Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 37: Dream

Chapter 37: Dream

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Shen Bai's voice could be heard from speakers as he was speaking loudly.

"Oye!! Fu Yan, you hear me? Is this thing broken? Fu Yan, can you hear me?"

Fu Yan spoke in a soft voice.

"Yes, I can hear you."

"If you can hear me then answer me. Why were you not speaking and you have not answered my question. Why were the teachers and dean looking for you? Have you done anything to them."

Fu Yan laughed and said.

"Haha! Old Bai, you don't need to worry. I have not done anything to them and they will stop looking for me. It's just that they might want me to come back to university or something similar but I don't have time for that so don't worry. Anyways I will visit you guys soon and we will dine at any restaurant you guys want. It will be my treat."

"You little shit! You better treat us or else you won't get away with just a meal at that time. " Shen Bai said in a laughing tone.

"Haha! I will. Ok, I am busy right now so I will talk with you later." Fu Yan said in an apologetic tone.

"Ok then don't mind me. Do your work and I want a full explanation when we meet so prepare yourself. Don't say at that time that I did not remind you."

The call ended and Fu Yan again opened the book and started to read it.

The book's title was "Fundamentals of speech recognition and its optimization".

He started to read it and then got fully engrossed in it.

He had some knowledge about how speech recognition software works and how it is written but the system and programs in the book were totally different from the existing ones.

The speech recognition system was first built in the 1960s and at that time it could only recognize one voice and it worked only with digits.

As time passed, the system was developed and it got more mature and it came to the point where it can recognize any person's voice and give its digital output.

When we speak, the system converts our voice vibrations from analog to digital. The system then takes these vibrations and separates it into different frequencies and sets the volume to a constant level.

The problem that the current voice recognition system face is that sometimes people speak faster and sometimes slower and sometimes even the voice is barely audible. so the system or program is not able to clarify and separate them into different frequencies.

According to the book, this step can be further enhanced by using AI in it and optimizing it using different methods.

Many scientists in the modern world have proposed this step but it cannot be realized yet because of the hardware restrictions. VRS(Voice Recognition System) is built to be used in consumer devices and these devices do not have the capacity to run AI software to its full extent thus mediocre VRS.

After these frequencies are separated, they are compared to the existing database and the result is given out predicting what the user might be trying to say.

All these steps happen in Milliseconds and the system needs to give output in realtime. Again this is where optimization and good AI come in handy.

With these two, the VRS would work faster and with more accuracy. Many tech giants can develop the VRS with similar accuracy as mentioned in the book but it can only work with a server farm supporting it or on a high-end computer system. so this is where the technology in the book showed its advantage as this VRS was tailor-made for low-end devices.

Fu Yan continued to read the book further and got amazed by the technology mentioned in it again and again.

He finished the book by midnight and went to sleep.

He slept soundly and had a beautiful dream. He was with his mother and sister and they were eating happily in their old home.

He woke up late the next morning and started to work.

He was going to write the core part of the VRS and for the subparts, Qing would handle it.

Fu Yan told Qing about some parts and how they should be written and got on with designing the core program.

His focus was not to develop a VRS that would work on devices locally because that would be too high end and would attract some unwanted attention. So he decided to write a cloud-based program as it would be disguised under their existing technology and would remain low key.

Even so, it would be more advanced than the existing ones and give many tech giants a headache.

Fu Yan was typing on the keyboard hard and fast. Though there were some mistakes in between, but Qing was able to handle all of it. She had trained with a large amount of data and there was very little chance of her making a mistake so Fu Yan let her handle the small details.

Fu Yan kept on writing the program until Qing reminded him that he should rest.

He was surprised because he had not instructed Qing about anything related to it.

"Did she evolve again?. Well, it has been some time since I checked her core program. "

Fu Yan thought for a bit but decided against it. He wanted to let Qing develop naturally, as he did not want to restrict her actions much.

He felt his shoulders ache. "maybe I should rest as Qing instructed."

He stretched his muscles and went towards the bed to lay down a bit.

"Man! I need to improve body health or else I won't last long. I might die young."

He closed his eyes and soon went to sleep. He was more tired than he thought he was.

If he was awake, he might be able to see that all cameras in the room were focused on him and server fans were spinning at their fastest.

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