Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 112.2: Good Food (9)

Chapter 112.2: Good Food (9)

Wang Renyi had never been good-tempered. and he never hid his temper when he got married. Its just that this anger was never directed cit Mother Lin.

After all, Mother Lin had married him when she was pregnant with a psychic, and even though the physique of Blue Star people was much better than that of earthlings, pregnancy was still a very tough thing for a woman. Even if Wang Renyi wanted to vent his anger on her, he was careful about the child in her belly.

He was always angry with his stepson, but because of the minor protection law and the chips automatic detection function. At best, Wang Renyi could only verbally scold or deny him food. but he would not dare to hit him.

But when Mother Lin gave birth to Lin Yu and found out that the baby was an ordinary person, Wang Renyi, who felt that he was deceived. immediately turned nasty.

He may not be a very good-looking man, but hes a wealthy man, and he only liked Mother Lin because she was a good-looking woman with a possible psychic in her belly. Otherwise, given his wealth, he wouldnt have married a woman with a child in tow who was also pregnant.

Now that child was born and wasnt a psychic, Wang Renyi had even thought of getting a divorce and kicking Mother Lin out of the house.

How could she be willing to let the rich man she had managed to scoop up throw her out the door without giving her anything? So, she got pregnant again at the time, despite the fact that she had just had a baby not long before.

Before he was pregnant with Wang Renyi's child, when he was angry or upset somewhere outside the home, he would always take it out on his wife.

At that time. Mother Lin was beaten and scolded by him, and she suffered. But, she didnt want to divorce and get rid of her husband, nor clid she want to fight back against being scolded. Instead, she poured out her anger on her newborn daughter.

Her eldest son was in boarding school, so the daughter, who remained with her and couldn't be beaten or thrown away, became a punching bag. Mother Lin hated her youngest daughter more than Lin Shiheng. She once imagined that this child would have psychic powers, but when she found out that the child was an ordinary person, her former expectations turned into hatred.

She didnt think about the fact that she was the one who refused to abort and planned to give birth to a psychic. Instead, she thought that if she wasnt pregnant, she could have been pregnant with Wang Renyis child as soon as she entered the family long ago. There was no neecl to suffer so much.

Because of her resentment and anger, Mother Lin named her Lin Yu, similar to what those children said: she was just a useless extra.

(TNote: Yu [] = 'extra/surplus/remaining/in excess of.)

Mother Lins relentless irritation didnt stop after naming her: she couldnt hit her with the chip protecting her, but she could starve Lin Yu just as long as she didnt starve her death to trigger the chips automatic call to the police.

The little baby had been hungry for a full meal since she was a child. She was born at full term. but she was smaller than her younger brother, who was a year younger. Before she was 1 year old, even her cries were frail and almost inaudible.

Growing up in such an environment, it made sense that a 7-year-old would look like a 5 or 6-year-old.

Mother Lin never felt she had done anything wrong. nor did she feel sorry for her daughter. In her opinion, when her husband died and she found out she was pregnant, if it was anyone else. they would have aborted the baby before remarrying, but she kept the child and married Wang Renyi, bringing the child along.

Its just a few hungry meals. Why would it matter? If Lin Yu really resented her, that girl would be a white-eyed wolf.

Mother Lin was condescending to her children and never wanted to give them anything. But, when Lin Shiheng asked for custody, she didnt hesitate to give it to him.

There was even some relief in her heart. As long as the custody was given to someone else, she no longer had to put up with Lin Yu. an unpleasant little girl, loitering in front of her every day.

After a few moments of joy, she was slapped several times by her furious husband, who pulled her hair and smacked her.

It had been a long time since she had been beaten since she had given birth to her youngest son. Therefore, when she was beaten, Mother Lin was aggrievecl and scared.

Wang Renyi vented all his anger about missing out on the benefits on his wife. When he saw that she had the auclacity to cover her face and look at him with an aggrieved expression, the anger in his heart intensified.

I cant believe you gave out Lin Yus custody rights without talking to me. Are you out of your mind?!!!'

When Mother Lin was hit, she thought a lot about why she was being beaten. It could be that her husband had gotten upset outside or that she was caught secretly embezzling money from the factory to invest. She never thought that it would be because of the small matter of handing over Lin Yus custody.

She covered her red face and cried out with tears, Didnt you always dislike her? When Lin Shiheng mentioned it, I thought I might as well give it to him."

If I hadnt given Lin Yu to him. he would keep trying to ask me for money. Its your money, Im trying to save your money..."


Wang Renyis eyes widened. Why did I marry a woman like you in the first placel!"

Do you know what you turned down for me today?! The 311 Groups distributor license! Ive been working my ass off for the past few days just to get the rights, but you, a woman who only spends but doesnt earn, pushed away the rights that were presented to you with a single sentence!"

When he said that, he was even angrier. huffing and puffing. When he got angry, his brain heated up and he wandered around the hall looking for something.

Although Mother Lin hadnt been beaten for a long time, she was still shaking at the sight of this familiar scene. She knew that Wang Renyi was going to find a tool to beat her with, so she quickly stepped back and spoke with a trembling voice...

Renyi... Renyi, dont be impulsive. I didnt know that was the license. I thought it was Lin Shiheng asking me for money. Didnt I do that for you? Otherwise, hes my own child, I wouldnt have to protect us from him by not even giving him a penny!

Hearing that, Wang Renyi stopped looking for a tool.

Ever since he married Mother Lin, what satisfied him most was that she was single-minded towards him. He didnt like that Lin bloodline, so she went along with it and left them out in the cold.

She was more fond of him than her own children, which made Wang Renyi very happy. Moreover, she gave birth to a good and lovable son, who was so good-looking and regarded him as a hero. That turned his thoughts of divorce at the beginning to the present situation, where he had mistresses outside but kept her well treated at home.

The thought of Lin Shiheng respecting his biological mother forced Wang Renyi to ease his expression.

I know youre doing it for me, its just that this time you really have made a big mistake."

Seeing that he did seem to calm down, Mother Lin breathed a sigh of relief. She carefully leaned in and softly asked, Whats going on? Lin Shiheng asked me for money, but he didnt say why he wanted it. You werent there and I couldnt make up my mind, so I turned him down."

Her tender hands fell on Wang Renyi's chest, stroking him a little. After a few strokes, Wang Renyi's tone gradually relaxed and he grumpily said, Ive been running back and forth for the past few days just to get the license for potato beef brisket, which had never been granted. As a result, when I met Lin Shiheng at the door just now, he said the Du Groups heir was his classmate, and he had asked for the license. He came back to tell me about it."

And you just turned it down! Do you know how hard it was to get that license?!"

Mother Lin was startled by the sudden amplification of her husbands voice, and her heart was racing. She quickly added. Its okay, hes only been gone for a short while. Just ask him to come back and give the license to you!"

If it were really that simple, why would I bother talking to youl?

When Wang Renyi talked about it, his heart ached, feeling distressed and grumpy.

As soon as you rejected it, he immediately followed up with the Du Groups heir, and in just a short moment, the license had already been taken by another company."

Thats the potato brisket license!!! If we got that, we would make money even if we were just lying around doing nothing! Now its all ruined because of you! B*tch!!

As he spoke, his face turned ferocious again. Mother Lin shrank stiff, fearing that he would hit her again. In order not to get beaten, she desperately tried to think of a way.

Renyi, do you really believe Lin Shiheng is capable of that?"

Hes just a student. Hes only 18 years old this year. Even you couldnt get that license, how could he be better than you? Maybe hes lying to you."

Wang Renyi was stunned. He hadnt really thought of that possibility.

After all, Lin Shihengs image had always been of someone who would please Mother Lin. He would never argue with them, and even when he met him at the door before. he had a gentle and good-natured look about him.

Besides, why would he lie to them for no good reason?

However, this matter was indeed significant, and it was also true that he couldnt just go by Lin Shihengs words; he still had to look into it.

Thinking like that, Wang Renyi added, "Ill ask that brat to beg the Young Master Dus family. If he really gets the license again, dont you dare drag me down again. Otherwise. dont blame me for being cruel!"

Mother Lins face was still throbbing with pain. When she heard that, she was so afraid and could only nod in response. She endured the pain, showed a tender smile on her face, and delicately leaned on her husbands shoulder.

What are you saying? What happened before was that I didnt know what was going on. This time, I know. Why would I still throw it away?"

Dont worry, that boy listens to me the most. For you, I will make him get the license."

When a beautiful woman leaned on his shoulder like that and spoke timidly, even though she had lost the license he wanted before, the look on Wang Renyi's face couldnt help but loosen up.

Okay, Ill buy you anything you want when we get the license.


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