Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 145: Captured!

Chapter 145: Captured!

Editors and Proof Reader: Delther, Dervish

A fine line appeared on the man's face along with the shocked expression. His body then fell to the side, with the part of his head above the nose separating and rolling away from the body. 

Seeing this scene, Fu Yan was silent for a while and then he slowly walked towards the head that still had some movements and sat down in front of it.

"Strange! Even though I killed you, I feel nothing. But the strangest thing is that I never had these thoughts like this before. Is there something wrong with the Library or with me? Well that aside, I wonder why you couldn't just hold on. I might have let you live."

While Fu Yan talked and wondered about his emotions, the light in the eyes of the severed head dimmed and gradually lost its brilliance. 

Looking at this, Fu Yan sat in front of the corpse for quite a while before he stood up and looked in the distance, lost in deep thoughts.

He was wondering about his emotions and the way he reacted but after some time, Fu Yan stopped thinking about it.

'It's no use wondering about this. It's not as if I have something left in this world or someone who would care about this so why should I care.'

Thinking this, Fu Yan turned around, gave the corpse one last look, and walked towards the direction that the man had pointed before. His tribe was apparently there and it was one of the largest tribes in the area.

Even though he said that he did not care about anyone in this world anymore, some emotions still swelled up inside his heart when he thought about Xin, his aunt, and his sister. 

The golden light tried to suppress these emotions but it seemed as if it did not have the same brilliance as it had on earth. Walking slowly, Fu Yan felt the gentle breeze and then suddenly let out a cry full of grief. 

"What am I even alive for? There is nothing left for me, so why, why am I even still struggling to survive?" Grief and despair took over Fu Yan as he muttered while looking towards the dagger in his hand. Raising it a little, he glanced at the sharpened edge of the blade shining under the light of the sun. 

When these thoughts came into Fu Yan's mind, the golden light seemed to be desperate as it became violent and tried to engulf Fu Yan's brain even more aggressively. It seemed as if it succeeded in achieving whatever it was doing as Fu Yan lowered the blade.

"Why should I die? I will LIVE. I will live and take revenge for them. I will kill all those who took what was precious to me. I will make sure to make them regret it."

Fu Yan mumbled as the wavering thoughts vanished from his mind and anger swelled up. Looking into the distance, Fu Yan firmed his heart and then walked on. 

Putting these thoughts behind, Fu Yan marched on towards the direction of the tribe. After walking for 2 hours, he reached a place surrounded by a fence made of wood. Seeing the sign hanging on the front entrance, Fu Yan knew that this was the tribe that the attacker had spoken about earlier. 

Upon reaching the vicinity of the tribe, Fu Yan did not immediately go in but observed first. First of all, he needed more language data to perfect the translator, and secondly, he needed to observe them for blending in. 

Even though Fu Yan wanted to head in, he dared not do it because of the warriors in the tribe. Who knows how sharpened their senses were. If caught, Fu Yan knew that it would be hard for him to escape. 

He could fight one or two such warriors but if a group of them surround him, he will be helpless against them unless he used the armor to resist. 

Hiding in the long grass, Fu Yan calmly collected the data, and then when he was sure that no one will be able to notice the difference, he projected the same cloth design on the armor, and the next second, he was wearing the same clothes as them. 

Of course, he was not going into the tribe but bypassing it. His goal here was done. He had enough data and now looks like them so the trouble he encounters in the future will be less. 

As for the reason not heading into the tribe. It's because Fu Yan could see that there were hardly more than 2000 people in the tribe and a new person would be noticed immediately. Even if he tries to blend in, he will be found out sooner or later.

Starting the journey again, Fu Yan walked on while looking at the scenery. If not seeing the tribe people and their blood that had a yellow hue to it, Fu Yan would never believe that he was not on earth but some other planet as the sun and moon looked the same as on earth. 

After walking more than 5 hours, Fu Yan bypassed another two tribes and on the way, he met a warrior who wanted to kill him but surrendered after his blade broke in just one stroke.

From him, Fu Yan received more intel. Apparently, there was a city just within 2 days of walking distance. It was a large city with a population of more than one hundred thousand people. 

This was a perfect hiding place for him while the signal with the Library restores. After walking and resting for the next two days, Fu Yan reached the city. 

Looking at the giant walls of more than 50 meters tall, Fu Yan had to say that this was a very well secured city. Looking at the city walls, Fu Yan opened the panel and glanced at the status of the signal restoration. 

Even after more than 3 days, the progress was still less than 8%.

'At this rate, I have to spend more than a month here before the signal is restored. I wonder if I will survive that long here.' 

Fu Yan wondered as he looked towards the soldier patrolling the city walls and the long line in front of the city gate where each and everyone was checked before being allowed into the city. 

Looking at the scenes being displayed in front of him on the screen, Fu Yan zoomed in and focused on the guards checking the people at the city gate.

'Of course, there will be an identity check. I need to have a look at a sample before I can make a copy.' Thinking this Fu Yan glanced around to see if he can find someone easy to target. 

Just when he was deciding on the target, Fu Yan suddenly felt a gust of wind, sensing the danger, he turned around and before he could see what it was, a strong blow landed on his stomach. 

Due to the strong impact on the stomach, Fu Yan gasped for air. When he tried to lift his head to see who it was, he received a blow to the face and the surroundings started to turn black. 

While his consciousness faded away, Fu Yan heard laughter beside him. 

"We caught a new one. I don't know what gave him the courage to come out of their tribe area. It was getting harder for us to catch new ones because of their warriors patrolling the area from time to time."

Then another voice sounded, answering the first voice.

"Anyway, we got the prey. After selling him, we can live a comfortable life for some time. We won't have to go out for a month after this so let's hurry and take him back to the city before anyone else comes and try to fight for the booty."

After saying this, the person walked towards Fu Yan and then sat down. 

"Hey, he is still not down. A tough little shit ain't we. Well, that will make your price higher so good for us. Now go to sleep and not cause trouble."

Saying this, he punched Fu Yan's face and the latter completely lost consciousness this time. 

Seeing that Fu Yan had lost consciousness, the person picked him and walked towards the city. Beside him, there were two other people, wearing leather armors and carrying knives on their waists. 

Other than Fu Yan, the other two people were also carrying one person each who had the same getup as Fu Yan. 

Reaching the city gates, they showed their identity and went into the city. When they walked past the guards, the latter seemed to be intimidated by them as they made way for them in a hurry. 

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

Sorry for not uploading the past two days. I wrote and wrote but had to discard those chapters because I was not satisfied with them and felt bored after reading them so could not upload them for you guys to read. I would rather delay than uploading garbage. Announcement Date: 8 August


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