Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 180: Fate Edict

Chapter 180: Fate Edict

Camille and Emperor Leopold face each other on the balcony. Emperor Leopold kept talking about his experience during his years of recolonizing many smaller countries or faraway land. He laughed and joked, and Camille followed through the flow of the conversation, but her heart was frigid.

'I can't feel anything at all to him.'

Camille sneered when she saw Emperor Leopold tried his best to be close to her. He tried to be familiar to Camille, but he was an Emperor, thus, he came as rude sometimes, at least in Camille's eyes.

"You know, I went to a land in the far southeast, I retook the land from the native, because they were rebelling when Golden Camellia was in that war. When the ship was going to sail again, a woman ran towards the ship with a little child, maybe he is around five years old now. She said she would give everything as long as this kid lived," Emperor smiled, "I feel pity for him, so I took him to my boat, but after that day, he just disappeared. Maybe the ship crew took care of him."

The Emperor recalled the small boy who was silent the whole time, "I only remembered his name, his name is uh Ramu Ramuja I think."

Camille was fed up with this unnecessary story from her father. She didn't care at all about his stories killing many people for money. Thus she asked, "Dad, your stories are indeed fascinating. But I wonder if you have something important to tell me here. Or else, I will return to watch over my son."

"Oh, yes! Forgive your old father," Emperor Leopold laughed, "I don't want this to be a sad news for you, but as you know, this old father of yours has been dethroned from my power. I still hold the title of Emperor Audric III, but it wouldn't be long until Ludwig replaced me."

"In fact, he already stripped me from all power and I was basically a living legacy right now," Emperor Leopold said, there was a bit of sadness in his tone, though he knew that he wasn't fitting to be an Emperor anymore. He also realized that he wasn't even a good Emperor from the start.

Emperor Leopold said, "Camille, I'm sorry for treating you and your mother horribly. I know deep down, you can't forgive me."

'It's too late, Emperor. My mom is dead, I knew your wife poisoned her until her body was too weak to sustain.' Camille sneered in her heart, 'Shut your hypocritical mouth, you are nothing in my eyes.'

Of course, Emperor Leopold knew what was in his daughter's mind. He was an old golden blood, he knew how well a golden blood could conceal their true desire. He only saw hatred in her eyes, no matter how skilful Camille tried to hide it, Emperor Leopold knew it from the get go.

'But she still tried to tolerate me instead of chasing me away, that's better than nothing, I guess'

He got more clarity after Eva's death. He was grieving day and night of course, but he knew that Eva did many horrible things, and it was his job to fix all what she did wrong.

Including his daughter.

"Camille, Ludwig was concealing this plan from everyone except a few important ministers. But the plan had been executed roughly half of it. Thus, I wasn't able to interrupt quick enough."

Camille frowned, "Ludwig? Plan? What plan? I don't remember him talking about anything important to me."

"Because this plan is about you and your duchy," Emperor Leopold sighed, "Ludwig is going to frame your duchy for treason, notice how many royal guards he had been dispatching around Dionde City and the smaller towns? Because he was going to frame your duchy of conspiring by recruiting these royal guards to work under the Duchy of Stormhill, and then annexed the Duchy of Stormhill's land. He will erase the House of Arlingdon."

Camille was shocked with her father's explanation, she never expected that her stupid little brother could come out with a deliberate conspiracy like this. She knew that her brother could also scheme, but to scheme against her

"Who helped him?" Camille asked directly.

"Well, this might be a bit surprising for you. In fact, I was also surprised at first" Emperor Leopold glanced around, checking whether there were shadow guards nearby. When he found that there was no one here, he said, "Charles helped him. Yes, the seven years old Charles helped his father to create the plan."

"What?!" Camille soon remembered when Charles pushed Aster heartlessly, when she glared at him, her eyes had turned slightly black. But that boy didn't even budge. He was calm as a deep lake.

"II have to take my son back, he can't get near that monster!" Camille stood from the chair urgently, but Emperor Leopold held her hand tight.

"I will not allow you," the Emperor said.

"Let me go!" Camille struggled, but her dad's grip was tight.

"Camille, if you disturb them right now, it would disturb the process of the golden circle between Aster and Charles."

Camille halted, "Golden Circle? Charles and Aster? Dad you?!"

"I did this for the Golden Camellia's best interest. Don't you see what happened between me, your mother and Eva?" The Emperor forced Camille to sit down and he gripped Camille's shoulder, "Listen to me, Camille. Charles is probably the greatest golden blood our Empire could ever have. He is amazing in everything. But he is like a dead lake. He is emotionless, and never cares about anybody."

"You dare to sacrifice my son to that monster!" Camille was frantic, she started imagining the worst thing that would happen to Aster, "I will not forgive you! You disgusting scum!"

Emperor Leopold lost his patience gradually, his eyes turned black and he shouted at Camille harshly, "SIT!"

Camille saw the black eyes of the Emperor and her leg went soft instantly. The black eyes or golden eyes could intimidate, weaken or hypnotize the people depending on their mood. Camille's golden eyes were weaker than Emperor Leopold's, thus she was powerless.

"I'm sorry, my daughter, but please listen to me first," the Emperor held his daughter's hand gently, feeling a bit guilty, he tried to inform her slowly, "Charles is going to be the best Emperor we could ever have. But it's too risky if his golden circle triggered when he was already an adult. Don't you see what happened to me? I abandoned your mother heartlessly."

"That is why, Camille, this is the first time Charles didn't storm out of the room in annoyance or boredom. Aster could really be his golden circle. If his golden circle is Aster, then Aster's life would be lavished with luxury and security. Don't you want that for your son?"

"But he is going to be with that monster!"

"No, remember this, if you teach Aster how to control Charles when they were adults, and if you could teach Aster how to be ruthless when necessary and how to play inside the political circle of Golden Camellia. He will be the one on top, I promise you."

"I don't want him to jump inside this hell hole, I will protect him forever!"

"Camille, you are too emotional right now. Calm down, and think about this. When Charles eventually inherits the throne, he will see your duchy and Aster as an enemy if they are just 'cousins'. Because your duchy is directly linked by blood and a threat to the throne. He will surely kill your son."

Camille froze on the spot. It was disgusting to admit, but she found the truth in her father's words. When that monster called Charles becomes the new emperor, and Aster is nobody to him, he will surely kill Aster.

'If Aster is Charles' golden circle, then my son will still have some way to survive or maybe took the throne'

'Aster must survive, he must live. No matter how, he must live!'

Camille calmed down, she took a deep breath and stared at her father, "Thank you for your information, I will train Aster when that time comes for him to face Charles."

"Good," the Emperor breathed in relief, "And, I have one more thing to say. I will protect your duchy from this ongoing conspiracy. Because at this point, this is the only way for this duchy to survive and to give you a permanent way to defend against Ludwig."

Camille didn't expect her father would be so kind to her.

Emperor Leopold fished out a paper from his vest and gave it to his daughter, "This is my Fate Edict. When an Emperor dies, he can give his last edict, and as long as it's not directly violating the basic principle of Golden Camellia, it will be accepted and cannot be refuted."

Camille unfolded the paper and read the content;

 -- I, Leopold Audric Camellia, Emperor Audric III, bestowed my Fate Edict to my daughter, Camille Anna Di Arlingdon. Her house, Duchy of Stormhill shall become autonomous and will be centralized as the economic centre of the Golden Camellia. It will be bestowed the title of 'Grand Duchy Stormhill' to commemorate its autonomous state. But the Grand Duchy of Stormhill is not allowed to have any offensive soldiers unless it is necessary.

This Fate Edict is absolute to honour the sixth Emperor of Golden Camellia, Emperor Audric III.'--

Camille glanced at her father, her hand trembled. Because this edict was clearly what she needed. This was the way to survive for now, because her duchy was like a small pray compared to the royal family.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Camille asked, she was suspicious, "You are also a golden blood, you know well that I never forgive you, right?'

"I know, but this is the only way to repay you back. Although, I believe this is still not enough compared to the damage I did but this is the best I can do."

Camille was reluctant to utter this, but right now, her father Emperor really protected her, like a real father should, "Thanks"

Emperor Leopold smiled sincerely and held Camille's hand gently, "Camille, you don't need to forgive me. I just want to be a real father figure for you, at least once"

Slowly, Camille could feel her Father Emperor's hand emanating the surge of warmth. It was insignificant, but Camille could feel it.

"Thanks dad"


Aster took Charles touring around the Lantern Palace. He was not able to go out, but he showed every corner of the palace to Charles. He was also very talkative.

Charles was silent the whole time, but he followed him everywhere. Especially because Aster kept holding his hand. He could feel the surge of warm feeling lingering around their hands. It was incredible.

The Lantern Palace was admittedly, a bit boring. Because it was not as big, nor as lavish as the Golden Palace. But Charles didn't care anyway, since his eyes only darted to Aster the whole time.

The more they walked around together, the more Charles could feel the warmth slowly trailing around his body.

'This warmth feeling only appears when I'm around Aster' subconsciously, Charles tightened his grip around Aster's hand.

"Aster, time to rest," Camille appeared from a room with Emperor Leopold.

"Charles, we need to go."

Aster was a bit sad, but he stared at Charles and then said, "Bye bye Cousin Charles, Can you meet me again someday? Aster is happy when you are around!"

Charles' lips perked up slightly and he replied, "I will. It is pleasant."

Camille hurriedly separated Aster and Charles' hands. Charles returned back to his cold self and he was displeased. He calmly stared at his Aunt Duchess.

Camille and Charles' eyes met, she saw Charles' eyes had the mix between black spots and golden spots scattering around his eyes. Camille's heart skipped.

'The real golden monster'


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