and decreasing the temperature of the air conditioner before diving back into the arms of the goddess of sleep where he had been so rudely yanked away from a few minutes ago.

When Jason finally woke up after feeling that he had had enough sleep, he didn’t even know what the time was because his phone was switched off and he didn’t have a clock in his room, not even a digital one.

His house was still severely lacking in a few aspects and having a few necessary gadgets that he didn’t have was one of those things.

Getting out of bed, he stretched extensively and yawned, finally feeling most of his exhaustion having been washed away by his rest.

The remaining exhaustion was muscle exhaustion that wouldn’t just disappear because of an overnight rest.

Deciding to go have his bath, Jason took off his shirt, but then was suddenly disturbed by how parched he was.

The roof of his tongue was sticking to the back of his throat due to how dry his mouth was and Jason didn’t like how it felt.

Quickly heading out of his room and to the kitchen, Jason took out a bottle of milk, opened it up, and downed the contents immediately, not bothering with a cup at all as it would be too much of a hassle at that moment.

He was about to head back to his room and then go have his bath when his doorbell suddenly rang.

‘Was I expecting anybody?’ Jason wondered as he began heading to the door.

Pulling open the door, he came face to face with Adele, and then a blur of confusing memories floated into his head.

“What are you doing here? Ah wait… I told you to come over earlier… but that was like how many minutes ago…” Disjointed sentences flowed out of Jason’s head as he arranged his memories until finally, everything became clear.

“Wait… What’s the time?” Jason asked Adele who was in front of him.

“… huh, huh? What?” Adele snapped out of a daze as her eyes headed upward to Jason’s face.

“What… is… the… time?” Jason repeated, slowly spelling it out while rolling his eyes.

“What are you talking about, you’re the one who told me to get here at 3 pm,” Adele retorted while doing her best to keep her eyes focused on his face.

“So the time is at least 3 pm? Okay got it, come in,” Jason ushered in his agent, as he ran through his thoughts.

It was kind of unbelievable that he had slept all the way till 3 pm.

‘How many hours of sleep even was that and was it even normal to sleep that long?’ Jason wondered to himself as he closed the door behind Adele.

‘How tired was I actually?’ he wondered as he began to run a diagnosis on his own condition in his head, but there didn’t seem to be anything that could have caused his exhaustion, so maybe it was something more of accumulated stress from all the training he subjected himself to.

“Anyway, you said something about transfer talks and endorsement deals, right?” Jason said to Adele as he walked behind her.

“Uh, yeah, I did mention something like that,” Adele said in a bit of a daze.

“Something like that? Be serious please,” Jason retorted, unimpressed by her dazed state right now.

“Anyway, order something for both of us to eat while we talk, I need to go take my bath and I’m hungry,” Jason said as he changed his direction and started heading to his room instead.

“… Next time put on some clothes,” Adele said with a red face in a whisper that she herself almost didn’t hear.


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