Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1293: Lets Go, A Money Lovers Daydream!

Chapter 1293: Let's Go, A Money Lover's Daydream!

Have you ever had a daydream like, 'If someone gave me a billion, and I had to spend it all in a day, what would I do?' Lin Sanjiu felt that what she was facing now seemed to be the doomsday version of that daydream. However, it had actually become a reality.


Standing in the living room for half a minute, she could only squeeze out one word.

The triumphant look on the grand prize was evident; he seemed like a child who couldn't help but show off his handiwork. Patiently, he reiterated his earlier statement, "Sis, we must spend all this money to leave the pocket dimension."

What money? Where did this money come from?

Seeing the expression on his sister's face, the grand prize decided to demonstrate. He dialed the service center of the resort, put it on speakerphone, and a gentle female voice soon responded, "How may I assist you?"

Lin Sanjiu looked at the phone, then looked at him.

"I have a few questions I want to ask," the grand prize coughed, "but I forgot what you told me just now."

The woman didn't mind his forgetfulness at all and immediately said, "Okay, go ahead."

The first question Ji Shanqing asked was completely beyond Lin Sanjiu's expectations. In fact, she had never thought about this aspect, and probably any other posthuman wouldn't have thought to ask such a question to the pocket dimension, "Is this vacation resort managed as a hotel or as a residential area?"

"We are a resort managed in a hotel style. If you have a particular preference, you can also directly purchase our entire Villa and its associated services," the woman explained fluently. "However, since May 25, 2019, this vacation resort only accepts Villa subscription and no longer accepts room reservations."

Was that the doomsday date? From that point on, the resort became a pocket dimension?

No, that wasn't the point—Lin Sanjiu came back to her senses. The grand prize had said that he found a way to get out, so why was he now asking about the resort's business model?

"These associated services require payment, right?" Ji Shanqing seemed to have no idea about her full of doubts and said, "But as far as I know, we haven't paid anything after checking in."

"At the beginning of the subscription, the cost of associated services has already been paid. In addition to basic room services, there is also a deposit, which will be used to pay for your premium consumption in the resort."

Ji Shanqing quickly pointed to the phone, mouthing to Lin Sanjiu, "Look."

Lin Sanjiu vaguely seemed to understand but wasn't quite sure.

The grand prize cleared his throat and spoke with a formal tone, "How much money do we have in our account?"

"I'll check... It's 110,255.4 yuan."

In this place, Lin Sanjiu had no concept of whether 110,000 was a lot or a little.

"What will happen after this money is spent?"

The woman sounded joyful, "That means you have spent a pleasant time at our resort. The next time you stay, you can choose to deposit in advance or settle the charges as services are rendered."

This time, without the grand prize's prompting, Lin Sanjiu understood everything—The second sentence was probably a standard response that didn't need to be mentioned. But the first sentence, "You have spent a pleasant time," wasn't that a direct hint that their stay would end once the money was spent?

Spending money was that easy!

She almost jumped in place, unable to believe that there was actually such a friendly pocket dimension clearance method in the world. After thinking for a moment, she asked in a low voice, "Strange, where did this advance payment come from?"

The grand prize also replied in a hushed voice, "It's possible that the money was already in the account before the doomsday. I estimate that after we leave and another villa owner comes in, the account will be restored to 110,255.4 yuan."

Makes sense. No wonder no one knew how to leave the pocket dimension—who could have thought of this method!

"How did you think of asking about this?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but be curious.

"When the employee who delivered the letter mentioned 'you purchased the finest service,' I found it strange. We haven't paid any form of currency, so how did we purchase the service?" The grand prize continued, smiling somewhat sheepishly, "So, when I asked for juice, I casually asked about it... I didn't expect it to lead to all this."

This child is truly smart, Lin Sanjiu felt like giving him a few kisses.

"Quick, ask her what services are available. Can we have three or five security guards to watch the yard for us?" she asked excitedly, rubbing her hands together.

Ji Shanqing glanced at her, not saying a word, but his expression clearly conveyed, "There's no such good thing."

"Are there any activities for villa owners today?" He thought for a moment, then asked this question.

"Yes, today's activity is a beach bonfire party, starting at exactly midnight," the woman replied.

When he turned around, Lin Sanjiu quickly shook her head, indicating that she didn't want to attend the activity again.

Ji Shanqing nodded and exchanged a few more words with the woman on the phone before hanging up. Before Lin Sanjiu could ask, he ran over to the living room and pulled out a price list from the cabinet, laying it out in front of Lin Sanjiu.

"I didn't ask her because all the consumption items are listed here." He pointed to the price list and said, "I just briefly flipped through it... Sis, you are thinking too well. There's no option for security guards to watch our villa. Otherwise, as villa owners, wouldn't it be too easy to take advantage of it?"

"Spending money is not difficult either," Lin Sanjiu muttered and sat cross-legged. She intended to see what items were available for consumption. She had temporarily forgotten that she also had to guard the villa.

The price list was heavy and well-made, with excellent paper quality. Small letters were embedded in the paper, and faint patterns could be seen on the large blank spaces. She quickly flipped through it and found that not only were there no options for security guards, but also no prices listed for any food, beverages, cleaning, or daily services.

"So, these services are all free?" Lin Sanjiu frowned and asked. She had never been rich, and during her brief time with Ren Nan, she rarely thought about upgrading her consumption—so, when it came to spending money, she first thought about eating. It wasn't surprising that Bohemia gained weight when she was with her.

"It seems that..." She turned to another page and saw a line of text. "Can I do a 'PRP treatment for skin renewal'? It's quite expensive, around twenty to thirty thousand. I don't think 110,000 yuan will be spent very much."

The grand prize leaned into her arm, peering under the table. After watching for a while, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Sis, you can't just look at the prices," he said, pointing to another item, 'Personal Training by a Fitness Coach.' "Look at this one. It says the course is two hours long... The freedom of movement is only two, but the concentration requirement is ten—I've looked at it, and the highest number is ten."

Lin Sanjiu blinked at these small numbers.

According to the description of the 'Personal Training by a Fitness Coach,' the course content was high intensity training beneficial for long-term physical fitness. Thus, the students had to be fully focused; apart from freedom of movement and concentration requirement, there was also an external response level with a value of only two, and a fatigue level with a value of six.

"So, this means that when I attend the class, I won't be able to move freely, and I won't be able to react to anything happening outside?" Lin Sanjiu understood, and her face turned unpleasant, "I must concentrate during the class and become a pile of mud after class... If someone is waiting outside to get in, I'll become a refugee very quickly."

"Moreover, it only costs a little over three thousand," the grand prize said, puckering his lips. "The cost-effectiveness is too low. Although I think the benefits provided by this pocket dimension must be very helpful to posthumans..." As for the skincare treatment she saw earlier, although it was expensive, the concentration requirement was only four, and the fatigue level was even one—but it required eight hours. During these eight hours, the freedom of movement and external response level were both zero. In other words, even if a refugee walked past her boldly, she wouldn't be able to do anything; the grand prize's physical capabilities alone couldn't handle all the defensive tasks.

"It's now 9:00 in the morning, and before the evening activities start, we only have 15 hours to spend," Ji Shanqing sighed again and flipped to another page. "If you don't want to attend the activity again, we need to spend 110,000 within these 15 hours and also consider balancing everything... You see, spending money is not a simple matter."

Lin Sanjiu stared at the price list, not saying a word—a thought was slowly forming in her mind.

"Can you create a megaphone?" she suddenly looked up and asked.

The grand prize was taken aback, "What do we need a megaphone for?"

Perhaps for the first time since they met, Lin Sanjiu came up with an idea before Ji Shanqing did. Amid her surprise, she felt a bit delighted, saying, "Let's use the megaphone to call Mr. Ito over here!"



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