Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 111. Good Food (8)

Chapter 111. Good Food (8)

Wang Renyi almost thought he had mishecird.

His eyes widened cind he asked in a trembling voice, What did you say??

Lin Shihengs smile remained unchanged, I'm afraid Fathers ears are failing you in your old age. Anyway. things are over now. Lets forget about it.

111 take Xiao Yu back first.


Without thinking. the obese middle-aged man reached out to stop the man in front of him, Wait a minute!!

The eagerness on his face blended with the greed in his eyes, making his fat face look even more repulsive.

Perhaps seeing Lin Shihengs frown at being stopped, Wang Renyi, who had never looked kindly on the unrelated stepchildren, managed to force a smile onto his face.

Shiheng! Did you just say you got access to the new potato brisket??

You kid, dont lie to me, arent you in school? How are you going to get access!

Lin Shihengs frown slowly loosened, and a good-natured smile appeared on his face, The heir of the Du Group and I are classmates. Since I remembered that you were in this field, I asked him to help me. It took a lot of begging to get him to agree to let you. Father, become the third authorized dealer for potato brisket.

However, because you need to authorize the link, I still needed some money to open the link.

I know, I know!

Wang Renyi was very busy with the licensing. and naturally, he knew that if the 311 Group agreecl to the authorization. they would neecl money from his side to open the authorization link.

Compared with the benefits obtained after authorization. this amount of money was nothing.

Unexpectedly, he had been busy for so long with no results. This stepson, who had always been regarded as a thorn in his side, had a way to get the license.

The third authorized dealer in all of Blue Star! Think of all the psychics who are crazy about Potato Brisket Nutritional Solution, such a huge benefit!

With this money-making opportunity, he may be able to join the high society and secretly keep various beautiful women ...


Wang Renyi suddenly woke up ancl hastily asked, "Shiheng, did you just say that you callecl and turned it down?


Speaking of this matter, Lin Shihengs estrangement toward Wang Renyi gradually turned into sadness. With some loss in his eyes and a lowered voice, he said, I just mentioned this to Mother, saying that I could help Father. But she didnt want to pay the authorization fee and refused.

As soon as I got out. I callecl Young Master Du ancl told him our family had refused the license for potato brisket...

Are you stupid?!!!

Wang Renyi couldnt believe what he heard.

In this world, there were still such stupicl people??

Thats the new healing nutrient solution! It was a distribution right: he would give everything he owned to get!!

How can you be so stupid!!! If she says no, so you just say no?! Do you know how harcl it is to get this license?!!!

The reprimanded black-haired young mans eyes showecl weakness and helplessness. He tried to explain in a low voice, But Mother refused and tolcl me to leave, so I thought...

What does she know!?!

Wang Renyi couldnt wait to slap the stepson in front of him, but now, he had to rely on him to get the license. He abruptly withdrew the ferocious expression on his face and forcecl out a smile.

Shiheng, youre young and dont know any better. This license is very important to our family. Why dont you give Young Master Du another call and ask for the license back, okay?

Listening to his coaxing tone, Lin Shiheng seemed to be persuadecl. He noclded, tapped open his chip, founcl Du Mowens number and dialed it in front of an expectant Wang Renyi.

In dorm room 311, Du Mowen was playing a game when he received a notification from his chip, and looked clown to connect.

Hello, Shiheng, what is it?

Young Master Du, can we have that license I told you about before, again?


The license has been given to another family? So soon?

What the hell?

But our family really neecls this distribution license. My Mother macle a mistake before. Please ...

What are you talking about?

Lin Shihengs voice trailed off.

Well, please do.


Du Mowen looked confused as he hung up, scratched his head and callecl back, but it said the other person was busy.

What the hell?

On this side, Lin Shiheng hung up the phone with a lost expression and shook his head at Wang Renyi who was nervously looking at him, Young Master Du refused, saying that the license was very difficult to get. It had been taken by another company after Mother refused just now.

Wang Renyi was feeling like walking around with a box of gold that fell from the sky, only to have it evaporate before he could enjoy it.

Uncler this heavy blow, he could hardly keep any kind of expression on his face, Shiheng, can you talk to Young Master Du again?

Lin Shiheng: Talking about it would be useless. The license has already been taken away by someone else.

Father, Ill take Xiao Yu back first.


Wang Renyis brain was racing. When he saw that Lin Shiheng, who had been able to get into contact with someone who had access to the distribution license, was leaving, he called him back without thinking.

Where are you taking Xiao Yu? Its so late!

Since this kid could get the license once, he could get the license for a second time. He would be able to restrain him by keeping Lin Yu at home.

But his wishful thinking soon fell flat again as the dark-haired youth gently stroked his sisters head and responded naturally, Didnt Mother tell you? She transferred Xiao Yu's custody to me, so of course, Ill take her to my place.

She transferred the custody to you??

Wang Renyi, who was thinking of relying on Lin Yu to restrain Lin Shiheng. narrowly avoided spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He was working hard to make money, but that woman only knew how to drag his legs, and his license flew away. The cub that could restrain Lin Shiheng was also lost...

But even now, he couldnt be angry with Lin Shiheng because he still had to rely on him to get the license.

Thinking of that. Wang Renyi forced a smile on his face, Shes really rash. Although Xiao Yu is not my own, I have always loved her. Youre still a child yourself; how can you take care of Xiao Yu?

Shiheng, why dont you move back and live with Xiao Yu here?

No, Father, Mother doesnt seem to want to see me.

Lin Shiheng said, seemingly having tears shining in his eyes. He spoke with a face full of loss, Icl better not make her angry.

As if he had mentioned something sad, he hung his head and covered his face, then turned ancl left, Goodbye, Father, I wont be back anytime soon.

Shiheng... Shiheng!!

Wang Renyi tried to go after him, but he was no match for the young mans legs, so he could only watch as Lin Shiheng picked up Lin Yu and left his sight.


He was so angry that he punched the door ancl received some pain from the door.

This close...

It was this close!!

Thinking of who had caused all this, Wang Renyis face clouded with remorse. He turned and strocle angrily towards the main entrance.

This b*tch!

Hes going to beat her to death today!

Lin Shiheng carried Lin Yu. his footsteps slowly slowing down as he left Wang Renyis sight.

Lin Yu held out two small hands and hugged his neck, saying nothing.

Lin Shiheng placed his sister down on the ground, his eyes full of tenderness: Xiao Yu, can you walk by yourself first?


Lin Yu obediently took her brothers hand and followed him.

His free hand slid across his chip and dialed Du Mowens phone.

Hey, Shiheng, what did you just say? I couldnt understancl a word.

It was just a lie.

At this point, Lin Shiheng paused and corrected, No.

It was digging a trap.


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