Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 181: Funeral and Coronation

Chapter 181: Funeral and Coronation

Ludwig's face turned red with anger, he slammed the table as he tried to contain his wrath. His ministers were scared whenever they saw their Emperor's wrath first hand. Because his eyes would turn black and he emanated a powerful aura that made them tremble.

"Failed? The mission failed?!" Ludwig glared at his ministers. He had been meticulously planning this to annex the duchy, so his sister would have no way to live except staying inside the Golden Palace with him.

He already imagined how he would kill Harion, and then married his sister. Aster could live, because he has the blood of his sister, but he would be degraded as a low class noble.

Admittedly, the mission was planned by his ever amazing son, Charles. Charles noticed that his father was staring at his Aunt Camille's portrait for so long. Out of boredom, Charles offered to plan something to destroy the duchy.

Now it was all ruined.

"PPardon Your Majesty, but Emperor Audric III has released his fate edict to the highest court, and it was accepted because technically, it also benefited the country in the long run."

"What is the content of the edict?"

"He bestowed his edict to Her Highness Duchess Camille, Duchy of Stormhill will be autonomous from Golden Camellia and will be bestowed the title of Grand Duchy Stormhill, because it will also become the new central of our economy, which is logical since Dionde City is the city that contributed almost thirty percent of Golden Camellia's income."

"I don't see any problem here. We can carry out the plan!" Ludwig was stubborn. This mission to annex the duchy was halfway done, how could it be stopped like that.

"YYour Majesty the problem is since the Duchy of Stormhill will be autonomous and become the center of the economy, it is forbidden to recruit any offensive soldiers. It nullifies all the plans, because the Duchy is now a neutral house permanently."

Ludwig was furious to the bone, he stormed out to meet his father Leopold. Only the owner of the fate edict could change it, as long as he tortured his father enough. Or maybe even dig out the grave of his mother and chop her body into pieces in front of his father, then his father would yield.

'I will not let anything come between me and big sis!'


Emperor Leopold could hear the footsteps of his son coming to his room. He smiled and chuckled, "Ah, my son, you are just like me. You are basically me when I massacred all my royal families."

"But I will not allow you to kill me, I don't want to burden your sin."

The door was broken open with one kick from Ludwig. He saw his father sitting leisurely, drinking a coffee and staring at the view outside. Ludwig pulled up his father's collar and glared at him, his eyes were ink black, "You useless thing, how dare you ruin my plan."

Emperor Leopold laughed, "Ah, this is also the way I killed my brothers and their children. How nostalgic."

"Stop your stupid rambling, go revoke that edict now!"

"Oh, I will not, because my daughter deserves her happiness. Let me tell you, Ludwig. You are similar to me, and you will not end up if you are getting too greedy."

"Then I will have my way to force you," Ludwig choked his father with enough strength to make him suffer, but not enough to kill him. But, instead of struggling, Emperor Leopold laughed.

"You are pitiful Ludwig," Emperor smiled, "You will end up like me."

Suddenly, Emperor Leopold coughed and then his face turned blue. White foam came out of his mouth and Ludwig instinctively backed off. Emperor Leopold convulsed on the ground and the white foam came out of his mouth, nose, and even ears.

Then he lost his last breath, just like that. Emperor Leopold died with poison.

Rather than surprised, Ludwig was even angrier. He smelled the coffee that his father just drank, then his rage flared up. "You stupid old man! You dare killing yourself like this!"

Ludwig kicked the lifeless body of his father mercilessly. He stomped at his face, he kicked his head repeatedly. But it was too late, because Emperor Audric III, the Sixth Emperor of Golden Camellia died, the fate edict could not be changed.

Ludwig flew into wrath and destroyed all the furniture inside the room, including all the memoirs of his parents.

'Big sis! My big sis!'


The funeral was held in the autumn, the official news said that Emperor Audric III died of heart attack. Ludwig gave out his heartfelt speech and in the end, with pitiful eyes said, "To all my loyal subjects, I, Ludwig Audric Camellia, begs your forgiveness for what my Emperor father had done in the past. May his soul rest under the sacred sanctuary of Golden Camellia."

Camille attended the funeral of course, and she sneered in her heart, 'My cute little brother has learned how to scheme and pretend. I know you are so resentful to your father because he annulled your plan.'

Camille also pretended to be sad of course, because what people saw was the ever loving Golden Princess Camille who forgave his father and gracefully accepted him back. Thus, creating a loving father and daughter relationship.

The people didn't like Emperor Audric III, because of his irresponsible behaviour. But they liked both Golden Princess Camille and Crown Prince Ludwig. Who were righteous and kind to the people.

Thus, Golden Camellia also mourned, but not because of Emperor Leopold's death. They mourned because Camille and Ludwig had just lost a father.

However, they couldn't wait for the real event after this. Because a month later, the new coronation was being held in the Golden Palace. Roagelt was jam packed with people wanting to see the new king.

Ludwig and Beatrice were sitting side by side, the elder of Golden Camellia took the Emperor Crown and put the crown on top of Ludwig's head. The elder recited the Oath of the Emperor.

 To our mighty Emperor of Golden Camellia

 Our blood, bone, our heartbeat are all in your hand

 And the golden will shall be placed upon your shoulder

 May Golden Camellia prosper until the last eternal petal falls.

 Ludwig Audric Camellia, Emperor Audric IV, the Seventh Emperor of Golden Camellia.

Ludwig lowered his head as the elder put the crown golden crown with the Camellia shaped ruby adorning the top of the crown. Then, the elder recited the Oath of Empress.

 To our Generous Empress of Golden Camellia

 Our persevered Golden Camellia will be in your care

 And the gracefulness of Golden Camellia shall be in your embrace

 May Golden Camellia be graced with your elegance and beauty.

 Beatrice Wildbrush, Empress Cecilia, the Seventh Empress of Golden Camellia.

Beatrice lowered her head and accepted the crown. Ludwig was side eyeing his wife with displeasure, although it was subtle enough not to make people suspicious.

'If the one on that seat is big sis, how fantastic would it be.'

He glanced at the pair of lovebirds who sat in the honorable aristocrats seating area. Camille and Harion were sitting side by side with little Aster in the middle. Camille kept feeding Aster with little snacks, while Harion watched his wife and son's cute interaction. They were like a perfect couple that made people stare at them with admire or envy.

This was also their first time seeing the Little Aster. And everyone was shocked, because Little Aster was really fascinating. He had the facial features of their beloved Golden Princess, but his eyes were very similar to Duke Harion's mesmerizing, brooding eyes. The combination was deadly, because he took the best out of his parents.

Little Aster looked around, he noticed many people were staring at him and he hugged his mother's hand, "Mama, Aster is scared"

Camille patted her son's head, "It's okay, they like you."

"They like me?"


"Then I like them too!" Aster was excited, he stood on the chair and then said, "My name is Aster! Aster loves you too, please be kind to Aster!"

Everyone's heart melted as they squealed, unable to cope with Aster's cuteness. But they couldn't swarm him, because this was a coronation, not a regular party. Ludwig was even more hateful. Because he imagined himself sitting there with his sister, Camille. They would have their own son and people would admire them like that too.

Compared to his ugly wife, it was stupid why would he accepted the marriage easily. Beatrice was passive, nave and ugly. All the things that Ludwig hated. It was fortunate that Charles and Rosalie didn't inherit any of her traits except for Charles' hair color.

'Why am I stuck with this ugly thing? This is ridiculous!'

Meanwhile, Charles was sitting in the seat one step below his parents with Rosalie. He didn't care about the coronation. In fact, if it was not because of Aster, he would just leave this unnecessary ceremony.

But Aster was here, and Charles could watch him all he wanted.

When Aster said love to the people, Charles felt something was gripping his chest, as if his chest was being burned from the inside. He hated it, he hated when Aster said love to the people, when Aster smiled at the people, he hated it when Aster showed his face to the people.

'Aster should stay inside, no one is allowed to enjoy his mesmerizing beauty except me.'

Four years old Rosalie noticed that her brother was angry. She asked, "Brother, why are you mad?"

"Everyone sees him, everyone indulges their eyes with this rare sight, I want to gouge their eyes."

Rosalie followed the line of sight of her brother, it was directed towards their cousin, Aster. Rosalie was only four years old, but she noticed well that her brother never said something like this before. He was always so bored and emotionless.

"Brother, you love Aster?" Rosalie asked.

"Love? If I say yes, what would you do about it?"

"Hum well, I love someone too! He is a boy that came with his dad before, and he is so handsome!" Rosalie recalled the handsome boy, probably around his brother's age. He was kind and generous to the people, he even helped the servants in Golden palace.

Charles had an idea in his mind, he smirked, "My little sister Rosalie, if you help me to obtain Aster, I will also help you obtain that boy, okay?"

"Okay!" Rosalie nodded excitedly. She glanced at her cousin, Aster, who became the main attraction to the people here.

She thought, 'Cousin Aster is so cute! But I can get that boy as long as I can give cousin Aster to brother!'

Charles' lips perked up, 'When Rosalie grows older, her position will be perfect to control Aster without triggering suspicion from Father Emperor and Empress. Perfect.'


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