Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 17: Sexy Phantom

Chapter 17: Sexy Phantom

"Upgrade Quickly!"

[Upgrade will take 10 seconds Please wait!]

'No! Something viscous is about to come! Now I have no weapon!' Harvard started to shiver in anticipation. Lord Grey had already stabbed the floor and caused a large massive swelling of blood to begin turning into a monster.

A second monster, that creature appeared.

[Incredibly Sexy Phantom]

[Level 28]

[Worth more than her weight in gold on the black market]

Harvard looked at the appearing apparition up and down. She had beautiful clear transparent skin that shimmered with a golden light, and eyes that defied all logic. Her hips to upper body ratio seemed so perfect he felt a desire to rub her hips. With blonde hair trailing down her shoulders, Harvard instantly felt somewhat shocked. How was that a phantom! She was almost the hottest women he ever saw, and he saw a lot of women!

'6 seconds remaining'

"Harvard, he's alone! Now's the perfect time to attack when his blade is stuck in the ground!" Harvest King tossed him a level 15 sword. "Here, this will do more than 3 damage!"

"It's just an uncommon piece of junk, this is legendary!" Harvard whispered so loudly that it was almost a scream. "Wait, where did you buy this from? How much did it cost you?"

"Fiend! I'm here to capture you! On the black market, you're worth more than your weight in gold!" Lord Grey brandished a black level 28 spear that made Harvards' sword look like a piece of trash. However, that would change in a moment. "You better put your hands behind your back and surrender! Otherwise, this daddy will give you a spanking."

"NOOOOOOO!" The Incredibly Sexy Phantom replied with so much anguish in her voice that Harvard regretted 5 seconds being left even more. It really didn't seem that long when he was walking, but for some reason it felt like forever now!

When he leveled up, he noticed that he seemed to be able to do things much faster. Because of his dexterity, he could now pick locks, pick pockets, and do chores with ease. He also had much agility so it was easy to run extremely fast and steal more rare items per minute. One time, he'd literally stolen 500 common items in an hour!

"Come on! She's hot! We have to save her!" Harvest King seemed like the type that loved women and did stupid things around women. This confirmed it. "Come on Harvard!"

[Slime Conquerors Broken Dagger's upgrade is complete!]

[Slime Conqueror's Broken Daggers] (Legendary 2 / 6) (Upgrades left)

[Level 10]

[Damage 20]

[Attack Speed: 100]

[Ability 1: Razor]

[When this skill is activated, you will inflict small cuts on your opponent that will cause 1 percent bleeding damage for roughly a minute.]

[Comment: You suck]

'Ugh, I'll ignore that comment!' Harvard tapped Tabitha on the back. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Dont' leave me here! It's dark and I'm alone!"

"You'll get the part," Harvard smiled and activated stealth before he sprinted towards Lord Grey with Harvest King. "Now let's do this!"

"What the? Who made that noise?" Lord Grey turned around and noticed one idiot in particular running at him in low level armor. "Noobs, please go away. I was about to capture this beautiful women!"

"You idiot! Just because you use stealth, doesn't mean he can't hear you!" Harvest King pushed Harvard in the arm! Damn it! Attack him together! He stands no chance agianst both of us!

"Hoh, you think I'm alone! Boys! Come out and play!" Lord Grey smiled and clapped his hands. He looked back and forth between the pillars and the entranceways and clapped again. "Boys! Grey's Son and Grey Father! Where are you?!"

"NOOOOO! DIE!" The Incredibly Sexy Phantom for some reason decided to attack Harvard who wanted to save her. He wanted to cry he felt so wronged. "You! You stole my baby! Give me back the baby we made together!"

"Oh, plot twist!" Tabitha giggled behind the pillar. "Ha, love it!"

"You're mistaken me for someone else!" Harvard dodged the ladies sharp finger nails. He did a step turn and a twist to dodge.

Frankly, he had so much agility that it was quite easy to dodge. He wanted to reach out and grab the beautiful incredibly sexy phantom, but he felt that might be wrong.

"Your agility is insane! No wonder your attack sucks!" Harvest King face palmed himself. "Dude, we're going to need to pay to reset your stats."

"I-I'm getting out of here." Lord Grey smiled and walked towards Tabitha. "The real treat I wanted has finally arrived. Little girl, where have you been hiding?"

"He's coming for me! Ah! He realizes I'm important!" Tabitha made a I'm scared face and ran towards Harvard. "Mister! Save me! Save me!"

"Coming!" Harvard stepped off his back foot and surprised himself by reaching Tabitha before Lord Grey. "Not so fast! Deal with me first.

Harvard gulped and realized both Lord Grey and the Incredibly Sexy Phantom seemed to be about to attack him. What did he do to deserve this? He had once been an expert lawyer that made good decisions, and now he was in a life and death battle with a muscular man and a beautiful blonde haired women that bounced everywhere when she attacked!


Harvard ducked to dodge the silver blade and the extremely sexy claws.

[Dodge successful!]

[Dodge succssful!]

Harvard surprised himself how fast he was able to dodge. It looked like they had started to attack him at normal speed but he somehow always dodged their attacks.

'I see. My agility is so high that I'm faster than them. Now let's try out my own attacks!'

"You'll make a mistake eventually!' Lord Grey thrust repeatedly with his spear. He felt like he was doing a massively hard workout and felt his shoulders burning! "I'll get you! All it will take is one hit to knock out a thief like you! With high agility, everything else must be low!"

"Self made attack: Slash!" Harvard slashed downwards.

He could barely he found out how much attack speed helped speed up his attacks.


He hit Lord Grey ten times in the cheek and then ten times in the neck while dodging two attacks!

-100,-50,-100, -200,-300(critical), -87, -105.2.

[Foe is bleeding from your broken legendary dagger!]

"Ah! That hurt!" Lord Grey fell down onto his knees! What class are you! You aren't any normal thief! What's your name."

"My name is unimportant," Harvard gently smacked away the Incredibly Sexy Phantom's hand and held up his finger and wagged it in a way that meant no "my name isn't important. "What's important is that you are defeated! Viscous men like you must die!"

"Please forgive--" Lord Grey got stabbed ten times in the head and didn't get to finish his sentence. He was a ghost, so he didn't bleed normal blood just white gunk that squirted out a little bit.

The Incredibly Sexy Phantom stopped attacking when she realized Harvard hadn't taken her baby. She saw a small white baby crawling behind a pillar.

"Oh, my baby! You found him honey!" Incredibly Sexy Phantom hugged Harvard. "That's so great! Now we can make more babies!"

"She's kind of strange," Tabitha cleared her throat. "So, what about him. I think he's dead, but I'm not sure he's totally dead.

[Lord Grey is incapacatated.]

[One more hit should do the trick.]

"Eh, I'll give him to Count Silvester." Harvard nodded his head. "He can set up the next play for Silvia! Now, Incredibly Sexy Phantom, I can't breath. They're too large."

He meant her incredibly sexy body had two beautiful mounds that were too large. She blushed and stepped back and picked up her baby.

For some reason, it really did look like Harvard! What happened?! Did he just touch her and she had a baby. Did he happen to have a legendary skill that no one every told him about? A legendary baby making skill?

"There is somewhere, far far away. That I need you to go husband," Incredibly Sexy Phantom put her hair in a bun and got even hotter! Too hot! She even had an incredible droplet of sweat running down the side of her face. "Would you mind getting our other baby? He got kidnapped and taken to Central City."

[New Quest: Save your child!]

[Whether or not it's your child is a question, but it seems that Incredibly Sexy Phantom needs help locating a lost person. Are you man enough to find out if you're the father! Go to White Fist Tavern in Central City!]

'Black Fist Tavern White Fist Tavern They couldn't have called it something else,' Harvard sighed and accepted the quest.

"I promise, lady, I know for a fact we never made children together, but I will help find your child!"

"Great, well then let's get the hell out of here and go to Central City! I'm not buying another train ticket! They're overpriced!"


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