Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 39: Dig deeper

Chapter 39: Dig deeper

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

: Google's country C headquarters:

Chen Fan was sitting in his office and a file was placed on his table. He opened the file and started to read it.

The more he read more he frowned.

The file contained all details about Fu Yan. From his parent's death to his aunt adopting him, from his school life to his university. All the details were in there.

Though it might seem that these were a lot of details but the truth was that many large chunks of data were missing from it.

Since Fu Yan was an introvert so he stayed most of the time in his home with his aunt and hardly had any friends from his school and college. so it became a lot harder to gather data about his personal life.

Chen Fan had spent a large amount to buy this data, but now it seems that money went to waste.

He did not care about the money because it was just a little amount to him but that was if the information was complete.

Mike was sitting on the side couch. He looked at Chen Fan's expressions for a bit, then asked.

"So who was that young man. From your expressions, I can guess that you are not so sure about his relation to that company."

Chen Fan signed and said.

"You are right. I have got all the details about his personal life but there is not even a single detail about he is related to that company. Even the company employes had only seen him the first time that day. I think it was just a coincidence that we met him that day."

Mike shook his head and said.

"That's where you are wrong. It was not a coincidence, he went there because of our meeting with that CEO Fei. I noticed that the girl glancing at him when we mentioned cooperation though it was just a quick glance, I noticed it so I am sure he has a strong relation to the developers or something similar. That is why I asked you to investigate him."

Chen Fan went into a deep thought upon hearing this and after a while, he lifted his head and started to read the details about Fu Yan.

"Parents died in a car accident, bodies not found till now. His little sister was with them so no direct relation alive. Became anti-social after that and the aunt took care of him. No friends never participated in any social activities, most of the time was spent in the libraries. No girlfriend. Some roommate friends in university dorm but the relationship is normal."

Mike interrupted Chen Fan and said.

"Well, now I understand why you were frowning earlier. His personality is too simple for him to appear in that meeting room."

Chen Fan nodded and said.

"That the problem. His living habits, his personality does not match what we saw on that day. He was very attentive when we were discussing with Fei Hong and he had a smile on his face all the time. An introvert person is never like that. Either we met the wrong person that day or all this data is fake."

Mike nodded and said while standing up to leave.

"Well, I believe that we should investigate him more carefully. I don't know why but I am getting the feeling that we will find something big if we kept on digging."

Chen Fan also stood up from the seat, fixed his coat buttons and prepared to leave too.

"I will do so and will ask my informer to dig deeper."


Fu Yan ended the call with Fei Hong and placed the mobile on the side table.

"Legal Team! I think I should visit them soon because its been half a year since I last met them."

He looked at the computer screen and put all the other thoughts behind. He became focused on work and again typing noise could be heard in the room.

He kept on typing and was only responsible for the logical parts that Qing could not handle.

She had trained a lot and was able to write even a complex program but there was still some shortcoming and that could be removed after a lot of practice and data.

Fu Yan worked for 5 hours straight and after finishing the last part, he did not even have the strength to write even another line of the program.

He stretched a little and then asked Qing to finish the small details. Qing started to do her part and on computer new program lines started to appear at such speed that no person could be compared.

It took her half an hour to complete the program. Fu Yan again spent an hour verifying the core program and then started it.

A VRS cant just start to work right after programmers finish writing. It needs data to train itself too as it is also a type of AI. Compared to AI like Qing, it's just dedicated to one task.

Qing already had the data for it as she also had VRS built-in but it was not as advance as this one.

After Qing finished integrating the data, Fu Yan tested and the results exceeded his expectations.

His voice was recognized in an instant and compared to the traditional VRS where the system would take some time to recognize your voice, this VRS gave the output as soon as words left his mouth.

He had expected it to be good but this was too good.

"Qing can you integrate this program with your core or should I help you?."

"Big Brother I can do it."

Qing started the sequence to merge the program and her voice sounded again.

"Big brother I need your permission to do it."

The rules played their part as Qing could not upgrade the core on her own.

"Yes, you can modify your core program with this VRS" Fu Yan affirmed.

Right after his consent, binary digits started to flash on the screen.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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