Gamer Superstar

Chapter 64 [Bonus ] 64 - The difference between the two

Chapter 64 [Bonus ] 64 - The difference between the two


I could be a better boyfriend than him...

I could do the shit he never did....

Up all night, I won't quit...

Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him...

I could be such a gentleman...

Plus all my clothes would fit...


By the time I finished singing the last chorus of Boyfriend I was exhausted, but it was amazing to see practically everyone in the bar around the stage having fun with the songs.

Especially with the lyrics of Boyfriend, which made the girls in the bar get even more excited and approach the stage as they brought their glasses close to my mouth for me to drink from theirs.

Taking advantage of the situation, I quickly took a few sips, which caused people to get excited and several other people to want to give me a drink as well.

I couldn't take them all, but I took as many as I could.

One thing I noticed was that for the audience, offering a drink and the artist drinking it in gratitude made them feel even closer to you and enjoyed the show even more.

At the end of Boyfriend, my 50 minutes on stage were finally up, but as the host came on stage, we were both surprised by the shouts coming from the audience.

"Encore, encore, encore!"

I stared at the host in surprise, not knowing what to do, this was the first time this had happened to me.

"Okay, it's been a few weeks since you asked for an encore for an artist, and that was for our golden newcomer! What do you think, BlackVelvet? Can you do one more encore for the audience?" He asked with an excited smile when he saw how much people enjoyed it.

I took the microphone from him and cracked an excited smile on my panting face, despite my tiredness I had to do it. "This is the first encore I've been asked to do since I started performing, so since you're the first one to ask me, I'm going to do something special...this is a song I'm still working on, right now I only have the guitar part done, so I won't be singing anything, but I guarantee the guitar alone is great, I hope you like it!"

I thought about singing something, but considering that I was tired and had already sung the songs that I thought were good, the idea that popped into my head was to play the guitar of one of my favorite songs that I used to practice at home.

Since I'd been practicing it for weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to use it at the concert.

This song was one of the most classic rock songs from my previous world, one of the songs I wanted to bring to this world, but since I hadn't found a good opportunity yet, I just played this song at home to practice my guitar skills, because playing only 4 songs to practice was very boring.

When the audience heard that I was going to play a guitar-only song, they were very excited.

It was rare for the audience to ask for an encore for an artist, and for the artist to have the courage to play a guitar-only song was something that showed a lot of confidence in the music.

Even more so in a place like this, where most of the people in the audience are rock fans and even know how to play the guitar, the artist would need a very good song to convince them.

And I knew I wouldn't disappoint.

The feel of Sweet Child o' Mine was iconic.

Even if they didn't know the song, hearing me play the beginning of the song was something that enchanted them, especially the people who could play the guitar.

Seeing my fingers dancing between the notes and creating such a unique song shocked a lot of people.

"Woah..." One man said in surprise, even forgetting to shake his head.

"That's fire!!!" This man's friend said.

"I want to learn to play this too!" A woman said excitedly.

The more I played, the more people concentrated and started nodding their heads. When I finally reached the solo of the song, the audience started to raise their hands too, until I finally finished the song, panting.

Although I didn't have to sing, just concentrating enough to play this solo was very tiring, so I used this song to practice.

"Woah, what was that song?!" The host said in surprise, taking the opportunity to cheer up the crowd.

When the host finally spoke into the microphone, the audience woke up and started clapping in celebration.

Seeing their reaction brought a big smile to my face.

As I was leaving the stage after saying goodbye, I passed the agent and Rank D artist who was to perform after me, and the look of despair on his face was priceless.

His manager looked at me with an angry face, but fortunately he didn't have the courage to say anything when I saw Selena and smiled at her.

As I approached her, I could see that she actually had a happy expression on her face as she looked at the artist and the agent I had just seen, which made me even more certain that she was doing well.

If I was in a novel, she'd be perfect for the role of the villain's agent... and I'd be the villain?! I asked myself in shock.

"Well done, Noah." She said with a small smile on her face, bringing me back to reality and laughing again.

"Yeah, I guess I got carried away in the moment, it's fun to try new things and make the show better than the last one." I said, making her smile as she agreed.

"Yeah, I guess it must feel good. The manager has already paid me, but he said if we want to stay a little longer he'll buy us a drink as well." She said, making me interested.

Not because of the drink, but because I wanted to see how the Rank D artist would treat the audience the way I had left them.

"You're mean, Selena." I laughed as I walked towards the tables.

"You're no saint yourself, Noah." She laughed as she walked with me.

We both went to the bar with the same intention, maybe we really were the bad guys?

We didn't do anything wrong, I just did my best and we wanted to see how someone theoretically better than me would handle it, I could even learn from him, it was like a field study, right?

I have to say that even though I was a rank D artist just like the singer who sang after me at the Viper Poison bar, the difference in stage presence between the two was huge.

While the singer at the Viper Poison had a Stage Presence of between level 10 and 14, this singer on stage now had a Stage Presence of probably only 6 or 7.

Even though they were both rank D, this performer had a much worse stage presence, but he had a little more musical quality.

The musical quality was good to help the artist grow with songs on CDs or views on the internet, but in concerts the stage presence had much more weight.

So when he takes over the stage after I leave, even if his stage presence is a little better than mine, it doesn't make up for the difference in musical quality and charisma.

This meant that the audience, who had been very close to the stage with high energy, slowly returned to their seats and fewer people stayed close to the stage.

Sure, it was still more people than when the other Rank E artists played, but it was still less than when I played on stage.

Realizing there wasn't much more to see, Selena and I left and she gave me today's money.

It was $288 from Viper Poison and now another $240 from this bar for a total of $528, a great amount for just one day's work.

If I can keep up this average, I'll be able to make another $4,000 a month, adding in the money I make from art, which is another $4,000 a month, and at least another $2,000 a month that I could make from MeTube and Spokify, that would total $10,000 for me every month, which would already help a lot with the household bills, as well as get me out of debt.

"Do we have anything planned for next week?" I asked curiously as Selena drove back to my house.

"Right now I'm trying to book at least 2 shows for Saturday and 2 shows for Sunday with guarantees, maybe I can get some corporate events for you on Friday, but right now it's not for sure." She explained, making me nod.

"Okay, if you do get something, let me know in advance so I can get the music ready in time, whether it's a birthday, wedding or whatever, I can try to make a special song to make the event more special for whoever hired it." I said as I took out my phone and looked at my numbers on MeTube and Spokify, satisfied with how much the song was growing.

Tomorrow I would edit the music video for Boyfriend and post it on my channel, finally showing my face to the public for the first time.

I thought about hiding it for a while and trying to cash in on the mystique of who BlackVelvet was, but when I thought about how much more I could benefit from the good looks System was giving me with the charisma points, the fat I was losing, and the muscle I was gaining, the most logical choice was to stop hiding.


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