Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 18: Girl's Room

Chapter 18: Girl's Room

Central City had hundreds of beautiful white towers that only the richest Noble's owned. It was a metropolis that rivaled all other cities in the planet. A few guilds had already bought properties in Central City and spots for those guilds had been started to be competed over.

Dozens of tables were set up near guild recruitment stalls near the train station, and the few in city dungeons were making a huge profit.

Unfortunately, it was also not where Harvest King was yet. or Harvard. The Central City Train Station had called off all remaining rides for the day. Apparently a noble had bought all the tickets for the day and wanted to have a wild party. Harvard was pissed, but not as pissed as the donkey they rented that had to carry three people.

"Why is she here?"

"She's technically not a normal NPC," Harvard patted Tabitha on the shoulder. "Besides, she needs to practice her part."

"I-I'm coming in there and slapping you father!"


She slapped Harvest King in the cheek and shook her head. "Not good enough. I need to hit your harder! Come closer Harvest King! You can take a beating right!"

"Ow," Harvest King rubbed his cheek. "Man, all this because I wanted to get with a sexy girl. You, on the other hand, got that Incredibly Sexy Phantom on your tail. She really thinks you made a baby with her."

"I know. I will bring home our fake baby and get an ample reward! Now donkey, faster!"


The slowest donkey ride later, Harvard made it to a town roughly 100 kilometers away from Central City.

The donkey got tired so they gave it some water and left Tabitha to watch it. It didn't mind getting slapped in the face, and seemed to enjoy it.

Reee! Reee!

The donkey made noises really loudly.

Harvard smiled and walked into a bar called the Green Fist Tavern. A big muscular bar tender cleaned a glass with an eye patch over his mouth and a strange tight silver suit on.

"Welcome! Are you adventurers? What are you doing here?" The bartender's muscular frame let out an extremely beautiful voice. It sounded like angels singing, but a little raspy which made it sound even better! "Hoho! You want a quest! This town here is called Sniff's Nose! It's one of the least popular towns on the map! However, we really do have the best quests."

"Damn it! That hurt!" Harvest King walked into the bathroom and got slapped. "Why is there a woman in the man's bathroom?"

"That's the woman's bathroom," The bartender laughed. "I put the signs backwards to mess with first time customers! Welcome to the Green Fist Tavern! Only the best assassins can figure out not to go into the girl's bathroom!"

"I'm not an assassin!"

"Well, that's your choice," The bartender smiled and poured him a free drink. "Here, double price since you chose the wrong profession."

The bar was almost the exact same as the Black Tavern. It had dozens of tables with small chairs and a few surly looking customers. There was also the bartenders wife who looked carved out of the finest jade and thrown in the worst town in the world. She had on a tight white dress that didn't hide anything besides the most important sections.

"She's not bad looking, but your donkey will need to rest for at lesat an hour. You want to do a simple quest for me."

"It's never simple when they say that! Don't you dare accept it!"


[Quest accepted!]

[Sniff's Nose can't be renamed due to the mayor of the town. Steal the deed from his vault and get passed his level 40 guards. You will need to take the keys for his safe from one of his three daughters. They are desperate for attention. You will find one of the three in the mayor's office. She is protected by level 35 guards.]

[System information: The other two daughters are in their rooms at their father's house.]

[Difficulty: D-]

'Woohoo! Thanks for coming through system! Way to make the quest easier!]

[Quest difficulty upgraded! The mayor has hired some new guards after seeing you enter into the Green Fist Tavern!]

[Difficulty D]

"Noooo! Why did I say something?!" Howard walked back to his Donkey and handed Harvest King and Tabitha some Lograms so they could have fun. "You two stay here, father needs to go and get a quest completed. Donkey will be recharged by then."

"Heee! Hee! Heee!" The donkey laughed and leaned towards Tabitha. It seemed to be saying, I'm ready for the next scene!

"Anyways, ignoring the donkey," Harvard gave Tabitha 1000 Lograms. "You guys look tired. Why don't you go to an inn?"

"Since we're staying here, and Sylvia isn't around, I'm going to go train." Harvest King flexed his muscles and smiled.

He always wanted to be number 1 on the leaderboard, but now that dream had burned and died a miserable death. "I saw a pretty good level 25 monster spawning spot. If you need me, don't bother me! I'm at ranking 99,997. This is not cool man!"

"I'll be here," Tabitha said with a smile. "Thanks dad. You're the best fake father ever!"

"I just met you, but you make me happy," Harvard tossed her a bag with 10,000 Lograms. "Use that and buy you and donkey a snack!"

"I'll marry you too! I'm actually 135!"

"I'm happy to hear that Tabitha, but you'll always be my youngest daughter," Harvard whistled and disappeared.

He asked a few townsfolk about the mayor's daughter and found out all the information he could. He went in a few girl's bathrooms and used stalk for a while. Not that he expected to learn anything important, but because the skill was near leveling up.

When you used a skill enough times, it would get experience and level up. Of course, a stat point worked a 1000x faster than using a skill over and over again, however, once he used stalk 5000 times, it would upgrade to level 2.

'I'm forgetting something really important.'

[Stalk will wear off in 15 seconds.]

'That seems pretty important,' Harvard gulped and looked at two beautiful women kissing a few feet from him. What was with girls kissing in the bathroom? Was it a cult? The girls kiss in the bathroom cult?

"Mmm, men will never find out the truth." The two girls kissed again.

Harvard blushed and took a deep breath. Why did this always happen to him!

"And cut! That's perfect for that scene. The audience will be so excited!"

"Great!" The other girl replied and turned to see the door swing open. "Ugh, it must be the air. I swear, why do I feel like someone is always looking at my ass? Is it that round? Guys and asses!"


Harvard looked at himself in the mirror.

For the first time, he tried out the Eight Year Bliss Wings Morph skill. He had went to the mayor's office and found out in the bathroom that the mayor's youngest daughter had a crush on Silverone, so he knocked him out and stole his clothes.

With morph, he looked like him. This was going perfectly!

[Morph will last a total of one hour! Once it wears off, you will return back to your normal appearance.]

[You've temporarily learned charm! Women will be more attracted to you when you smile!"

"Hello!" The doorway opened and the mayor's youngest daughter appeared. "Hey, so nice to see you stop by!"

"Can I go to your room?" Harvard smiled. "I need a private place to talk."

"Isn't that kind of fast," Then Harvard smiled. "Sure, come in!"


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