Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1294: The Bad Neighbor, Lin Sanjiu

Chapter 1294: The Bad Neighbor, Lin Sanjiu

"What do you want Mr. Ito for?" Ji Shanqing blinked and suddenly understood. "Oh, sis, you mean-"

No thoughts could really be hidden from him. Lin Sanjiu nodded and smiled, saying, "Exactly! We'll spend money inside while having him watch the yard outside. Once we run out of money, we can call him in as the new villa owner. It's a win-win situation, isn't it?"

She thought it over twice and found nothing wrong with the plan. Mr. Ito had some connection with them, having witnessed both her combat strength and the grand prize's intelligence. He would be more likely to cooperate with them than anyone else. Moreover, she could make up for not helping him and causing him to lose his villa. Although she did abandon Mr. Ito on the beach, he probably held some grudges, but persuading him to come over should not be a problem.

"But..." The grand prize started to say, but then seemed to think twice about it and found there was nothing to be worried about. "Hmm... We can tell him that we know how to leave the pocket dimension. We can use this to make him take care of us-"

Lin Sanjiu immediately continued, "Of course! After we get out, we can definitely tell him."

"What about the other refugees?"

"If they overhear, so be it. It doesn't matter," Lin Sanjiu said, waving her hand. "They see us openly calling for someone, maybe they won't dare to enter carelessly."

"Executing this plan requires careful attention, but... surprisingly, this idea seems feasible."

"Remove the 'surprisingly'," Lin Sanjiu said.

As the grand prize contemplated, a black substance appeared in his hands. No matter how many times she witnessed this, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel a strange sense of wonder. She stared at the grand prize's hands in a daze as the black substance gradually took on texture, thickness, and weight. The grand prize placed it on the ground and let it go.

The living black substance rapidly grew upwards, following some internal logic and structure, eventually turning into a plastic case for a speaker. The process, though seemingly lengthy in words, actually only took a short ten seconds or so. Before Lin Sanjiu could figure out how to use the speaker, the grand prize had already created a microphone.

This was really too convenient. Unfortunately, Ji Shanqing didn't have access to the data for the [Ability Polishing Agent]. Otherwise, she wouldn't have repeatedly looked at the buying requests on eBay, only to be disappointed time and time again.

The two of them moved the speaker into the yard, connected it to the power source, and Lin Sanjiu brought over a table and stood on it, holding the microphone. She was already quite tall, and with the added height of the table, her gaze immediately went over the yard wall. From the green trees beside the mountain villa's path, the branches shook a bit, as if someone's face quickly retreated.

Lin Sanjiu paid no attention to it. The more the refugees outside were uncertain and suspicious, the less likely they were to act hastily, which would work in her favor. She patted the microphone twice, and a piercing screech erupted from the speaker. The grand prize quickly moved the speaker farther away and placed it near the entrance, explaining, "It was too close, which caused feedback."

It was really a piece of knowledge that was of no use in the doomsday.

Lin Sanjiu cleared her throat and heard her voice amplified many times by the speaker, "Hello? Hello?" Her words were carried by sound waves and spread in all directions.

"Is Mr. Ito there?" she asked through the microphone. Although she couldn't see the other villas clearly from here, she could see the beach in the distance. As her voice spread, someone on the beach suddenly stopped in their tracks. From the depths of the shaded area in the woods, something seemed to flash by quickly. Her voice was like a stone falling into the water, disturbing the nearby refugees, and they were all stirred up.

"I'm from Villa F05. You know me. I'm sorry I couldn't help you yesterday. If you're still alive, come to Villa F05. I need to talk to you."

She didn't know if Mr. Ito could hear her announcement, so she repeated it five or six times. It wasn't until a staff member from the estate came over to ask her to stop disturbing the neighbors that Lin Sanjiu climbed down from the table.

As a precaution, while they waited, the two of them patrolled around the villa twice. At this point, Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but sigh at the convenience of the Hakain's ability. Compared to just the two of them, the villa's area was too large to defend properly without such abilities.

"After Mr. Ito arrives, you can describe an ability to me that can set traps. It would be best if the traps can continue to exist even after the ability is used," Lin Sanjiu said, pointing at her collar. With the grand prize being on the receiving end, there was no need for her to explain further.

"Yeah, I'll keep going outside from time to time," Ji Shanqing nodded, looking around the front yard. "I don't trust him being alone out there."

"And I'm not comfortable with you guys searching for me!" A slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded from outside the yard, "What do you want from me?"

Both of them were startled. Lin Sanjiu quickly motioned for the grand prize to step aside, then jumped up onto the wall. The figure hiding in the bushes was clearly taken aback by her sudden appearance and quickly stepped back a few steps. When he looked up to see her, it was indeed Mr. Ito with his dry face.

"Good morning."

"Good... good morning!" Mr. Ito was taken aback again. He stepped back two more steps and quickly scanned his surroundings, as if afraid of stepping into a trap. "What do you want me for, after all?"

The grand prize heard the conversation while hopping up and down under the wall. He couldn't seem to climb up, looking like a rabbit that was both anxious and helpless. Lin Sanjiu motioned for Mr. Ito to wait a moment, then pulled the grand prize up onto the wall and said with a smile, "You're still alive, that's great."

Mr. Ito glanced at the grand prize, his face still stern, and just gave a snort.

"Last night, the situation was chaotic, and we were about to lose control. We weren't suitable to stay any longer at that time. Besides, the situation had already been resolved, and even if we stayed, we wouldn't be able to help you escape... Whether you believe it or not, I feel guilty about it," Lin Sanjiu said earnestly while squatting on the wall. Although she was speaking from a higher position, her tone was gentle and sincere, "After all, you and that boy from Villa F04 cooperated with our actions, which allowed us to pass the level smoothly. I know you lost your villa... I want to help you. Of course, it's a mutually beneficial method."

Mr. Ito still had his lips pressed together, saying nothing. Lin Sanjiu sighed softly and asked, "Do you not trust me? I have no intention of harming anyone... Look at that boy from Villa F04. He passed the level successfully too. What happened to you was purely unexpected."

"Just tell me what the method is," he cautiously asked.

Although Lin Sanjiu had never physically confronted Mr. Ito, he seemed wary. Even without using Higher Consciousness to check, she could feel that he was covered by some kind of protective force field. If she guessed correctly, he probably held some kind of item in his hand that could trigger a response if anything went wrong.

Lin Sanjiu was about to speak when she felt Ji Shanqing pull on her clothes. Unlike her, he couldn't stand upright on the wall. He was half-sitting, half-lying, and when she lowered her head, she met his eyes.

"Sis, don't say it," he said in a calm tone, as if they were just casually chatting. He turned his head and looked down at Mr. Ito, asking, "Who are you?"


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