Gamer Superstar

Chapter 66 [Bonus ] 66 - He's better than I thought!

Chapter 66 [Bonus ] 66 - He's better than I thought!

In an apartment in New York, two twin girls were fiddling with their cell phones while listening to a song on the TV.

They usually left the music on the TV because they liked to watch music videos while doing other things.

Since their parents were out all day, they were left alone until they got home from work, which meant they could keep the music as loud as possible and no one would complain about the volume.

Not even the neighbors complained because the apartments in this building were well soundproofed.

At that moment, they were listening to the music of a new artist they had met last week.

Although they had a very good life, when they saw how cool the lyrics of this artist's songs were, how catchy the beats were, and most importantly, how sexy this artist's voice was, the two girls were hooked on him.

The first to find him was Madison, who had seen a video of someone singing a cover of a song called The Lazy Song. When she looked up the original artist, she was surprised to find that the original artist had fewer followers than the person covering his song!

Curious, she clicked to listen to the original song, which he happened to post the same day, and was shocked at how good it was.

The quality was very high for a new artist, even more so when she saw that this artist was still a rank F artist!

She was even more surprised when she saw that the song she heard, The Lazy Song, was responsible for him being promoted from Rank F to Rank E, which made her even more curious about this artist.

Listening to his other songs, Madison couldn't really relate to the lyrics of Numb and In The End, even though she had a good life and didn't have a boyfriend yet, but she still liked those songs, which had a very different style than The Lazy Song.

But what really made her like BlackVelvet was the song he released a week later.


Listening to this song for the first time, Madison, who had never been on a date, felt her heart race as she imagined the scene of a handsome boy saying this to her at a party like this.

Even if she didn't date, if she felt wanted like the girl in the song, she would be more than satisfied.

When her sister heard her listening to the song, her reaction was the same as Madison's. The two girls listened to the song together a few more times.

The two girls listened to the song together a few more times, and it took a few repetitions for them to stop blushing while listening to the song, but even though they didn't blush while listening to the song anymore, both girls still had big smiles on their faces while listening to the song and imagining themselves in the place of the girl in the song.

What made it even more interesting was the animated clip showing the situation at the party, with BlackVelvet's handsome character flirting with the girl.

"Hey Maddie, do you think he looks like his character?" Mia asked curiously.

"I guess so? His voice is very nice, it's not possible that he's not as handsome with his voice, right?" Madison replied after some thought.

"You think so? I'm curious if he hides his face because he's not handsome? That's normal, right?" Mia explained her theory, making Maddie look confused.

"That's a possibility..." Maddie replied, worried.

While the two of them were discussing this, the song Boyfriend, which had just been playing on the TV in the living room, started playing again for some reason.

Although they liked the song, they had already stopped listening to it on loop, so they were confused when they looked at the TV to see what had happened.

But to their surprise, instead of showing the animated clip that the song Boyfriend had, what was on the TV in front of them was a tall boy in a black outfit with bleached blond hair facing the camera while he played a guitar and the audience below the stage danced.

Recognizing the bleached blond hair and black clothes, the sisters were shocked as they stared at each other.

"That's him!?"

"That's him!?"

They both asked at the same time.

Putting down their cell phones and getting up on the sofa to watch the TV more closely, Maddie and Mia stood very close to the TV as they stared at it, trying to absorb as many details as possible.


I can't believe we're finally alone...

I can't believe I almost went home...

What are the odds? Everyone's dancing...

And he's not with you...


Although the camera showed BlackVelvet on stage, the cameraman didn't get close enough at first, only filming him from the back while showing the audience in place.

But even so, the two sisters were able to see a lot of things they hadn't seen before.

"Look at the muscles in his arms..." Mia commented as she pointed to the screen.

"Look at the sweat dripping down his shoulder muscles..." Maddie said pointing at his shoulder.

Even with his black clothes on the screen, you could see that he was very wet and tired.

"I didn't know he did shows!" Maddie said excitedly.

"Is he going to do a show in New York?!" Mia asked, also excited.

"If he comes to New York we have to go see his show!" Maddie said in a serious voice, making Mia look at her and nod.

Looking at the TV again, the two girls were shocked to see that the cameraman was focusing on the only girl in the audience who could sing the song, showing that he was still a novice artist.

This was even more surprising to them because BlackVelvet managed to get a large crowd dancing to his song even though they had never heard it before!

Normally, artists from Rank F to Rank D could only get the crowd going when they sang songs by other bigger artists, but BlackVelvet did it with his original song!

"Is that girl his girlfriend?" Maddie asked worriedly.

"I don't think so, he wouldn't have a girlfriend standing in the middle of the audience like that, she'd probably be in the box or on stage with him." Mia tried to guess, which made them both accept it and sigh with relief.

But the next scene took their breath away!

The camera, which had been showing the girl in the audience singing, now cut directly to BlackVelvet's face for the first time in the music video.

The sight of this rebellious and beautiful taste made the twins fall backwards on the sofa as they ran out of air.

Noah's 13-point charisma had quite an effect.

Not only was he in the handsome category, but the sum of all the factors made the girls see him as even more handsome!

This was the sum of his looks, which were already worth 13 points, as well as his voice, which was currently on with a Singing skill that was above Lv 30, making his voice both pretty and sexy while he sang this song, which probably increased his charisma for them by at least another point, as well as the fact that he was singing a song with lyrics that made them feel good, which probably added another point, and lastly, they already had a good impression of him because they liked his songs, which probably added another point.

All of this added up to BlackVelvet on the screen not being just a boy with 13 charisma points, as he would be to a normal person who just saw a picture of him, but with the background the girls had of him and what they had already imagined, BlackVelvet had become a boy with 16 charisma points at that point!

Considering that the average person has 10 Charisma points, the twins thought that with the pink filter they had on him, Noah was one of the most charming boys they had ever seen in their lives!

It was exactly this effect that Noah wanted to achieve with the idea of making a Thirst Trap song.

He wanted to take advantage of the fact that girls, like men, are very visual creatures and attract a large audience.

In his previous world, there were many examples of how this would work, the most notable being the group One Direction, the Jonas Brothers, or even Justin Bieber.

Noah admitted that they had very good songs, but he knew that despite the good songs, the songs they sang were romantic, and the prettier they were while singing this style of music, the better the result would be for the female audience when they heard it.

"He's exactly how I imagined him..." Maddie said as she sat on the sofa with her hand on her chest, staring at the TV screen.

"He's better than I thought..." Mia said. "I thought since he was hiding his face that he probably had a problem, like those kids who only wear masks and when they take them off their faces are ugly? Just to make sure, I even lowered my expectations..."

"You didn't even have to lower your expectations..." Maddie commented without taking her eyes off the TV.

"I know..." Mia replied, also without taking her eyes off the screen.

Until the end of the music video, the two girls just sat on the sofa and watched BlackVelvet's performance, the audience learning the song on the spot and singing along.

Especially the girls in the bar or the men who accompanied some of the girls.

The scenes of the girls' boyfriends hugging them and looking around for other men who might want to steal their girlfriends was a funny detail that the cameraman captured.

When the song finally ended, Mia and Maddie could breathe again.

"Do you want to watch it again?" Maddie asked her sister.

Mia looked at Maddie and just nodded, which made Maddie smile and use the remote to play the song again.

This time their idea was to watch as many details as possible that they had missed the first time.

Scenes like this were repeated in many homes across the country.

Noah was shocked to see that this version of the song surprisingly got more views than the version he created the animation for.


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