Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1292: Even During Doomsday, Pay Attention to Dental Health

Chapter 1292: Even During Doomsday, Pay Attention to Dental Health

When Lin Sanjiu opened her eyes, the grand prize was still in the same position as when she fell asleep last night, snuggled up tightly beside her, sleeping soundly. She turned her head slightly, carefully listening to see if he was snoring. To her surprise, his breathing seemed infectious, and after listening for a while, even the hazy morning light outside the window appeared drowsy and wanted to fall back asleep.

She carefully pulled her arm away, got off the sofa, and turned her head to find that the grand prize was already awake as well. His long, fluttering eyelashes opened and closed together, staying closed for longer than when open.

"I'll go brush my teeth," she said, touching his head. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"I'll go too," the grand prize got up in a daze, his speech unclear, sounding very childish.

Why would he even follow her brushing her teeth?

As it turned out, he had come along to simply praise her teeth, calling them, "Sis's teeth are really white." It wasn't just flattery; since having Higher Consciousness, Mrs. Manas taught Lin Sanjiu a method of thinning and covering her teeth and gums with Higher Consciousness. With this layer, food debris couldn't touch her teeth, so bacteria wouldn't be able to grow on them—she was quite proud of it.

For the next half of the morning, the grand prize followed Lin Sanjiu like a little dog, going in and out of various rooms. He claimed he was helping her, but he mostly got in the way. After the estate sent out the daily announcement at 8 o'clock in the morning, they both sat down in the living room and watched the rolling update of changes in various villa owners on the television screen.

The young boy had successfully stayed, and Mr. Ito was indeed ousted from the estate. F03 had a new owner with a long name. Li Xing and the pregnant woman, Greene, both lost their villas, but F07, Greene's villa, was still vacant. When Crane's name appeared on the screen, Lin Sanjiu's attention was piqued.

"Oh, so he hasn't been teleported away yet?" She moved closer to the screen and checked the villa number. "Huh? When did he move to F11? Oh, I see... This guy is quite fast with his actions."

The grand prize seemed uninterested in how others were doing and didn't utter a word. Just at that moment, the doorbell rang.

Neither of them realized that someone had already walked through the courtyard and arrived at the front door. However, when Lin Sanjiu peered out, she found a staff member standing at the door, dressed in the same light-colored uniform as the chef last night.

"Miss Lin." The person seemed to feel the gaze from the glass wall and suddenly turned his neck 90 degrees to the left, smiling at her, "You have received a letter."

In his hand was a paper crane flapping its wings.

When the paper crane finally broke free from its constraints and flew straight toward its target, the long-trapped voice message in the paper crane, with Bohemia's usual tone, resounded in the air, "Where did you go? Let me tell you, J7 was teleported away yesterday! It had mentioned to me that it was going to teleport, but when I turned my head, that toaster was gone... Anyway, I'm fine, where are you? I'm coming to find you."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but be taken aback.

She originally thought that the grand prize's mischief would keep Bohemia and Puppeteer occupied for two months, and only when he had to return to the Data Stream Library would she hear from them again. However, before two months had passed, Bohemia was already coming back, which was unexpected.

Thinking of this, she turned to look at the grand prize. His expression seemed calm, and she couldn't tell whether he had known about this already. It was just that he seemed somewhat listless.

Lin Sanjiu hesitated for a moment as she put away the paper crane. She couldn't figure out where Bohemia should wait for her—she couldn't possibly bring her into the pocket dimension, right? As the staff member was about to leave, she suddenly called out, "Wait!"

The staff member turned around, still wearing a considerate smile.

"If I have something to do and can't continue my vacation, how can I leave here?"

Yesterday, that chubby boy, Li Xing, said he speculated that each posthuman must stay in the estate for thirty days before they can leave. However, he was unclear and not certain. Lin Sanjiu felt it was odd at that time. If she wanted to know when she could leave, she could just ask the pocket dimension; there was no need to guess.

"Miss Lin, didn't you just arrive?"

The staff asked sincerely, "Leaving so early? Isn't that a pity? You haven't experienced the beautiful evening of our summer here... It's a view that could make it to the top of the world rankings. Besides, you purchased the finest service from us to enjoy life, right? Stay a few more days, give us a chance to leave you with a beautiful memory."

After saying that, he respectfully nodded to both of them and turned to leave the courtyard.

Lin Sanjiu was left stunned in her place.

"Who wants to enjoy this pocket dimension to the fullest?" She couldn't help but smile bitterly at the grand prize, "He didn't tell me anything... No wonder Li Xing had to guess."

The grand prize remained silent, just nodding.

"I'll tell her to find a safe place to wait," Lin Sanjiu sighed and patted his head. "But it seems you'll have to spend some time in this pocket dimension."

Although Ji Shanqing probably wouldn't mind and wouldn't be hurt by it, she always wanted to keep him safe from any threats.

During the day, the security guards barely appeared, and the drifters who wanted to take over the villas became the main opponents of the villa owners. Just now, in the short conversation with the staff member, Lin Sanjiu faintly sensed someone moving near the house. She signaled the grand prize to go back to the villa, and she held the Tornado Whip, sitting in the middle of the courtyard, ready to defend against any attack. She thought the grand prize wouldn't want to go back alone, but to her surprise, after hesitating for two seconds, he obediently agreed, saying, "Okay," and went into the villa.

"I'll get you some juice," he said, peeking out from behind the door. "Do you want to read a novel?"

How could a city's defender drink juice and read novels at the same time?

Lin Sanjiu sighed inwardly and watched him go inside. Through the glass wall, she saw him walk to the telephone, press a few buttons, and then turn around with his back facing her. She couldn't hear what the grand prize said from the outside, but that phone was only used to communicate with the vacation resort itself, usually for ordering meals and requesting services.

She placed the birdcage containing the woman in the center of the courtyard—it was equivalent to hanging a corpse on the ancient city wall, a warning to the drifters who had thoughts about the villa. However, this solemn effect was soon disrupted by the grand prize.

"Sis." He poked his head out from behind the door, as if they were the only two people in the world, his voice clear and innocent without any attempt to conceal it, "Are we going swimming today?"

"Ah, probably not?" There were probably many ears listening within dozens of meters around the villa.

The grand prize's face fell. "Sis." He half-spoiled and half-pleaded, "I have good news to tell you, something I just discovered. Can we go swimming now?"

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help rubbing her forehead and asked, "What good news?"

Ji Shanqing smiled like a little fox, his eyes sparkling, saying, "I just found a way to leave this pocket dimension... When Bohemia arrives nearby, we should be able to leave too. Isn't that good news?"


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