Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 182: A Marvellous Woman

Chapter 182: A Marvellous Woman

Golden Princess Elena died a few days after the coronation, and then everything went back to normal. Emperor Ludwig's plan that was halfway through failed miserably, not only because of the new status of Grand Duchy Stormhill, but because the initiator of this plan also retreated all of his troops from Grand Duchy.

Charles had some soldiers dedicated to him, because of the growing popularity of this little Crown Prince, the amount of the soldiers kept increasing every day and it could form few troops.

Charles retreated all his troops and said to his father that he did not have any interest anymore to annex Grand Duchy, because he had something more important in his mind.

Grand Duchess Camille was pleased with this change, her position in Golden Camellia was already cemented, she might not be able to recruit any offensive soldiers, but her priority right now was to protect her son. Because it started to get terrifying for her.

Especially when that golden monster kept returning back to the Lantern Palace almost three times every week. Charles kept returning to Lantern Palace to check on Aster, and then he would forbid Aster to talk with his nannies or any other servant. Charles locked Aster and him in Aster's playroom for hours. 

Aster celebrated his fourth birthday today, and many nobles and their children came to him. But they were all chased out by Charles. Thus, Aster only talked to Charles, since he knew no one except Charles and Rosalie anyway, he didn't bother to talk with other noble kids.

Camille was concerned, she knew she had to stop Charles somehow. But this little brat was very crafty, he deliberately directed some high aristocrats to have a chat with the new Grand Duchess, thus, Camille was swarmed with many high aristocrats that she couldn't refuse.

Her eyes kept glancing at Aster who talked with Charles and looked happy, but Camille's heart was dreading.

A girl around Aster's age tried to approach Aster, "UUm I am Esther. Nice to meet you."

Aster shifted his attention from Charles to the girl beside him, he smiled cheerfully and said, "Esther wants to be Aster's friend? Let's be friends!" Aster gladly took Esther's hand, but Charles came between them. He was already eight years old and he asked Esther.

"Miss Esther comes from the Kingdom of North Fort, right?"

Esther looked up at this tall boy in front of her, of course she knew who this was. This was Charles Audric Camellia, the famous Crown Prince that was perfect in everything. Prodigious, gallant and handsome, even at such a young age, every girl dreamed about him. But for young Esther, she was honestly scared of him.

He gave an undeniable pressure that scared her. 

"YYes, Your Highness"

"I heard the Kingdom of North Fort is in danger from barbarians, the Golden Palace will send aid as long as there is no misunderstanding between us. Why don't you return to your parents? I am sure they would like to have you back intact."

Little Esther didn't really understand what the Crown Prince was saying, but even with little understanding she had, by looking at the Crown Prince's grim face already scared the hell out of her.

Her knees trembled, she looked at Aster and then said, "UUm Aster, I have to go."

Then she ran as fast as she could from Aster and Charles. Aster was disheartened when he saw the girl run away from him. This was the first time someone finally approached him at his birthday party.

"Aster, why are you sad?" Charles patted his head gently.

Aster looked up at Charles with his beautiful eyes and said, "Cousin, why does no one want to be my friend? Aster wants to have friends too"

"They are not your real friends, you never have one."

"But I read that you can have friends as long as you are kind to them"

Charles smirked, "They just want your money and status, they don't want to be your friend. Aster, only the one with a similar or higher position can be close to you."

Aster didn't understand what Charles meant, "higher position?"

"There are only two people in this Golden Camellia that have a higher position than you, Aster. Me and Rosalie. The rest never wants to be your friend, they just want your gold."

Aster was even more disheartened. He pinched Charles' shirt with his small fingers, "Cousin Charles and Rosalie are my only friends? Then please don't hate Aster"

Charles was satisfied with Aster's reaction. He always hated when someone talked to Aster, approached Aster, eyed Aster, or even mentioned about Aster when he was not around. Because Aster was too precious for them to see, if only he had more power, then he could lavish his darling cousin with all the luxuries in life, as long as he was willing to stay inside his room forever.

'Aster, you give me peace in life when you are obedient.'

"How could I leave you? Don't you remember, we will be married when you are older. You will be an Empress."

Aster vaguely remembered something about marriage, but he just nodded obediently, "If I become an Empress, would people like me? Would they want to be my friend?"

Charles smiled meaningfully, "You can do anything when you are my Empress."


After his fourth birthday, Aster didn't even bother to talk to other noble kids. He only latched onto Charles and Rosalie. Camille was getting even more worried, because Aster became more detached from the high aristocrat circle of Golden Camellia. It was really dangerous in the long run.

A year passed by and Aster was still the same detached kid. Aster wouldn't listen to his mother either, whenever she invited a noble kid, Aster ignored them. Of course, she knew that there were many noble kids who only came for the status of Grand Duchy Stormhill. But Camille already selected some that had at least similar status to them, yet Aster still ignored them.

"Aster, do you want to go somewhere?"

Aster glanced at his mother and said, "Mom, I want to study. I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Son, when you are in preschool, what you will study is just about numbers and letters. You are already far from that, I just want you to socialize with other noble kids."

Aster kept his silence and then he just ignored his mother.

The next day, the five years old Aster went to the preschool. Everything was alright in the morning, until the sun was finally on its peak and the heat of summer scorched the earth. The previously okay Aster started to have itches around his body, although he was inside the building.

The other kids noticed that Aster's skin turned red slowly, and then it oozed blood. Every inch of his pores oozed blood.

"MONSTER! AAAHH!" a girl screamed and cried. Every kid started screaming and ran towards their teacher. Aster who was silent the whole time finally opened his mouth.

"IIm not a monster! This isI'm just sick!"

"That monster will make us sick! Aaaah!" the kids started throwing their books, pencil and everything to Aster. They were really scared by the devilish appearance of Aster. The teacher was too shocked to understand the condition, because this was the first time he saw something like this.

Aster could only cower at the corner of the classroom until the teacher took him to the hospital.

Grand Duchess Camille flew in rage in the hospital, she was going to kill that teacher and all the kids in that school until Aster's skin oozed out blood again due to stress. Grand Duke Harion rushed to the hospital and tried to calm the situation down.

Aster got treated and recovered at night, Camille stayed with him the whole time, she said, "Forgive your mother, my son."

Aster looked detached, he looked empty. A single tear dropped and then he said, "Mom, I don't want to go to school."


A few months later, House of Arlingdon moved to a mansion on the top of Storm Hill. The same hill where the previous Lord of Stormhill lived. The hill was the perfect place to rest due to its serenity. Due to the climate in this hill, Aster could finally go out before dawn, which was his hobby back when they were staying in Grand Duke's logging business for a few months.

Like this day, Grand Duchess Camille was watching the seven years old Aster tending the flowers on the dawn. It was indeed a beautiful scenery, but the storm was yet to come. They were passive for now because the Emperor was way too powerful. And Camille couldn't imagine how scary it would be when Charles usurped the throne and Aster still acted like a nave and detached little diamond when that time came. Thus, she wrote a letter that she would keep until her demise.

- To my dearest son, Aster Di Arlingdon.

I am not a good person, by the time you read this book, you must've realized that I am conceited and ruthless. But my love for you, for your father, and for your duchy is real.

I left this book for you to understand my journey, you may never forgive me. But I'm being ruthless to you because you need to see the true color of the people when I'm not around anymore, I'm sorry for being cruel to you. Because every pain I inflicted to you, made me drown in guilt. But I didn't want you to be eaten when I'm gone.

 My son, your life will be much tougher than mine, but I believe you will have a better life than me. You were born in the early summer, when everyone rejoiced. While I was born in the early winter, when everything was tough.

I'm not sure if you would forgive me, but I always love you, your father and mother always love you.

Please keep the ring from this book, it is the ring of the Great Arctyr royal family. You are also a part of the Great Arctyr. And contact Lady Lucy from House of Walttor. You can claim Golden Princess Elena's inheritance from her.

Your Mother,

Grand Duchess Camille Anna Di Arlingdon --

Aster took the ring inside the book. It was a silver ring with a lion head adorned with sapphire.

He closed the book and sighed heavily.

He finally finished reading the book that was given to him before his mother's death. Aster never hated his mother, but he couldn't forgive her either. Because what she did was too painful for him and for Ramuja.

'But I never hate you, mom. You are the most important woman in my life. But, the scar you made lasted in my heart forever.'

Aster was still grieving over the death of his mother. He opened the book again and caressed the handwriting, 'Mom, I don't want to be ruthless like you, but I don't want to be weak either.'

'Trust me, mom. I will protect the Grand Duchy with all my might. Trust me.'

'Aster also loves you mama.'

"Milord, I bring a night snack for you," Ramuja came to his room with a tray of snacks. It was actually unfitting for his physique. Because he was like a buff bear holding a small tray.

Aster smiled, "This is already midnight, you should sleep."

Ramuja put the snack on the table, then he said, "I will not sleep before you, Milord. Also, today is quite cold, do you need a warmer?"

Aster nodded, he pointed at one of his wardrobe, "Get me any sweater from that wardrobe."

Ramuja took one sweater, a white sweater with 'Aster is the best' in the middle. Ramuja was not a fashion prodigy, but he was conscious enough not to wear this sweater.

'Well, unless Milord gives this to me. I would be happy to wear it, because Milord really is the best'

Aster wore the sweater and ate the snack provided by Ramuja, Ramuja asked "Milord, may I know who made your sweater? She knits really well."

Aster chuckled, he stared at the ring on his hand and replied, "This was made by a marvellous woman."

'My marvellous mother, may you rest in peace.'


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