Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 112.1 Good Food (9)

Chapter 112.1 Good Food (9)

Du Mowen and Lai Wei stood at the door, curious and a little confused, looking at the little girl who was held by their friend.

Lin Yu was a little frightened by their looks and timidly took her brother's hand and ducked behind Lin Shiheng.

Dont scare my younger sister.

Lin Shiheng gave his two best friends a good-natured look, led Lin Yu inside and gently picked her up and sat her down on a chair.

Xiao Yu, this is Brother Mowen, and this is Brother Lai Wei, my best friends."

I'm going to make you something delicious, so play with Brother Lai Wei first, okay?"

Although Lin Yu was afraid, she could see that there was no malice in the eyes of these two strangers. Compared with the gazes that she had experienced before, these eyes only had some curiosity and doubt, it made her relax a little.

Meekly, she nodded her head. Her tiny, childish voice softly responded, Okay."

Both Lai Wei and Du Mowen rarely interact with children, so they were both a bit overwhelmed by the sight of this well-behaved little one. Du Mowen pushed Lai Wei forward as soon as he could.

Go on, Shiheng saicl he wanted you to play with her, right?"

The teenager, who was very tall for a young boy, sat down hesitantly and looked to Lin Shiheng pleadingly, What should we play?"

Just play games, arent you good at playing games? Xiao Yu hasnt playecl before, just play something simple."

Lai Wei had never played games with children. Inexperienced, he could only take out the game console and begin to soften his voice to teach Lin Yu how to play.

Du Mowen, who rarely saw him like this, was immediately gleeful. When he saw Lin Shiheng going into the kitchen, he quickly followed him, Shiheng, Ill help you!

The kitchen was soundproof. As soon as the door was closecl, he leaned forward and curiously askecl, Is that your younger sister? How come I've never heard you mention her before?"

I couldnt take care of myself before, ancl I wasn't able to take her into my care. Didnt I make some money recently? So, I transferred her custody into my name.

Du Mowen was taken aback, Did your mother agree?"

The two young boys were not only moved by Lin Shihengs heartfelt words, but they both noticed what kind of person Lin Shihengs birth mother was. They had a lot of resources at their disposal and checked it out afterwards.

They never could never have imagined it, they were shocked when they checked. Because of the influence left by the catastrophe of that year, Blue Star people generally protected their young ones. But, when it came to Mother Lin, she acted as if Lin Shiheng was not her biological child.

At least what they found out was that Lin Shiheng had been living in boarcling school since his mother remarried when he was 11, and he had never seen her face on such days as winter and summer vacations. Combined with the fact that he was kicked out of his home as soon as his 18-birthday arrived, it was even worse than how people treated adopted children.

When they looked at the fact that after Lin Shihengs fathers death, she immediately remarried; They could imagine such a woman woulcl be clinging to Lin Shiheng to death, if she found out that he had become the majority shareholder of the 311 Group.

Its nothing, I just tricked her a little."

Lin Shiheng parted the shrimp shell in his hand. To be precise, this wasnt a shrimp, but a creature callecl Tou beast on Blue Star, which looked exactly the same as the shrimp on Earth except for its large size.

Because they were too big to hanclle or eat, he bought the young ones. Although they were young, the meat of the shrimps alone was as big as a palm, so with the four of them plus Lin Yu, cooking ten of them would be enough.

Du Mowen was too embarrassed to just stand and watch. After observing for a few minutes, he also picked one up and started to learn how to peel it, asking curiously as he did so, What did you do?"


He sucldenly remembered the phone call he had received before, ancl immediately realized, Was it the time you called me before? I remember you called me Young Master Du. Are you pretending to be unfamiliar with me, and what license? Didnt we agree to auction five distribution licenses early next month?!

Thats right."

Lin Shiheng flung a praising glance over his shoulder. His eyebrows were slightly raisecl and his smile remained gentle: It seems that your intelligence has improved this time."

Thats true, Ive been crazy busy the last few days, but even my family complimented me and said Ive grown up hehehe ... eh?

Du Mowen was enjoying himself when he suddenly realized something and struck the table, No! Then you mean, I use to be unintelligent?!"

Lin Shiheng silently looked back, his eyes full of pure innocence.

Without him having to say anything, Du Mowens own heart sank first.

How could Shiheng, smiling so gently at him, be calling him unintelligent?

Ahem, that... I was just joking around to liven things up... Come on, come on, Ill help you with the food!"

Come on, shrimp dumplings, weve made a lot of them. Open up your bellies and gobble them up!"

Du Mowen served steaming shrimp dumplings on the table, and both people, who were playing games, turnecl to look at them curiously.

There was a fresh scent in the air, but when they looked around, all they saw were round, white puffballs that looked as lovely as white jacle and snow. However, they left one wondering what they were made of and what they tasted like.

What are shrimp dumplings?"

Lin Yu, who hacl been playing with Lai Wei for a while ancl looked completely relaxed, leaned over and looked curiously.

Lin Shiheng also came out with the rest of the plates. When he heard that, he smiled and replied, Shrimp dumplings are shrimp-stuffed dumplings, and in ancient earth, they were eaten every year at New Years Eve as a reunion meal."

As he saicl that, the black-haired young man gently set down a plate of shrimp dumplings in his hand with a gentle expression, Today, I picked Xiao Yu up, so its a reunion of siblings, so of course we have to eat dumplings for the reunion."

When he said that, Lin Yu, who was originally just curious, gradually became happy, and looked at the round and tender dumplings, Mmmll! We'll have shrimp dumplings!"

After eating the dumplings that representecl reunion, would she no longer have to be separated from her brother?

Everyone was seated in rows, each with a small plate in front of them in which some vinegar-based sauce was poured. Since none of them knew how to eat it, Lin Shiheng was the first, to set an example.

He picked up his chopsticks and steadily picked up a small white dumpling, which he then brought to the small plate in front of him and rolled around a few times. When the white tenderness was stained with the sauce, the original delicious appearance was even more attractive.

The eyes of the two youngsters and child instantly heated up a bit, watching Lin Shiheng without blinking, as he took a bite of the sauce-soaked shrimp dumpling ancl popped it into his mouth.

One bite, and half of the tiny shrimp dumpling was left. Looking at it from their angle, they could see the white ancl pink shrimp meat and turquoise vegetables inside, accentuatecl by the jade-white outer skin, which made people gulp down another mouthful of saliva.

Its good to eat it like this. If you dont like the sauce, you can leave it as it is."

Lin Shiheng ate all the remaining shrimp dumpling in one gulp, and said, If youre not good at using chopsticks. You can use a spoon first.

Its okay, I know how to use it!"

Du Mowen had eagerly picked up a pair of chopsticks, inserted them clirectly into the small round body of a shrimp dumpling. He then quickly sent it to the small plate to roll a few times, making sure that all the fragrant sauce covered it before licking his lips ancl putting the whole thing into his mouth.

There was no need to chew much at all, a little bite and the outer crust broke apart. The freshness of the shrimp meat and the crispness of the small vegetables folded together in an extremely pleasurable taste. It was so refreshing and nourishing that, until he enjoyed it and very unwillingly swallowed it, his mouth was still filled with the freshness of the shrimp meat, as if it still remained in his mouth.

Without even saying a word, Du Mowen had quickly dipped in another shrimp dumpling, rolled it around a few times, and stuffed it into his mouth again. While his cheeks were puffed up, his hands continued to pick up new shrimp dumplings to dip in the sauce.

Lai Wei ancl Lin Yu, who had been waiting for him to comment, were waiting in anticipation, but when they saw him eating so much that he couldnt even take the time to talk, they didnt wait for any more comments. They quickly stretched out their chopsticks and followecl Du Mowens example, sticking them into the shrimp dumplings and dipping them into the sauce.

Once the shrimp dumplings were in their mouths, tasting the powdery-white shrimp meat, both eyes lit up ancl moved quickly to join Du Mowens line of people chewing while their hands were busy picking up food.

Lin Shiheng wasnt as exaggerated as they were. He calmly picked them up with chopsticks, only to eat them with unhurried movements. The three growing youths, together with a little girl, who had never experienced such a delicious meal before, ate the shrimp stuffed dumplings for almost half an hour, and ate them all straight away.

Lai Wei ancl Du Mowen expertly patted their bulging bellies and made a trip to the couch, Awesome!!!

Lin Yu looked at them, then at her brother, who looked at her with a smile of encouragement. She also jumped out of the chair and ran to the sofa with her bulging belly, learning how to lay on her back like the two.

She felt that if she did this, her brother would be very happy.

Sure enough, at the sight of two big and one small potatoes on the sofa, all of them looking like they had eaten until their bellies were very bursting and lying there, Lin Shihengs eyes smiled a little more.

Take a good rest once youve eaten, and when youve finished, well discuss how were going to act out the next big scene together."


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