Gamer Superstar

Chapter 139 139 - Reaction from the other side of the world!

Chapter 139 139 - Reaction from the other side of the world!

Seo-Joon was having lunch with his group mates in the company cafeteria after a training session.

After years of being a trainee, Seo-Joon had finally made his debut as a K idol a few years ago.

It had been a difficult start, but with the company's investment, publicity and dedication, they had gone from an unknown group to a C-rank group in Korea in just two years, which was quite an achievement in such a cutthroat market as K idols.

Dozens of new groups were created every week and dozens more were shut down due to lack of results.

So being able to develop in such a rapidly growing market was great news for Seo-Joon and his group.

Since his group was growing so much, the company arranged for them to learn English a few months ago in order to open up more opportunities for the future by singing some songs in English.

One of the tips the English teacher gave them was to consume more English content to speed up their learning.

The other boys in the group had more difficulty with English and didn't put as much effort into it, but Seo-Joon, who was the rapper in the group, really started watching English videos to improve his English, as having better English would help a lot with songs that had English rap.

At first, it was difficult to understand what the people in the videos were saying, but as time went on, he began to understand more and more, until he was able to understand what they were saying.

Among the channels he had seen in English, there were some car channels, comedy channels, cooking channels, anything that looked interesting he started to follow.

Until recently, he saw a channel of a very interesting American singer.


Seo-Joon became familiar with this singer because of a song he sang called Boyfriend which, although it was in English, was very similar to the style of songs he sang in his group.

So when Seo-Joon looked up BlackVelvet's other songs, he saw that each song had a different style, but while this should theoretically be bad for an artist, it worked very well for BlackVelvet as he was growing very fast!

Seeing that his channel was only a month old at the time, Seo-Joon was shocked by the speed of BlackVelvet's growth.

So he started to follow the artist and tried to sing his songs in English to practice his English.

At some point BlackVelvet started posting backstage vlogs of his concerts.

Curious about the difference between the routine of an American artist and a Korean artist like himself, Seo-Joon clicked on the video and was shocked at how different it was.

While they were much more restricted at concerts, having to act out the personality that the company assigned to them when they formed the groups, always trying to stay straight so as not to offend anyone.

BlackVelvet was the complete opposite, he was just a solo artist who played guitar and piano, went on stage, made people happy, drank with them and lived the life every artist dreams of!

Watching a vlog, even though he was also an artist, made Seo-Joon very entertained and he started to watch the vlogs that BlackVelvet posted every week.

Surprisingly, while watching the vlogs, Seo-Joon realized that not only was he learning English much faster than any video he would normally watch, but he was also learning a lot about BlackVelvet's thought process when he was on stage, dealing with the audience, choosing music to sing, and what to do to control people's moods even more.

Even though he was a C-rank artist with his group, Seo-Joon never had to think about it and just followed what their manager said.

However, after watching BlackVelvet's videos and learning from him, he began to understand his manager's decisions better and made some suggestions that not only surprised his manager and his bandmates, but actually improved the quality of their show by a small margin.

After this success, Seo-Joon started to focus on the BlackVelvet videos to learn more and more, which showed more and more results for them every week, leaving Seo-Joon very satisfied.

Today, while having lunch in the company cafeteria, Seo-Joon was looking at the screen of his mobile phone while reading some comments about his group, and a notification surprised him.

[What does an artist think while performing?!! Vlog #6 - BlackVelvet].

Just seeing the title of this video caught Seo-Joon's attention and seeing that it was a BlackVelvet video, he didn't even wait and clicked on the video to watch it.

The video started as usual, with BlackVelvet talking to his team in the car as they explained the bars he would be performing at tonight.

But the difference was that when they talked about BlackVelvet's strategy, his explanation was much more detailed, with some very interesting editing to show the things he was talking about with images and effects.

Without realizing it, Seo-Joon was watching BlackVelvet's video so intently that he didn't even finish eating!

With each explanation that BlackVelvet made, Seo-Joon felt that he was learning at an even faster pace compared to how he was learning in the previous videos!

Since he had to finish eating, Seo-Joon replayed the video and watched it a second time.

Just like the first time, he learned a lot, but since it was the same knowledge, this time it only served to clear his doubts and solidify the knowledge in his mind.

Still, Seo-Joon was very satisfied with it.

Grateful for BlackVelvet's explanations, Seo-Joon quickly clicked "Like" on the video and left a comment thanking him for it and saying how it would help him and his group.

After leaving the comment, Seo-Joon went to read the comments on the video and was shocked to see that the other comments with the most likes were from artists like himself thanking him for the explanations, or from people who wanted to become artists thanking him as well.

Since he wasn't on his group's account, his comment didn't get much attention, but among the comments were several people who were artists with more than 100,000 followers on MeTube!

Wow, so many artists are commenting to say thank you, it looks like BlackVelvet is helping even more people than I thought... and he's still only an E-rank artist...' Seo-Joon thought in surprise. Seo-Joon thought in surprise.

If BlackVelvet was already helping so many people when he was only an E-rank artist, who theoretically should know very little about concerts, Seo-Joon was shocked to imagine how much he would be helping if he were a C-rank or even B-rank artist!

With so much knowledge at such a low rank, his path to the future would be even brighter!

It would be interesting to do a collab with BlackVelvet one day, right? Seo-Joon thought excitedly.

Even though they were C-Rank and he was E-Rank, he had already done a collab with a C-Rank artist singing "A Bar Song", so it's not like he didn't have experience or anything.

During their afternoon practice session, Seo-Joon showed the BlackVelvet video to his group mates and his manager, who although they had a bit of trouble understanding English, felt that they were learning a lot from just one video, just like him!

Even his manager, who I've been around a lot in the past to take care of their group, was surprised by BlackVelvet's knowledge and asked Seo-Joon to send him the link to the channel.

Happy, Seo-Joon quickly did so and tried to encourage his group mates to watch more BlackVelvet to practice their English better.

Little did they know that this small attitude today would have a huge impact on their careers in the future.

The destiny they had with the maximum rank they could achieve just changed with the attitude of starting to study better under BlackVelvet's explanations.

And for Noah, on the other side of the world, unbeknownst to him, several artists around the world started talking about his channel to their friends, which would take his channel's growth to an even higher level.

Even more so when artists posted about this video of his and viewers saw how many comments this video received from famous artists, they were shocked!

It was normal to see artists commenting on other artists' videos, but when viewers opened the comments on this video, they were shocked to see that there were more than 10 artists with a verified icon commenting, not to mention dozens of other artists who had not yet reached 100k followers!

Not only was this reflected in the number of comments, but the channel's views and subscribers skyrocketed with so much publicity.

As Noah watched the video grow, there was no other reaction he could have at that moment but shock!


Hi guys, I'm sorry I didn't post any chapters yesterday, I was ill for a while and didn't feel well enough to write, now we'll get back to our normal routine hehe. Thanks for understanding.

As compensation, I'll add an extra chapter to the Bonus Chapters bank XD


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