Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 146: Slave Market!

Chapter 146: Slave Market!

Editors and Proof Reader: Delther, Dervish

Slowly opening his eyes, Fu Yan tried to look around but the pain made his efforts futile. Holding his stomach, he rolled on the ground for a bit, and then when he was able to tolerate it a little, Fu Yan took deep breaths. 

His body was aching from pain and Fu Yan could feel that the left side of his face was swollen. 

'As I predicted before, this planet is really dangerous. First, some random guy was able to contend with me and now, when I was attacked, I didn't even have the time to react. I wonder if I can survive till the signal is restored.' 

Fu Yan thought as he slowly massaged his injured face. Thoughts about escaping came to his mind but after his head cleared a little, Fu Yan pushed these messy thoughts behind.

'Let's wait and see what they will do with me. If I were to escape irrationally, I might die even after using the armor. Of course, it would have been a different story if I had enough energy but with only 13%, I can only hold on for 2 to 3 days.' 

Pondering this, Fu Yan started to assess his surroundings and noticed other people in this room. The room they were in seemed to be a prison as the door was made of iron and there were guards outside that could be seen from the shadows passing by from time to time and the sound of chatter. 

After all this, Fu Yan shifted his attention towards the other people in the room. When he looked at them closely, Fu Yan noticed that all of them had the same kind of attire and that they were from the tribal area. 

There were kids, adults, and even two to three women. While sitting Fu Yan tried to count the numbers but could not see far as his sight was blocked by the others. 

When he tried to stand up, Fu Yan noticed that his feet were bound by chains and pretty tightly at that. So even standing on his knees was a problem for him, less standing up straight. 

While he was wondering about the next course of action, there was the sound of someone opening the door and walking in. 

Seeing this, Fu Yan thought for a bit and then closed his eyes to pretend to be sleeping as no one else besides him was awake in the room. 

After the door opened, Fu Yan heard two people walking in. He recognized one voice. It was the same person who attacked and captured him earlier. As for the other one, this person seemed to have some authority as he spoke casually with the attacker and sometimes rebuked him. 

"I know that the shipment this time is very good but you are asking too much. It's almost double the previous time. I don't think I will be able to fulfill your demands."

"No no, Mr. Yertu. You know that it's getting hard for us to secure merchandise these days. With the constant patrolling of the tribal warriors, we have to make twice the effort to capture one. So this price is justified. Of course, since you are a regular customer, I will give you two salves for free. Consider them as a gift for being a good customer. How about it?" 

The same familiar voice said as he tried to persuade the former. Apparently, they were slave traders who caught the tribal people and sold them in the city. 

There was silence for a while and then Yertu's voice sounded in the room.

"Ok! BUT, when the next shipment comes, I want the priority in picking. I don't want to choose from the leftovers."

"Of course. I will set aside some of the merchandise especially for you and I promise that they will be the best."

The attacker replied with an excited voice. It was clear that he was happy about this deal being finalized.

Yertu gave a nod and then gave everyone in the room a look. Satisfied with the merchandise, he smiled and left the room with the slave trader. 

After they left and closed the door, Fu Yan opened his eyes and pondered about the conversation he heard earlier.

'Slaves! Huh. This is good in some ways, but it would be a huge problem for me if things were to go wrong. I hope that whoever buys me, doesn't turn out to be a douchebag, otherwise I might have to kill my way out of there.' 

Little did he know that all his plans would fail later on. Fu Yan stayed in the prison room for another two days and after that, they were taken out of there and pushed into different cages.

While being pushed and herded like an animal, Fu Yan became angry and immediately wanted to get out here but after thinking for a while, he decided to bear with it. 

Who knows how many people similar to the slave trader were out there. Fu Yan knew that even if he was ready, he wouldn't be able to defend against them so he decided to just go with the flow. Who knows he might be able to spend the rest of his days on this planet in comfort. 

After being treated like animals, they were brought to a huge market that was filled with cages with humans and other races trapped within. 

Fu Yan looked around with some curiosity and after seeing many fantasy races here, he knew that he was on some planet that had magical powers and things.

Of course, he was not surprised after seeing this because he had seen such information in the Library before. Many galaxies out there had magic and mana, but all of that was explainable by science.

Mana was like any other particle existing in the universe. It was discoverable by some people, while some did not even know that it existed.

Only some special who were sensitive to it would be able to feel it and as for using it to create flames and magic spells, well that was not entirely true as some special devices are needed to such actions and no living being can do these actions alone. 

So when Fu Yan saw different races in the slave market, he was only curious, not surprised. Looking around, Fu Yan enjoyed the ride, even though he was caged and shackled with an iron chain that had some strange runes on it. 

After being in the cage for quite a while, they were brought to a shop or more like a hall that was filled with similar cages. Fu Yan looked around and noticed that this shop was one of the biggest in the area.

There were many staff handling customers and trying to sell the slaves while explaining the details to them.

After being brought in, they took Fu Yan and other young males from the cage and then transferred them to a well-decorated cage at the front of the shop.

Then the salesmen started to introduce them to the customers who came in and boosted about them being from the tribal areas and how well built they were. 

Fu Yan looked around for a while and then a little later, he lost interest. Leaning back on the cage wall, Fu Yan closed his eyes and rested.

Unlike other slaves who seem dejected and worried, Fu Yan was calm and relaxed. He did not care who bought him or whether someone would buy him or not as he was only here for a month before going back to the Library. 

Thinking this, Fu Yan made some gestures in the air and then looked at the progress of connection restoration. It was currently 13% done and was slowly progressing. 

The reason for it to take this long is that the system was trying to find new nodes in this galaxy and was calculating the best route to send the signal to the Library. Currently, it was sending a signal out in the universe and then from the feedback, a route was being drawn. 

Seeing this Fu Yan closed the panel and after giving the slave market filled with howls and cries for help, he shut his eyes again. 

Just when he was preparing to sleep, Fu Yan heard a commotion from the entrance of the market and saw a group of people walking in. 

They were soldiers who gave a very terrifying aura and they seemed to be guarding someone. When they came a little further, Fu Yan saw that amidst these soldiers was a young man wearing fancy clothing accompanied by two beautiful women. 

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

If we rank in the top 100 then I will release 2 to 3 extra chapters alongside the regular ones with 2 being the minimum and 3 maximum. Of course, if we were to rank in 70, then it can be increased to 4 to 5. So keep voting. 


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