Gamer Superstar

Chapter 65 65 - New student

Chapter 65 65 - New student

Although I took a break from my exercise routine yesterday, today, Monday, I had to start exercising again.

With the amount of weight I've lost in the past few days, instead of just running 6 km in an hour, I managed to increase that to 8 km in an hour last week, and this week I want to try to increase that to at least 9 km in an hour.

I have lost a lot of weight and my current appearance is that of a normal person, especially compared to how I was before, but I'm still not in my perfect state.

When a person looked at me, he could see my arm and shoulder muscles, but only a small line outlined them.

There was still a thin layer of fat covering everything, and the biggest indicator of this was my stomach, which although I could feel my 6 pack forming when I touched it, it wasn't noticeable because of the fat on top.

So my goal for the week was to dry out the fat I had on top of my muscles so I could get as lean as possible.

My goal was not to get bigger and bigger like a bodybuilder, although I thought that aesthetic was beautiful, I knew that among the public it wasn't the most pleasant thing, there were people who liked strong men, there were people who liked thin men, the best place to be was in between.

A muscular body like a swimmer was my goal.

With how quickly I was able to gain muscle, I realized that I had to be careful not to overdo it and go over the limit of how much muscle I wanted to gain.

Maybe I just needed to focus on gaining muscle for another week and then just work out every few days to keep it up, which was good news because I'd have at least two more hours a day free to do other things.

Although I enjoyed the training, I enjoyed the free time even more. With my current routine as it is, I need some time to just enjoy myself.

Now that my body was pretty close to where I wanted it to be and I'd bought some clothes that were actually my size, I no longer had to wear baggy clothes and hide my appearance, so you can imagine how people reacted when I arrived at school.

"Hey, who's that boy?" One girl asked in surprise as she pointed at me.

"I don't know, his bleached hair looks really cool..." A friend replied.

"I think he must be a new boy...should I go and introduce him to the school?" Another friend suggested with a smile.

"Who is this punk? If he gives me any trouble, I'll smash his face in..." A boy said as he looked at me as I walked down the hall.

Apparently my change was too drastic for them to understand.

Not only was it as if I had lost 30 or 40 kilos when I changed clothes, but I also had a different color of hair while walking with a straight and confident spine, making it impossible for them to relate my current state to how I was when they saw me before.

"Hey new guy, want to join the soccer team?" One of Jackson's old friends asked as I passed them.

"Fuck you, Dylan." I replied without even looking at his face as I walked past them.

Hearing me call him by his name, Dylan was shocked as he looked at his friends around him.

"Wtf, he called me by name? Does this guy know me?" Dylan didn't know how to react.

If this was a normal situation, he'd probably try to pick a fight with me to show himself as Alpha like Jackson did, but I think my reaction was so unexpected for him that his mind went blue.

"Bro, have you ever had a fight outside of school?" Another boy asked confusedly.

I left the confused group behind and walked into my classroom and sat down in my usual spot.

When the other people came into the room and saw me sitting in the same place as Noah, some thought that I had just sat in a random place because I was new, but I realized that other people were beginning to understand who I was.

The look of shock on their faces was priceless.

Since my level in math and other school subjects was already advanced enough that I could pass the SAT with a good grade if I needed to, I didn't bother studying anymore, even though the class gave me a very good buff.

School, which before was just a place where I felt like I was wasting my time because I didn't have that much time away from home, here I felt like I was relaxing.

I used the extra time I had here to learn more programming on my cell phone to make my game, or even learn other skills that I found interesting, like driving or cooking.

These were skills that I didn't need for my career, but that I just wanted to learn for fun.

Fortunately, this world already had wireless headsets, so it was very useful to hide them from the teacher while I spent the whole class listening to tutorials while pretending to pay attention.

Throughout the day, the surprise and shock on the faces of the teacher and the rest of the students when I answered the name Noah Black during roll call was very gratifying.

Especially when I realized that many girls looked at me with shock and regret for the way they had treated me in the past, while some even tried to talk to me, but knowing how rotten the personality of the vast majority of people at this school was, I didn't care about anyone and just focused on learning the things I wanted to learn and having fun during this time.

At the end of the day, my skills had increased by a few points.

[Driving Mastery Lv 5 -> 7]

[Cooking Lv 17 -> 18]

[Programming Skill Lv 21 -> 22].

It wasn't a huge level increase, but it was enough to make me feel happy. The dopamine that the system gave me every time I leveled up a skill was addictive.

It was like how you feel when you see that golden light around your character in a game when you level up. You know the change isn't that big, your character probably hasn't gotten that strong, but you still get excited and want to try to level up again as soon as possible.

I think if it weren't for the system's mechanic of showing me when I level up, even if I had the same learning rate, I still wouldn't be as excited about learning and training new skills.

To my surprise, instead of sitting with her friends, Liv came to sit with me, which shocked most of the people around me.

From what I could hear, most people thought that Liv was trying to hit on me, but the person who was taking the class with me explained who I was and that Liv was actually my sister, which left those people even more shocked.

"Why did you come to sit with me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't?!" She asked as she frowned at me.

Realizing that she wasn't in a very good mood, I stopped joking and smiled back at her. "Of course! I'm just curious why."

She replied with a sigh. "All my friends could talk about was how hot the new student was, how they wanted to sit on the new student and a bunch of other crap... so I got tired of it and came to live with you."

Realizing something, I asked, controlling my laughter. "Do you know who the new student is?"

"No, and I don't even want to know..." She replied angrily.

Laughing, I didn't press the issue and went back to eating.

Finally, her curiosity got the better of her and she asked me. "Do you know who the new student is?"

I replied laughing. "There is no new student."

"What do you mean? Of course there is, everyone is just talking about this new student with bleached blonde hair, blue eyes, a chiseled body..." She started to explain until she started to look at me as she defined each of the characteristics of this new student.

My smile got bigger and bigger as she realized that all of these characteristics she was talking about fit me.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes, your friends probably think now that you were the quickest among them to come and talk to the new student." I laughed as I opened my arm and put a hand on her shoulder, making people who knew who I was think it was normal, but those who didn't know I was her brother were shocked.

Realizing the misunderstanding this could cause, Olivia quickly shook my shoulder to make me remove my hand while looking at me angrily, making me laugh even more.

As gossip spreads quickly in schools, by the end of the lesson everyone knew that there was no new student and that the boy everyone was curious about was "just" the Black Whale.

There were even theories that I'd had weight loss surgery after what Jackson had done to my and Ethan's picture.

While some girls with less shame even had the nerve to give me their phone number at school, which I just politely accepted and then threw away.

I was not interested in these girls.

It's not like I had a shortage of available girls.

With the amount of messages I got on Instabram every day, and with 60 or 70% of those messages being from girls, if I really wanted to go out with someone, I could pick one of those girls and it wouldn't be that hard.

Thinking about those fans, a face came to mind.

That brown-haired girl who could sing Boyfriend at my gig at the Blackout Bar on Saturday, I think her name was Charlie, that girl was a good example of someone who was probably worth several times more than the girls at this school.

Not to mention that I still had Selena, who I could give a shot if I wanted to.

Even though she seemed to be much more difficult than the others, when you choose someone, isn't it better to choose the best and not worry about the difficulty?

Too bad I was still focused on my career for the time being.

I just didn't know how hard it would be to keep that focus when the song Boyfriend, which I was going to edit today, was released, because with my face on the internet, girls would probably be even more interested and my Instagram DMs would be even fuller.


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