Gamer Superstar

Chapter 140 140 - Dance class

Chapter 140 140 - Dance class

Looking at the reception of the video, I was very excited.

My improvement in editing quality and more emphasis on explanations during the video had really started to pay off.

After all, from the time I started my career until now, my teaching skill had gone up dozens of levels, and my video editing skill had gone from 0 to Lv 18, which was a huge difference in quality.

Even though the skill wasn't at Lv 20 yet, this Lv 18 in video editing was already equivalent to 28 months of practice, which I realized was like being at the level of a professional video editor.

Of course, not at the level of a video editor who worked for movie or film companies, but for the level of MeTube I was already very good.

And not only was I surprised by the reaction of the public in the comments of the videos, but I also started getting mentions on Instagram from other artists who posted that they had seen my video and praised it!

The artists who posted this were only F-rank or low E-rank artists with few followers, but it was already a very nice attitude.

After reading the comments and answering a few questions or thanks, a smile appeared on my face.

The next day, after a normal school day, I went to my first dance class.

This was the class I was most curious and apprehensive about, since I didn't even have any dance skills.

I would literally have to start from scratch.

The advantage I had was that Evelyn came to the class with me, so at least I wouldn't be alone in learning it.

"Are you excited about your first dance class?" She asked as we made our way to the dance studio.

"Yeah, but I'm worried...what's the class like?" I asked.

Since I was coming as a transfer student in my senior year, I already knew that the teacher wouldn't teach the basics in class, my concern was that he would teach very advanced things and I would be too far behind.

"The class is very relaxed, the teacher usually teaches a choreography and then goes from person to person to check what the student is doing wrong and what she feels the student needs to practice more, rhythm, control or things like that. Just like in a singing class, the focus is not on the choreography you learn, but on the process of letting go and learning to dance," Evelyn explained. Evelyn explained.

I nodded my head, I think I understood.

Especially after she gave the example of the singing class, I got a better picture of the class.

When I got to the dance room, Evelyn took me to the men's locker room so I could change out of my school uniform and into more comfortable clothes, and a few minutes later the class began.

Just as I had imagined, everyone's level was already quite advanced.

From what I could see, the average level of the students was around level 20, since they'd been practicing for years, with people like Evelyn possibly having this skill at least above Lv 30.

At first, as I tried to pick up the rhythm and learn the choreography, my movements were very halting and slow.

It was as if I was dancing with a frozen body while the people around me were dancing very well.

But even though I wasn't doing well, no one made fun of me, and the teacher even paid a little more attention to me, helping me with tips and how to correct my problems.

Eventually, I got the skill.

[Dancing Mastery Lv 1:

Effect: Develop an enhanced understanding of dance techniques, increasing your confidence and skill by 1%. This level includes advanced skills in technique, body expression, and musical interpretation. It also improves retention of dance theory and practical application during performance by 1%. Gain a tangible advantage by absorbing the fundamentals of agile and expressive dance].

As soon as I received this skill at Lv 1, it was as if my body released most of the chains that had been holding me back, and I began to act with much more naturalness and fluidity, much to the teacher's surprise.

In the end, when I achieved this skill at Lv 1, it was as if I had received a month's training in just one second, so my progress was huge.

Not to mention, with the classroom's 80% buff, I learned everything much faster, so within a few minutes, my skill level had increased again.

[Dance Mastery Lv 1 -> 2].

With another month of experience, my dancing quality was already much better.

Although I was clearly much worse than the other students, at least I didn't look like a weirdo dancing next to them.

I was just less agile and fluid, but I could follow the movements like everyone else.

[Dancing Mastery Lv 2 -> 3]

At Lv 3, my movements became even better, but the difference became more subtle.

Even though I had improved, the change wasn't as exaggerated as the other times.

But I noticed that the teacher was still staring at me in shock as she commented from time to time that I was born for this, that she had never seen a student learn so fast, or things like that.

I knew that it wasn't because I was so talented at it and that I was born to dance, but rather because I had the system that really accelerated my learning.

She even asked me to join her dance troupe, which made Evelyn very excited about the possibility since she was already a part of it, but I refused.

Even though it could give me visibility, it wasn't what I wanted to pursue.

I only saw dance as a tool that I could use to further myself as a singer or actor in the future, or maybe use it to impress a girl, but that would never be my main focus.

Of course, I didn't say it in such a direct way to the teacher, but with my explanation she understood what I meant.

After that, I noticed that even though she taught me a lot during the lesson, she didn't focus on me as much and didn't give me such enthusiastic explanations.

But that was okay with me.

I still had the 80% improvement buff during class, I was still learning just like the other students.

If I had to say anything, I think this decrease in her attention was even better, because I would feel more comfortable improving my skill and acting with the improved skill level when she wasn't watching me so closely.

[Dance Mastery Lv 3 -> 4]

With only a few minutes left in the class, my skill level had increased to Lv 4, and I was already happy.

Since the dancing class was very tiring, it was understandable that the class was shorter than the singing or acting classes, because while you would still get tired from practicing those two classes, the level of exhaustion was far from that of the dancing class.

After I completed all three of the extracurricular classes I signed up for, I was happy to see that coming to this school, even though it was expensive with a monthly fee of over $2,000, was still very useful for my development.

The 80% buff alone was very valuable, as it almost doubled my improvement, so I needed almost half as much practice to get the same results.

Another interesting thing was meeting other nice people who, although they looked at me a little differently because of the number of followers I had, still treated me much more naturally than at my old school.

Charlie still acted a little weird, Trevor was still an asshole in the few classes we studied together, but Julian, Evelyn and Laura were really nice.

Having people like them to talk to in class or during breaks at least made the time in normal class go by faster and it was less boring.

And the thought that I could skip normal classes next month because of the teacher's exam made me even more satisfied with school.

So my week went by very fast and in the blink of an eye it was already Friday, where I had one of the two weddings I had to perform at that weekend.

My first weekend with more than one wedding to perform at.

I was excited to sing at the wedding, as it had been two weeks since I had done so, especially now that I had a week of classes at school with the 80% buffs, which made me even more excited to see what change it would bring to me on stage.

When I looked at my stats and the data on my MeTube channel for the changes I'd made this week, a huge smile appeared on my face.


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