Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 16: Upgrading a Broken Legendary Weapon

Chapter 16: Upgrading a Broken Legendary Weapon

Ghost Tower

"This is impossible! That ghost is impossible to catch!" Harvard slowly snuck behind a rock and listened to two goons talking. They had on blue masks and blue pants. The walls were white so they stood out like no tomorrow. "Ugh, it's apparently level 30! How are we going to get it?"

"What are we doing?" HarvestKing asked, he barely fit behind the rock.

"Saving the ghosts world," Harvard smiled and held up his thumb. "Let's kick those mofos fudding asses."


Harvard snuck around the rock, and used analyze on the two men in blue clothing.

[Grey Son] (Bloodmark)

[Level 20]

[Reputation: Hostile]


[Grey's Father] (Bloodmark)

[Level 22]

[Reputation: Deadly]

'I-I guess I just have to knock them out, and save the ghosts in ghost tower. However, I don't see any ghosts. Aren't they invisible?'

Harvard activated Ultimate Stealth and Ultimate Poison blade because why not? And appeared behind Grey's Father and slashed him in the back of the neck.

[Foe has been knocked out!]

[Foe's son has been knocked out!]

Harvard kicked them in the face each a few times to make sure they were still sleeping. He turned and gave a thumbs up to HarvestKing who seemed to be trembling with fear like he just saw a monster under the bed.

"Dude! Those men are part of the Wild Pack Guild! They're dangerous! We got to get out of here!" Harvest King kicked one in the head to make sure he was asleep. "We shouldn't be here! I thought you told me we were going to the train!"

"We are. We are going training." Harvard patted Harvest King on the shoulder. He had on golden level 10 armor because his level 25 armor he had to sell to pay off Count Silvester. "Hold on!"

[Steal successful!: You've stolen a rare item from Grey Son]

[Heavy Armor]

[Steal successful You've stolen a rare item from Grey's Father!]

[Heavy Helmet]

Harvard nodded his head in satisfaction. He left them in their boxers and felt the quality of their heavy armor.

'It's really heavy. The least I can do is give the armor to Harvest King. He's also really heavy.'

"I'm not wearing that!" Harvest King shook his head. "You wear it! You're the one with level 3 leather armor!"

"I need it for agility," Harvard shook his head. "Anyways, I heard something! Be careful!"

[Ghost detected!]

[Location unknown!]

"Dude! We're in ghost tower! Of course you heard something," Harvest King pointed over at a black doorway that led to more darkness. "Now, let's just put the armor back in your inventory! We got to go!"

"Mother! Is that you?" A small woman in a white dress appeared from the corner of the room. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I watched you die! Please! Punish me!"

[Lovelorn Spector]

[Level 15]

[Reputation: Dangerous]

[System information: She's lying. Her mother died peacefully. She's really just trying to kill you.]

"Wait, aren't we ghosts too?" Harvest King added. "What's the difference between us and her.

The difference was that they were players and she was a monster created by King Yama during the development stage of the game. Of course, King Yama could also create life so there really wasn't much of a difference. Even the NPCs could technically have children, but just had more restrictions! Still, Harvard had to admit that was a good question.

"I'm sorry little girl. Did it hurt watching your mother die?"

"Yes," The little girl dropped down onto the floor and tears. "I-I'm so sorry mother! I'm so sorry!"

'She's good!" Harvard walked over to her and patted her gently on the head. "I almost believe her. She's at least 10 times better at acting than Silvia."

"Little girl, would you like a part in the next play. Silvia is looking for someone to play a role," Harvard took out a pamphlet from his inventory. "In exchange, you just have to give us a tour!"

"No way that's going to work," Harvest King shook his head. "Stop kidding around, dude! You're going to get killed!"

"Sure, I'm Tabitha." The girl wiped off her tears and smiled brightly. She had black hair and extremely puffy pale cheeks with a ripped white gown covered in blood. Her feet also seemed to be drenched in blood like she'd crushed a heart over her feet. "I always wanted to be an actress!"

[Demon exorcised!]

[+100 experience!]

[Tabitha has turned into a normal NPC!]

'I didn't know you could exorcise demons,' Harvard nodded his head. "Hey Harvest King! Let's go! She's giving us a tour!"


"Those men are evil. They left me alone because I looked like a human and captured almost all the other ghosts" Tabitha held Harvard's hand, and peered out at a man with a large muscular frame from the Wild Pack Guild. He had extremely large eyes and a black suit with white strips. "I'm so scared of them! Please help me!"

"You need to convey more genuine sadness. It's still not good enough," Harvard patted her on the shoulder. "Silvia needs a little girl to play a sad apparition. You almost got it down."

"She is a sad apparition!" Harvest King pushed Harvard in the shoulder. "Now this is serious! That man is level 28! Both of us together can't beat him!'

Harvard looked at the man up and down and shook his head. He didn't seem that tough.

[Lord Grey] (Bloodmark)

[Level 28]

[Reputation: Monster Eater]

[System Information: Is wanted in 5 cities for killing 5 NPCs! Reward for his head is estimated at 150,000 Lograms!]

'He has a bounty on him? Maybe he is tougher than he looks?'

"My cute snake," Lord Grey picked up a small silver cage with a ghost inside of it. It looked like a strange serpent with two small wings and a long rattlesnake tail. "I bet you're going to make the cutest pet possible! I'm going to sell you for so much money!"

'He has to die!' Harvard activated Ultimate Sneak and snuck closer to Lord Grey. He seemed completely focused on the snake, so much so that he didn't see Harvard skulking from broken wall to broken wall. He put his back against a cold marble pillar, and peered out. The man seemed to be viciously choking the snake now.

'So cute!' Lord Grey took the snake out of the cage and viciously pet it! "I'm so glad you're being obedient. Otherwise, I'd cut you in half and sell your parts on the black market!"

"Die!" Harvard slashed his level 3 slime conqeuror's blade into the back of the man's neck with Ultimate Poison Blade activated. "Die! Twice!"



Harvard hit him in the back of the nape and watched him fall head first into the cage. What happened? All he did is hit him with the blade.

[Foe is stunned for 5 seconds!]

'Not bad,' Harvard started stabbing him hundreds of times with the slime conqueror's blade. Large numbers of damage appeared over his head. - 1, - 5, - 10, - 20, -30, - 31! 'Come on! Die! Die!'

[Foe's stun has worn off!]

"Stalk activate!" Harvard stepped back onto the white tiles and used the Stalk skill. He seemed to blend in with the wall immediately. At the same time, Lord Grey pulled his head out of the cage and slapped himself in the face.

"What the hell was that? Some kind of weak ghost? My vitality is still near maximum?' Lord Grey pushed himself to a stand and pointed at large set of doors. "Oh well, it's now time to catch the boss of this tower! Isn't that right snakey?!"

Lord Grey laughed and walked away from Harvard and into the dark room.

"You idiot!" Harvest King spoke to him a few minutes later. "What are you doing! That's a level 3 sword? It's not even piercing his armor!"

"I-I haven't had time to buy a new weapon yet. Do you have any weapons for Ultimate Midnight Rulers?"

"What the hell is that?" Harvest King looked through his inventory. He only had swords which wouldn't benefit an assassin. "Damn it! We're leaving! The ghosts in this tower will be fine by themselves!"


"Why did I follow you in here?" Harvest King peered out at Lord Grey. "Tabitha, tell him it's pointless!"

"Never! I'll never tell him! How was that?" Tabitha wiped a tear off her eye. "Is that better Harvard?"

"The time has come! We spent all night painting the blood of fallen enemies onto the alter! Come out great one! Come fight us so we can capture you!!"

[Slime Conqueror Sword can be upgraded]

Harvard looked down at his blade after finding the upgrade option.

[Would you like to upgrade to Slime Conqueror's Broken Daggers? (Level 10) (Legendary)]

[Cost 500,000 Lograms?]


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