Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 38: I trust you!

Chapter 38: I trust you!

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan was sleeping soundly and a smile could be seen on his sleeping face. He was having a good dream.

He might have continued to sleep, but a ring tone from his mobile woke him up.

He looked at the id of the caller and it was from Fei Hong.

He picked the phone from the side table and pressed the answer button.

"Hello!" A soft voice came from the speakers.

"Hello... Sorry, I was sleeping so I could not ... pick your call earlier." Fu Yan said while yawning.

"Well it's not a problem because you are the boss but I am glad that you are not overworking and taking care of your health." Fei Hong said in a neutral but slightly happy tone.

"Yes." Fu Yan yawned again.

"Well, why did you called? Is everything ok at the company."

"Yes, everything is ok. I just called to report some matters to you and that I have some files that need your signature. It's about registering the trademark and some other stuff. Fu Yan, I am still confused, why are we registering our trademark. It's not like we will enter the physical market."

"Well we might not enter it right now but I am sure in future we will. so don't worry about this stuff and if you encounter any problem, tell me."

"Ok, I will. Well, aside from that I called to tell you that the popularity of our game has exploded again and with new players joining in and most of them choosing the paid plan, our monthly revenue is more than double compared to the previous month.

Our monthly turnout is estimated to be 15 million US dollars."

Fu Yan smiled upon hearing this and said. "Well, that's a good thing. Have you investigated why our popularity has risen?"

Fei Hong on the other end of the phone said. "I am currently gathering the data and staff is working hard to compile it. There will be solid figures in about a day. I will inform you when it is available."

"Okay, do that, and be sure to keep a close eye on the market. I know there will be competitors appearing though they can't affect us much but it would be better to keep an eye on them.

There will be some companies that might want to poach some of our workers. If anyone from our office wants to leave, let them leave but be sure to tell them that they will be blacklisted from our company if they do so."

"Ok, I will do that." Fei Hong replied.

"Oh! since you called then I should tell you about our future plan too. I have almost finished the program of VRS and it will be ready soon.

You can start marketing it and be sure to mention that it would be free. In the first phase, we will only use it in our game, and for the second phase." Fu Yan paused a little as if he was thinking about something. "Well, we will talk about the second phase when I have finished the translator."

Fei Hong only makes an "umm" sound and just wrote down everything that Fu Yan mentioned.

When Fu Yan stopped speaking, she then asked a question.

"Fu Yan, Don't you think we are going too fast. I think we should slow down a bit and tread on this path steadily. This way we would have a better business model."

Fu Yan nodded. Fei Hong's thinking was not wrong, it just that she did not know about the existence of the library so she would, of course, chose this path.

Fu Yan spoke in a soft tone. "Fei Hong, Let me ask you a question. Why do you think I entered into the business world. I could just work in some office or sell my technology to any tech giant and i know I would get a hefty sum. So why do think I did not prefer that path"

Fei Hong was silent upon hearing this and could not think about how to respond to Fu Yan's question.

When Fei Hong did not speak for a while, Fu Yan continued.

"Well let me tell you this for now that I never got into it for fame or money or some personal gain. I just wanted to do research on different subjects that I find interesting and no matter what you want to do, you need money for it and I am pretty sure I will need a huge amount of money in the future. I know what you fear. Let me assure you that I have at least 10 to 15 technologies that are much more advanced than their counterparts. Though they are only in theories but I am pretty confident that I will succeed."

Fei Hong was still silent so Fu Yan said.

"Now you might be thinking that why would I tell you this. Well, I am pretty confident in my intuition and it tells me that I can trust you and you won't betray me."

When Fu Yan said the last part only then, Fei Hong replied in a hasty tone.

"Fu Yan, you can trust me and I will never betray you. No matter what conditions I am offered, I will continue to stand by your side. I decided this from that night when you risked your life to save me. If I can stand here with dignity, it is because you saved me."

Fei Hong sounded emotional when saying this.

Fu Yan did not say anything in response to this and chose to remain silent.

Both remained silent for a while then Fu Yan broke the silence.

"Well, that's all for today. if you have any matter to report, you can inform me immediately."

"Hmm. I will do so. Oh right, I forgot to tell you that we need to form a legal team as there will many matters after we launch VRS, that would need a legal team to handle."

Fu Yan thought for a bit and said.

"Don't worry about the legal team. I know someone who is well versed in this field so she would help me."

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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