Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 147: New Master!

Chapter 147: New Master!

Editors and Proof Reader: Delther, Dervish

Fu Yan glanced at this person and then closed his eyes again. It was not that he did not want to know who this person was and what he was doing here, it's just that Fu Yan found it boring to do so. 

Of course, if he was a native of this world then he might wonder who this person was but being a mighty Librarian, why should he consider the identity of a lowly being. 

This person under the protection of the guards came to the shop where Fu Yan was being held. 

When the shopkeepers saw this, they immediately called their boss Yertu who came out to personally welcome this person.

"Welcome your highness! Welcome to the shop of this lowly trader. I wonder what brings you here today?" The boss named Yertu excitedly stated.

The young man smiled upon hearing this and replied with a gentle tone.

"Boss Yertu is being harsh on himself by saying this. I have long known the reputation of the slave trader Yertu so I came here today to check if I can find some goods that can be used in my new estate. When I was departing, father instructed me to contact you if I ever needed some quality salves."

Vertu laughed after hearing the reply and then said with a hearty laugh.

"I am honored that the Duke still remembers me. In fact, Duke was the first customer I ever dealt with and I was very lucky that I had a good batch of slaves at that time and Duke loved them. I remember Duke mentioning Prince Feyli coming to the north to gain some experience so I presume you are here for that and now need some quality slaves. "

Feyli gave a nod and then started to go around the cages to see different slaves.

"Yeah, I just moved to the new estate and now need slaves with different work experiences. I need maids and daily household staff. Also some more slaves for taking care of the horses and for manual labor. So I am counting on you to provide me with the best you have got."

"Of course, of course. Let me guide you." Yertu replied and made a gesture of welcoming with his right hand on the chest and other pointing towards the inside of the shop with a slight bow. 

After that, he started to introduce slaves to Price Feyli and when he liked someone, that slave was taken out and moved to one side to stand with others that were picked. 

Fu Yan watched all this with extreme boredom and then closed his eyes, not paying attention to any of this. 

After more than an hour, Yertu came to the cage where Fu Yan held at and started to explain.

"These slaves are from the tribal area who are known for their resilience. I paid a high price to get them as it's getting harder and harder to capture them these days. This batch has very good quality so they are well suited for manual labor."

Hearing the noises near the cage, Fu Yan opened his eyes and saw that the prince guy was now standing in front of his cage while Yertu explained things to him. 

Feyli looked at the slaves in the cage with interest and then his gaze landed on Fu Yan who was leaning against the cage and sleeping.

Yertu saw the prince looking at Fu Yan who was sleeping and immediately became angry. He walked to the cage and gave it a fierce kick. 

The cage shook and Fu Yan opened his eyes to look at the people surrounding the cage. Looking at the fuming Yertu, Fu Yan let out a sigh and then sat straight up. The reason for doing so was obviously to avoid any trouble he could. 

Considering the mighty warriors here, if he were to anger his current master, the following stay here would become a lot harder. So to spend as much time as he could worry free, Fu Yan chooses to comply with the demands. 

Of course, he only sat up straight and that was all. After getting up, Fu Yan gave everyone an indifferent glance and then shifted his attention elsewhere.

While assessing everyone in the cage, Feyli observed that unlike everyone else, the slave at the back looked relaxed and indifferent about what was happening around him. It was as if he did not care if he sold or not. No! it was more like he did not consider himself a slave and that could be seen from the attitude he had shown.

Feyli became interested in this slave and then signaled Yertu to tell him about his choice. Looking at the slaves that Feyli had picked, Yertu led his workers to get them out of the cage and took them to stand with others. 

Fu Yan was also among the chosen slaves and calmly walked towards where he was told to. After some more time, when the prince was done choosing, they walked towards them and Yertu took out some collars and started to put them around the necks of the slaves. 

Some obediently wore them while some tried to resist but after a good beating, they also wore them. When Yertu came to Fu Yan, instead of letting him put the collar on his neck, Fu Yan snatched it from his hands. 

Just when the guards were about to come up to teach him a lesson, Fu Yan wore the collar himself and closed his eyes. 

Yertu gritted his teeth seeing this, wanting to tear this guy apart but controlled himself knowing that it was not his property anymore. 

Of course, the reason Fu Yan snatched the collar and wore it himself was to examine it. He wanted to know what this thing was and if possible how he could counter it. 

So the moment he took the collar from Yertu's hands, an invisible light emitted from the book hidden in his chest and started to scan the collar. 

After he put the collar on, the system had already scanned it and listed countermeasures for this device. 

Even though Fu Yan had his eyes closed, he could still see the information about the collar.

[A device that affects the brain waves and nerves around the neck. It is controlled by a unique aura. The bead in the middle of the collar connects it to the brainwaves of the other person and lets him control the wearer. To counter this, the nerves in the brain can be disabled and let this collar lose its effectiveness or a small current surcharge can be applied to break the bead. Forceful removal will result in extreme pain and may result in the brain being destroyed.]

Looking through the information and knowing that he can counter this collar anytime he wants, a smile crept on Fu Yan's face that quickly faded. 

After they were done with everything and all slaves were collared, under the guidance of the guards brought by Feyli, they were led out of the slave market and after walking for more than an hour, they came out of the city. 

Outside the city, there were different carriages parked with just different wooden boards attached together and wheels beneath. 

Following the instructions of the guards, everyone sat on these wooden board carriages and the convoy started to march towards its destination. 

While being on the carriage, Fu Yan sat down in the center and was surrounded by other slaves. Even though everyone else was tightly packed, no one dared to push towards Fu Yan on the carriage as once they did, the said person would receive a harsh blow on his back. 

The whole journey was bumpy and uncomfortable, even Fu Yan's sturdy body started to ache with pain because of all the bumps and hard boards beneath. 

After more than 5 hours of journeying through the jungle, barren areas, and sometimes through small villages, they reached a grassy area that had a better road and trees planted on both sides of it. 

As they went on, Fu Yan soon saw a castle in the distance and guards patrolling around it. When the guards saw the convey, they opened the gates and led them in. 

After reaching the estate of the prince, everyone got off the carriages and then the guards pushed them towards an underground area. Shoving them in there, they locked the door, leaving them in the dark musty hall. 

After the guards left, Fu Yan glanced around the hall and picked up a clean place to sit down and rest. After this voyage, Fu Yan felt like if he were to stay on that carriage for another hour, some of his bones might shift from their original position. 

So leaning against the wall, Fu Yan closed his eyes and soon went to sleep. This showed how tired he was after all this. 

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

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If we rank in the top 100 then I will release 2 to 3 extra chapters alongside the regular ones with 2 being the minimum and 3 maximum. Of course, if we were to rank in 70, then it can be increased to 4 to 5. So keep voting. 


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