Gamer Superstar

Chapter 141 141 - Audition?

Chapter 141 141 - Audition?

Without realizing it, time flew by.

In two weeks of classes, my skills and my MeTube channel had changed significantly, even though I hadn't released any new music.

I had performed at two weddings the first weekend and another wedding the following weekend, earning me $5,000 for the weddings alone, plus another $1,000 for the bar gigs I did the rest of my free time, bringing the total amount of money in my bank account from $15,000 to $21,000!

As far as my skills and stats are concerned, the changes have been very good.


| Character Status


| Name: Noah Black

| Title: Endurance, Tuned Ear.

| Level: 01


| HP: 150/150

| MP: 68/150


| Weight: 72 Kg

| Strength (STR): 14 -> 15

| Dexterity (DEX): 13 -> 14

| Constitution (CON): 15

| Intelligence (INT): 15

| Wisdom (WIS): 12

| Charisma (CHA): 15 -> 16 (15 + 1)

| Agility (AGL): 12 -> 13

| Luck (LUK): ??


| Skills:

| (Haircutting Lv 32 -> 34), (Teaching Lv 31 -> 33), (Singing Lv 36 -> 39), (Guitar Lv 37 -> 38), (Krav Maga Lv 30 -> 32) (Music Editing Lv 23) (Programming Skills Lv 27 -> 29), (Soccer Mastery Lv 12 -> 14), (Cooking Lv 26 -> 28), (Spanish Language Mastery Lv 16 -> 23), (Driving Mastery Lv 14 -> 15), (Stage Presence Lv 12 -> 14), (Video Editing Lv 17 -> 20), (Piano Mastery Lv 9 -> 10), (Acting Mastery Lv 5 -> 16), (Motorcycle Driving Mastery Lv 6 -> 10), (Dancing Mastery Lv 1 -> 13). ..

| -----------------------

Although it doesn't seem like there have been many changes to skills above Lv 30, this is not the case.

Singing has gone up 3 levels since the last time I checked, and that's only thanks to the Singing class I took at school, otherwise the improvement would only be half that.

But my biggest improvement was in my acting and dancing skills, which went up more than 10 levels!

I now practically had the experience of an actor with 2 years of experience, which was an absurd improvement from when I started learning in school, making my acting much more realistic and convincing.

Dancing was like going from a soulless, rusty robot to a casual nightclub dancer.

The two skills were experienced enough for me to get by, but they weren't at the level I needed to fully stand out in the industry.

But even though I wasn't that confident, at the end of that afternoon's acting class, Laura called me in for a chat.

"Noah, do you have any free time today?" she asked, a little embarrassed.

"Yes, why?" I asked confused.

"I have an audition in two hours for a role in a comedy sitcom, but my parents can't take me... could you go with me?" She asked.

"Are you going alone? And your agent?" I asked.

"I don't have an agent anymore... since my popularity dropped my old company left me..." She said sadly as she hunched her shoulders.

"I'm sorry..." I quickly apologized, blaming myself for not thinking that something like this could happen, and put my hand on her shoulder. "I don't have anything to do today, if you want we can go there after we eat, okay?"

"Okay..." She nodded and we walked together to the school cafeteria to get something to eat.

"What's this sitcom like?" I asked interested.

"It's a comedy sitcom about a family of five, two older daughters and a younger boy. I'm auditioning for the role of the eldest daughter in the family." She explained. "The show will follow the daily life of the family and how they get involved in various problems, just like any other sitcom."

"Cool, are you confident of getting the role?" I asked smiling, thinking of several other sitcoms from my old world that had a similar plot.

Hearing my question, Laura was a little unsure, but nodded. "A little...if I don't get nervous at the audition, I'm sure I'll get the part...but usually my anxiety kicks in at those times and I can't perform at my 100%..."

I was surprised. "And there's nothing you can do to reduce your anxiety?"

"Not that I know of..." She sighed.

Since I'd only brought my bike helmet, I had to go home and get my extra helmet for Laura to wear.

Fortunately, the bike ride was very fast, so I was there and back in less than 20 minutes.

With my skill [Motorcycle Driving Mastery Lv 10], I was already much more confident and skillful on the bike, which helped me pass cars with ease and gain a lot of travel time.

When I arrived at school with the extra helmet, Laura looked at me with curious eyes.

She had changed her clothes to go to the audition, so I took advantage of being at home and also took off my uniform and put on a more comfortable and elegant outfit.

Unlike my school uniform, which was a three-piece suit that hid my body, I was now wearing a tight black shirt that perfectly defined my muscles.

Combined with the black helmet, my image was certainly pleasing to Laura.

From the look on her face, I was satisfied.

Even though my weight hadn't changed in the last two weeks, my muscles had become more defined and dense, while my body fat had decreased even more.

These changes were only visible when I wasn't wearing clothes as bulky as my school uniform.

When I handed her the helmet, Laura took it curiously and carefully climbed on the bike.

I wondered if she would lean on the two supports on the side of the bike or hold on to my waist.

But I quickly felt her two warm hands around my waist and a smile appeared on my face.

Laura had decided to lean against me, her chest resting on my back.

Luckily I had changed my clothes, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to feel her two soft mounts resting on my back.

Smiling, I started to steer while she pointed out the direction we should go.

In just 20 minutes we arrived at the studio where the auditions would take place.

I stopped the bike near the entrance and waited patiently for her to get off before I got off as well.

"How was the ride?" I asked, smiling.

Laura took off her helmet and shook her head, causing her long black hair to blow in the wind and a smile to appear on her face. "That was really cool!"

Satisfied, I went with her to the front desk and just kept her company while she filled out her information and signed in for the audition.

After being given a number, we went to the designated location and sat in a waiting room.

In this room were four other girls our age, some accompanied by their mothers, others by agents, only Laura had someone her own age with her.

"Hmph, who would have thought that someone would come to an audition with her boyfriend..." A woman's deep voice reached my ear.

Apparently the voice was too low for Laura to hear, but I looked in the fat woman's direction and stared at her, making her uncomfortable as she realized I'd heard and changed the subject to her daughter.

"Thank you." Laura thanked me, surprising me.

"Did you hear her?" I asked.

"Yes... but I'm used to it. It was the first time they made fun of me for coming with a boyfriend, usually they make fun of me for coming alone..." She sighed.

"Don't worry about those people, I just feel sorry for that woman's daughter... dealing with mothers like that must be hell..." I commented.

"You have no idea..." Laura sighed too, leaving me surprised.

But before I could say more, the door to the audition room opened and a girl came out crying, followed by a disappointed woman.

"Calm down child, it's all right..." The woman said as she ran after her daughter.

But her daughter heard nothing and ran to the car.

Seeing this scene, out of curiosity, I looked at the fat woman's face and saw that she was laughing at the situation, which made me shake my head even more.

Every few minutes a number would be called and someone would go to audition, only to return disappointed before leaving.

Within 30 minutes there were only two candidates left, Laura and the fat woman's daughter.

Since they arrived first, their number was called before ours, leaving just the two of us in the waiting room.

"Is the part really that difficult?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know, theoretically it should be an easy role, but seeing so many people get rejected makes me worry..." She said as she held one hand in the other and began to show a little anxiety.

Trying to think of something to comfort her, the first thing I could think of was to reach out and take her hand.

When she felt my warm hand holding her cold little hands, Laura was surprised and visibly calmer.

She avoided eye contact with me and I just stayed calm while I waited for her turn.

Soon the fat woman came out of the testing room with her daughter and instead of leaving, she sat down where she had been and looked at us mockingly, even more so when she saw our hands together.

But I just ignored her and waited for Laura's turn.

"Number 16, please come to the test." A weary voice came from the room.

16 was Laura's number and she quickly got up and went to the test.

Out of curiosity and to give her a little support, I got up as well and decided to go with her to the test as a chaperone.

This could be a good little experience for me.

Little did I know that it would be much more than a little experience for me...


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