Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 144: KILL!

Chapter 144: KILL!

Editors and Proof Reader: Delther, Dervish

Even though knowing that no animal was chasing behind, Fu Yan did not dare to stop as to who knows some sneaky wolf might still persist, lurking in the shadows. 

After running for quite a while and coming to an open area with no obstructions, Fu Yan stopped and looked around.

As he observed the surroundings, Fu Yan felt that this place was a lot similar to earth if the sceneries were to be compared. As the area where he was currently standing looked like the prairie from the Earth. 

While he was observing his surroundings, Fu Yan suddenly felt something whizzing past him. Alerted, he looked around then saw someone standing 400 meters away, raising a bow and taking aim at him. 

Fu Yan gave the man a look and then towards the arrow that was sticking out of the ground. While he was wondering about something, the man standing 400 meters away shot another arrow. 

This time, Fu Yan was prepared for the attack and easily dodged the arrow with his reflexes. After that, he gave the second arrow that also struck the ground not far away from him and then darted towards the man. 

The enhancement after taking the [Genetic Serum] was not a joke as, within 7 seconds, Fu Yan reached the man. Of course, that was not all, it seemed the gravity on this planet was also weak compared to earth but no that much. 

Reaching into the vicinity of the attacker, Fu Yan raised his fist and struck the man in his stomach. 

Receiving the blow from Fu Yan, the attacker let out a muffled sound then bent forward due to the pain. Even then Fu Yan did not let him go and grabbing the head, he delivered another blow to the attacker's face with his knee and then threw him aside.

Only after this did Fu Yan take a good look at his face and noticed that he looked similar to humans, only that he seemed a little tall compared to the normal human. If used Earth standards then he was 6'5 (6 foot 5 inches). 

Seeing this Fu Yan let out a sigh of relief because this way it was easy for him to blend into them and survive till the connection with the Library is restored. 

After dealing with the man, Fu Yan picked up the bow that was laying on the side and analyzed it. But to his surprise no matter how he looked, it seemed like any other normal bow that could be found on earth. 

'How can he shoot more than 400 meters with this thing. It does not make any sense.' 

He wondered as his attention was drawn to the string of the bow. When Fu Yan played with it a little, he noticed that the string seemed to be made of some kind of special material as no matter how much he pulled it, it did not seem to break or show signs of breaking. 

'Interesting! But this shows that this person has exceptional strength. To be able to pull this string to shoot as far as 400 meters, it's really marvelous as well as frightening.' 

Fu Yan wondered as he looked towards the man lying unconscious on the ground after receiving the blows from him. 

Analyzing the things he had seen so far, Fu Yan came to a conclusion that this world was more dangerous than Earth as the people here seemed to be abnormally stronger. 

The reason he came to this conclusion is after he saw the build of the man and the animals he encountered in the forest. 

This man was using bows, which showed that this planet, or at least this area where he was, still used cold weapons to fight. To be able to fight and stay alive using cold weapons against those ferocious animals, the people here were warriors and strong ones at that. 

"I need to get more information as fast as possible if I want to survive on this planet. Just someone random is this strong, what about those who are well trained. Maybe he trained as well, but I am sure if someone is strong, he won't live in the wild hunting for others so there are definitely stronger people out there." 

Fu Yan muttered as he walked towards the attacker who was still lying unconscious on the side. After walking up to him, Fu Yan gave him a kick in the rib.

Stimulated by the pain, the person woke and then let out a cry full of pain. Clenching the side where he was just attacked the man backed away from Fu Yan with fearful eyes.

Seeing the reaction from the attacker, Fu Yan walked towards him and then sat in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Who are you? Where are you from?"

But the person in question just looked at Fu Yan with confused eyes. From his eyes, it was clear that he could not understand what Fu Yan just said.

Seeing the reaction from the attacker, Fu Yan smacked himself on the head and then made some gestures in the air. When he tried to converse, he forgot that even though the person in front of him was human, he was on another planet and there was no connection with the Library so he had to collect some samples first, before he could use the translator. 

Now comes the question. How to collect the sample? After thinking for some time, Fu Yan decided to use the most primitive way and raised his fist. 

He gave the attacker a good beating and then asked whatever came to his mind. Receiving the unjust beating and not being able to understand what he was being asked, the attacker finally could not hold on and spoke something with an angry tone.

" ? ? ."

When Fu Yan heard this, he let out a smile and then immediately used the system to generate the language and analyze it.  Of course, if there was a connection with the Library, all he would need to do is analyze all the people on this planet and then generate the translator. 

Just after 5 minutes, the system had analyzed the language and generated the translator according to it.

"Can you understand me?" Fu Yan asked in a soft voice as he looked towards the attacker with an eager expression.

The man who seemed to be ready to explode with anger suddenly became quiet and then looked towards with incredible expressions. 

"I ca- Why bet me. Jt kil me if yo want. (I can, why beat me? Just kill me if you want.)" The man spoke and this time Fu Yan was able to understand some of it as the translator was still not perfect with only a little information. 

Seeing that the man was able to understand what he was saying even if only a little, Fu Yan asked him more questions as to why he attacked him and where he was from. 

The man did not want to answer at first but after a good beating, he started to speak again. 

It seemed he was from a tribe not far away from here and was a warrior there. He was out hunting when he saw Fu Yan and seeing the unusual clothes Fu Yan was wearing, he thought Fu Yan was a beast so he attacked. 

Fu Yan calmly listened to the explanation and then got up. He knew that the man was not telling the complete truth but to collect more language data, Fu Yan calmly listened. 

After this Fu Yan hesitated as to how to handle this man. After conversing with him, the things that Fu Yan thought of earlier seemed to be true. 

As this man was only a new warrior of the tribe and there were many powerful warriors in the tribe so Fu Yan did not want him to leak his location but he also did not want to kill him unless necessary as he wanted to know more about this world and where he was. 

Just when he was pondering about what to do, the man suddenly took out a knife made out of bones from his waist and lunged towards Fu Yan. 

Sensing danger, Fu Yan immediately turned around and swiped the knife towards his back. The knife made an arc and intercepted the bone knife that was aimed towards his neck. 

It's just that Fu Yan's knife did not stop there and continued forward, cutting the man on the face near the nose, separating his head from there. 

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

Sorry for not uploading the past two days. I wrote and wrote but had to discard those chapters because I was not satisfied with them and felt bored after reading them so could not upload them for you guys to read. I would rather delay than uploading garbage. Announcement Date: 8 August


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